Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 207 The Goal Is Not Just Profit

The meeting in the room lasted for more than two hours. According to the final preliminary conclusions, the leading group made a decision to declassify the project, and decided that the official media should publish the report on the successful test run of the Qilian engine on the same day.

The consideration for doing so is mainly based on the first idea put forward by the man in the tunic suit, which is the idea of ​​the so-called air silk road.

In order to commercialize the Qilian engine, it is necessary to ensure its influence in the world. Only when everyone realizes its advantages can this engine be sold, and only when it is really sold , the establishment of its own global air transport system may become a reality.

Therefore, they must act as soon as possible.

Now that the Qilian engine has completed the test run, the project has entered the final stage, and the demand for confidentiality has been reduced to a controllable level. At this time, the benefits that can be obtained are far greater than the risk of leakage.

So that night, the whole world saw reports about the successful test run of Qilian engine.

"The domestic high-thrust engine was successfully tested, with a peak thrust of 121 tons, codenamed Qilian"


Ye Zhou was sitting in his office with reports about Qilian's engine displayed on the screen in front of him. He didn't read the content of those interactive comments, but he didn't need to think about it to know what kind of boiling scene it was.

Because dozens of apps on his mobile phone have repeatedly pushed this news to him hundreds of times, and even the takeaway app has pushed promotions and promotions related to Qilian Engine twice.

No one will not understand the meaning behind this cross-generational high-thrust engine. Even if the slightly complicated data disclosed in it is not understood at first, when various analyses begin to emerge, everyone realizes that, Those numbers are definitely not just simple numbers.

Ye Zhou looked away from the screen, and then said to Chen Hao as if he suddenly remembered something:

"I answered a phone call just now, and the person above called me and talked a little bit, but I listened to what he said, how do I feel that the follow-up testing and optimization of the sedan chair project is not going to let me continue to be responsible? What, do you think my work is done?"

Chen Hao smiled and replied:

"You're quite sharp, you see it all?"

"...It's not the first day I joined the project team. Well, what's the plan, please tell me in detail."

Chen Hao coughed, first glanced at Ye Zhou, and then tentatively asked:

"If I said that there are no plans to update recently, what are you going to do?"

Ye Zhou was stunned for a moment, then asked suspiciously:

"What's the meaning?"

"...You have been forced to leave. For two months, I plan to let you stay at Hailan, or if you have other places you want to go, you can also mention it to me, and we will arrange it."

"...Have they discussed this with you? Why didn't they notify me in advance?"

"If I told you in advance that you could agree? Anyway, the decision has been made, so you shouldn't use your superpower in this kind of thing, right? Besides, you have really worked too hard during this time. , take a good rest, come back and continue to work."

Ye Zhou sighed helplessly. He knew in his heart that the decision made by the organization to let him rest was right, but now he is like a machine running at full speed. It is really not that simple to stop. thing.

After a moment of silence, he asked:

"This decision should have been voted on, right? Didn't you participate?"

"I voted yes."

Chen Hao replied solemnly.

"...Then you are really my good eldest brother. Forget it, just take a rest, but two weeks off is enough. If you really take two months off, the daylily will be cold."

"no problem!"

Chen Hao immediately nodded in agreement.

"...You don't have to report to the top?"

"I guessed that you agreed to take a two-week break at most. Telling you two months was deliberately deceiving you."

"Okay, you can really do it. I'm really not at the point where my body can't take it anymore. If I do, I'll say it myself."

Hearing this, Chen Hao shook his head resolutely and replied:

"No, you won't say it, and you won't even know that your body has reached its limit. How do you think we have so many comrades who have fallen on the job? We have learned too many lessons in this regard, no matter what It can't be done on you or on anyone else."

"Okay, alright... I was convinced by you. However, during the vacation, I asked to keep in touch with the project team, especially, if the Qilian engine is to be commercialized in the near future, all details must be notified to me. ."

"Commercialized? So fast? Where did you get the news?"

Chen Hao asked suspiciously.

"Isn't that obvious? If it wasn't for commercialization, how could the above be so eager to build momentum for Qilian. What they want to do is to expand Qilian's influence as soon as possible, realize the domestic replacement of large aircraft companies as soon as possible, and then Manufacture purely domestic large planes, and then use these large planes to replace the passenger planes currently in service by domestic airlines."

"According to my estimation, this action is estimated to be completely completed within a few years. At that time, the whole world will become different."

As Ye Zhou spoke, he recalled a certain ending of the Dragon's Heart in his mind with a sigh. In that ending, Huaxia established the Air Silk Road covering the whole world, and this huge plan is also the beginning of the big plan. Commercial use of thrust engines begins.

Now, the members of the sedan chair project leadership team have obviously made a decision, and even took this first step with super high efficiency that even he did not expect.

