Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 206 Take The First Step And Talk About It

As soon as the man's voice fell, there was a burst of laughter in the small room, and the atmosphere became much more relaxed.

The man in the tunic sitting in the center said with a smile:

"It's not from your system to give him medals. Don't forget, I'm the leader of the leading group of the sedan chair project. I haven't spoken yet, so you're going to rush to give the medals?"

"Then how can you post one! You can post it again!"

The man in the military uniform replied indifferently, then walked back to his seat and sat down again.

The man in the tunic looked at his expression and smiled helplessly, and replied:

"It's not impossible for you to post one, but don't make too much fanfare and keep a low profile. In addition, after the main topic is over, we will also discuss it seriously, and this time we will give him some reward."

"Since the chip project, we haven't actually given Ye Zhou any actual rewards. Although his status and decision-making power within our organization are constantly rising, we still don't care enough about his life. Just make up for it."

After hearing this, the man in military uniform said in agreement:

"It should be rewarded. But let me be honest, there is nothing worthy of his achievements. When it comes to mentioning it, don't say it's a reward, just say that the organization cares about him. ."

"Being able to achieve his level, I guess what he cares about is not the reward, but the approval. Just like when we fight a war, the spoils are secondary. After winning the battle, organizing the people's approval is the main thing."

The man in the tunic nodded and replied:

"What you said makes sense. Xiao Qin, write down this point first. Well, let's discuss the main topic first: now that the high-thrust engine has come out, what should we do next to the Nantianmen project and our military aviation development route? Let’s start with the experts, Mr. Liu, let’s talk about it first.”

The man named Liu Xuefeng, one of the top experts in the field of aviation development in China. He sat up slightly and said:

"To be honest, the sedan sedan project this time has greatly exceeded my expectations. Our previous judgment was that the thrust of the first prototype can reach 50 tons at most, and it is not bad to be able to reach 60 tons under extremely optimistic circumstances. "

"I didn't expect them to achieve the ultimate goal of the project in one go. 120 tons... I didn't take this number to heart at all."

"So, because of this situation, many of the plans previously conceived by our expert group have basically failed."

"For example, we thought about transplanting this engine to Kunpeng before, and we also envisaged a lot of plans, and now it seems that we have to re-plan... Kunpeng's fuselage structure needs to be redesigned, otherwise, This engine is installed, and it is estimated that a little extra force will push the aircraft to supersonic speed."

"Now the total thrust of our four ws-20s is less than 60 tons. If all of them are replaced with Qilian engines, the total thrust of the four sets is 360 tons..."

Having said that, Liu Xuefeng shook his head, consciously teasing a little funny:

"Why don't you just replace the fuselage with a steel plate, it is estimated that it can withstand supersonic speed, the world's first large-scale supersonic heavy transport aircraft... If you add two more guns, this is not related to their young people. It's the same as what they said on the Internet, has 59 gone to heaven?"

Everyone else in the room laughed, and after a pause, Liu Xuefeng continued:

"Seriously, based on the results of the sedan chair project, I have a few preliminary ideas, but I came up with them in a hurry. You can discuss them later."

"First of all, as I said, the Y-20 will definitely use this engine, so we have to make a comprehensive improvement to its fuselage structure and build it into a platform-type aircraft, especially Focus on modular design, so that it can not only undertake transportation functions, but also undertake aerial refueling, combat and other functions."

"For the specific reference direction, we can touch the stones of the ugly country and copy their ac130."

"The second point is that the reverse engineering of the Qilian engine needs to be started immediately. We need to replicate the key technology of the engine and apply it to the engine with a small bypass ratio. These achievements can be applied to the turbofan 18 project."

"Our goal is to use the technology accumulated on the Qilian engine to improve the technology of military engines at the fastest speed, surpassing the f135-pw-100 engine in a short period of time in the future, and the thrust target should reach more than 30 tons."

As soon as he finished speaking, a member of the expert group raised his hand and interrupted:

"Will the 30-ton thrust target be a bit too advanced? How long do you plan to set this short time in a short time?"

The thrust of the small bypass ratio engine is different from that of the large bypass ratio engine. Now the most advanced f135-pw-100 engine in the world can only reach about 20 tons of thrust. Therefore, the goal of 30 tons of thrust is not simple. ----Even with Qilian's technical accumulation bonus.

"The goal of 30 tons is indeed very challenging. However, Ye Zhou has already paved the way for us. Are we not that good at it? We must have some ambition!"

"Short time means within six months! By September this year, we must see the new engine on the car!"

"The current fuselage strength of the j-20 is sufficient. After the 30-ton engine is installed, the speed can reach Mach 3.5. Coupled with the star rock coating of the Sanchi Research Institute, the problem of heat insulation is not big. I think it can be Give it a try!"

After answering the question, Liu Xuefeng continued:

"I have a third idea. This idea is relatively advanced. I think, in addition to our Kunpeng platform, the large-scale aerial platform mentioned in the Nantianmen plan can also be designed."

"It doesn't mean that there will be results in a short period of time, but it needs to be started, so as not to get the end, it will be very annoying if the engine has the engine and the platform has not been built."

"Okay, I'll just say so much for the time being, and other comrades should also express their opinions."

After speaking, he moistened his throat with the teacup, and looked at the other members of the expert group expectantly.

However, this plan of his has basically covered most of the short-term directions based on the Qilian engine, and others have nothing to add.

Looking at the silent crowd, the man in the Zhongshan suit coughed and said:

"Elder Liu's plan is very good, down-to-earth, stable and professional. I think his ideas also represent the ideas of most comrades in the expert group."

"However, I personally think the plans are a bit conservative for us as a whole."

"Of course, I'm not accusing you of being short-sighted here, but I want to say what I think from my overall perspective."

"First of all, we still stick to the same idea. Since we have to do things, we must do great things! We must not be timid and look ahead."

"Secondly, our vision should not be limited to the Nantianmen project. It is true that the Nantianmen project is a mature, complete and forward-looking project, but this does not mean that it can cover all aspects of aviation development. direction."

"We need to liberate our minds, think and try fully. Then, in the short ten minutes, I mainly envisage the following directions. Please ask the comrades of the expert group to evaluate the feasibility."

"The first point is that the Qilian engine cannot only be used in the military field. We should promote it to the civilian field, develop our own commercial aircraft, and establish our own air routes."

"Now that we have the Maritime Silk Road, if we can take the lead in aviation later, then we can build our own, the Air Silk Road."

"Second point, we have to quickly start the upgrade and transformation of the current project, especially the strategic bomber project. We need to do two preparations, first, the hypersonic strategic bomber based on Qilian technology; second, based on the Qilian engine itself A stealthy bomber with a super payload."

"According to Lao He, the former is used to kick the door, and the latter is used to cover."

"The third point, we will continue to optimize the Qilian engine, further increase the engine thrust, and use the combination of the rocket engine and the aero engine to develop our own space shuttle as soon as possible, in parallel with the Tiangong plan, and establish our own space shuttle with the fastest speed. Advantages in space."

"The Nantianmen project will take another 25 years, and we can't wait until we have learned somersaults before taking the path of learning."

"From today, we will make full use of the current technology and lay the first foothold for the future Nantianmen project."

"The sea of ​​stars is right in front of us, this step, we are going out now!"

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