Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 208 They Will Crush Our Advantages

The news about the Qilian engine has caused a great uproar in the world. Apart from those organizations who flocked to the Nantianmen project team to seek confirmation and cooperation, the most intuitive impact of the Qilian engine is that the international The stocks of several large aerospace companies in the stock market plummeted across the board, and the stock of ge company crashed directly.

Only half an hour after the market opened, ge stock fell by an astonishing 16 points, a drop that never happened even during the stock market crash that year.

Wall Street analysts looked at the red screen in despair. They thought they could take advantage of the rising demand for air freight to reap a fortune in the capital market, but they did not expect that they chose the right direction, but the target wrong.

The targets that should really be invested require them to cross the sea.

At this moment, they even had some unrealistic fantasies:

It would be nice if our stock market was the same as the Huaxia stock market, with red representing a rise.

Yes, they'd rather fantasize that the indicators are reversed, and no one dares to question the veracity of the news.

The chip war has completely fooled them, and they maintain 100% trust in any official news from the other side of the sea, because they know that those people are not joking.

If they say they have something, you better not doubt it.

Because what they can really take out may be more ruthless than what they say.

While Wall Street was in a panic, the strategic analysis office was also in chaos. As Eisen questioned at the previous meeting, these people were completely unprepared for Huaxia's unexpected results, and all strategies needed to be readjusted. All predictions need to be overturned, everyone is busy, and this busyness even makes them have no time to think carefully.

Eisen sat in the office with only numbness in his heart.

He knew that the rest of the strategic analysis office hadn't really realized the seriousness of the problem. They thought it was just a minor miscalculation, but they didn't look deeper for a second.

And he himself, as the nominal supervisor of this office and an idler in fact, was the only one who really sensed the terrifyingly huge ambition from this news.

The analyst pushed open the door of the office and walked in. After seeing the indifferent expression on Eisen's face, his face suddenly became embarrassed.

Yes, in the past few days, he has almost forgotten that this man is the owner of this office, and even began to question his judgment many times.

Thinking of his previous performance of crossing the line, he suddenly felt a burst of fear.

Facts have proved that this man is the one who really guessed the truth, so.... Will it be okay for me to end?

He looked at Aisen tremblingly, but the other party didn't seem to have the slightest interest in embarrassing him.

"If you have any latest information, let me know."

The analyst was stunned for a moment before he said:

"Mr. Aisen, according to our latest news, the other party's Qilian engine data is true. This project has been decrypted, and our people have also indirectly obtained some project details..."

"Needless to say."

Eisen waved his hand boringly, interrupted the other party's report, and then said in a slightly mocking, but still indifferent tone:

"In fact, you don't know who the so-called indirectly obtained details were stuffed into your mouth through their channels after several times of processing. This has no reference significance at all. What I want to know is that the other party will prepare for the next step. What to do, do we have a plan for what they're going to do?"

The analyst did not answer because he had only one answer.

That is "don't know, no".

Looking at the other's body, Eisen sighed deeply.

"I warned you long ago, but none of you are willing to listen... Now, it's too late."

Hearing Eisen's words, the analyst asked hesitantly:

"Mr. Eisen, they just... just released an engine. Although it is very advanced, it is not enough to make us completely lose our advantage..."

Eisen first glanced at the other party with disbelief, and then sneered to himself.

He never imagined that these people could be so stupid.

Gu shit

It has come to this point, and I still hold that inexplicable fluke in my heart.

What did the other party do after the Zhiwei lithography machine was released, have they all forgotten?

How did the chip market get lost, and did they really not learn a lesson from it?

How could anyone not understand?

The release of this engine is only the first step of the opponent, and the erosion of the market is their real goal!

Even, not just competing for the market...

He took out a cigarette case from his pocket, lit a cigarette in front of his subordinates, took a deep breath, and left a sentence:

"Get ready for the next blow. They'll move quickly, I guys can hold out a little longer."

After all, he got up and pushed open the door of the office to leave, leaving the analyst with a lonely back.


Six hours after the release of the Qilian engine test results, the two major aircraft manufacturers received notices of contract cancellation from Huaxia Domestic Airlines at the same time.

All the large passenger planes that were originally expected to be purchased from the two major manufacturers and have not yet started production were unilaterally cancelled. Those airlines even paid 20% of the liquidated damages, and did not leave any room for the manufacturers to turn around. .

The manufacturer's top management has become a mess, and they have been immersed in the aviation field for many years than the strategic analysis office, but they are more aware of what the release of this engine means to them.

This means that Huaxia's last and most serious shortcoming in the field of large aircraft has been made up.

All obstacles to their mass production of commercial aircraft were removed.

And once the opponent enters the game, it is self-evident what kind of terrifying competition they will face.

In a spacious conference room, Boeing's top executives are gathering for an emergency meeting to address the simple question of how to persuade the other side not to break the contract.

This is absurd and ridiculous, because they have never been afraid of breaking a contract before. Breaking a contract means not only a loss for them, but an additional gain.

But this time, everything was different.

"Is it possible to persuade the other party to continue to perform our contract through our customer relationship means?"

a relatively young white man asked.

"It's basically impossible. Although some of the other's airlines are private, their aircraft procurement contracts are under official control. As long as the official does not agree to the procurement, they have nothing to do."

An old man with thin white hair replied.

"Is there any way, we lower the price and fulfill the contract first? This can at least buy us part of the time and slow down their erosion of the market."

"...the other party's official vision will not be so narrow. How far should we lower the price so that they can change their decision? Give it away for free? Don't be stupid, we have no advantage in terms of price and cost. ."

"...Then what should we do? Just watch them hit the market?"

Hearing his question, the old man sighed deeply and replied:

"It's too late."

"We should have known for a long time, when they announced the Nantianmen plan, we should start to be more vigilant."

"----No, not right."

"Actually, that's what we should have thought about when they started to set foot in the field, when they announced the cj1000-ax plan."

"We should have thought long ago that there will come a day when they will completely crush our advantage."

"Everyone, this day is just around the corner."

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