It seems that the completion of the Silk Road in the sky may be a little earlier than he expected.

"What will be the specific situation? You have a preliminary judgment now?"

Chen Hao looked at Ye Zhou with disbelief. Of course he could understand the meaning of commercial use of engines, but he really didn't know what Ye Zhou meant by "the world will become different".

Hearing Chen Hao's question, Ye Zhou did not answer immediately, but pondered for a while before asking:

"I ask you, what is the biggest difference between ocean shipping and air shipping, do you know?"

"Capacity, cost and timeliness. Ocean transport has large capacity and low cost, but also poor timeliness, and air transport is the opposite."

Ye Zhou nodded and continued:

"Then do you know that the unit transportation cost of ocean transportation is about how many times that of air transportation?"

Chen Hao frowned and replied:

"I did read about this before, and from what I can remember, ocean shipping costs about 13 to 15 times the cost of air shipping. You mean, we're going to make air shipping less than ocean shipping? That's unlikely? ?"

Ye Zhou glanced at Chen Hao approvingly. He could answer the number 13 times, indicating that he really knew something about the international freight industry.

However, this understanding is already far behind.

After a pause, he opened his mouth and replied:

"The answer you said is right, but it's not entirely right, because that's the data three years ago. And now, because of some factors, the cost of sea freight has risen to only 3-5 times the cost of air freight. There is only one reason – don’t get me wrong, this factor is only a superficial reason, the real reason is the serious increase in the imbalance of global imports and exports, or, in other words, the rapid accumulation of manufacturing centers.”

"You should know that under the current circumstances, nearly half of all kinds of goods in the world are sent from certain manufacturing centers, and the capacity of these manufacturing centers is limited."

"Their ports can't be expanded immediately, their container volumes can't be increased immediately, and their ships can't be launched immediately."

"That's the crux of the problem. The mismatch between production capacity and freight capacity has caused crazy increases in ocean freight prices and costs."

"And this mismatch is definitely not just happening now, and definitely not just because of the factors I mentioned."

"In the future, with the further improvement of our country's productivity, the agglomeration effect of manufacturing centers will be further strengthened. At that time, we will face a serious shortage of transportation capacity."

"There are many solutions to this problem, including building bigger ports, building more freighters, etc. These are traditional solutions."

"However, there is a problem with such a solution, which is that the construction cycle is too long and the rate of return is slow."

"So, in fact, we have been trying to replace sea freight with air freight. Because air freight is more flexible, it requires less basic conditions - a country may not have a suitable port, but it is definitely not impossible to find. An open space where planes can land."

"In the past, this plan was far away from us. But now, the Qilian engine has come out, and this plan has suddenly become a reality."

"Qilian engine, it brings higher thrust and higher capacity, a specially designed 4-engine cargo aircraft, with the support of Qilian's 11.2 thrust-to-weight ratio, can carry 3,000 tons of cargo, what is this? Concept? This means that the unit cost of air transportation will be reduced to less than twice the cost of sea transportation in a very short period of time. Considering the circulation benefits generated by timeliness, the overall revenue of air transportation will even far exceed that of sea transportation. "

"At that time, the advantages of our air transport system will expand like a snowball, traditional maritime transport will slowly decline, and those countries that hold economic power through maritime transport will all be severely impacted."

"By that time, we will have a lot more than just shipping routes."

"So do you understand?"

"That's what I said, the world will be different."

After hearing Ye Zhou's words, Chen Hao breathed a deep sigh of relief.

He can fully imagine the future picture drawn by Ye Zhou, and he can also imagine the sight of Huaxia's cargo planes all over the world one day.

That's a sight to behold -- but, can it really come true?

Whether it is for him or for this country, this goal seems to be too far away.

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and said:

"I can understand what you're saying, but, I'm really a little… unbelievable."

"This plan is too grand, and the strategic vision required is too advanced. Even if I can think of it, I am afraid it will be difficult to pass it internally."

Ye Zhou smiled and shook his head, just as he was about to refute Chen Hao, suddenly, both of them received a message on their phones at the same time.

The content of the information is very simple, just a meeting notice.

However, the content of the meeting notice made Chen Hao froze in place.

"Aerial Silk Road Project closed-door discussion."

He raised his head and looked at Ye Zhou with disbelief, but the latter just smiled and said:

"You see, at all times, I am confident in our strategic vision."

"Don't use the average of the world, especially the average of the West, to speculate on our own strategic vision."

"Because, their eyes will only be in front of them, even if they are far away, the ultimate goal is only profit."

"But we are different."

"Our nation has existed for 5,000 years, and since the establishment of the first nation, our goal has not only been profit."

"Instead, aspire to the Central Plains, and then compete in the world."

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