Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 211 New Simulation: The Difference Between Positive And Negative

After finishing the finishing touches of Liming's flight and arranging the future work plan, Ye Zhou finally started his vacation as agreed.

The vacation place arranged for him by his superiors is an official independent nursing home in Hailan. It is said that it is a nursing home. In fact, it is essentially a private manor with a hidden location. Considering the situation of the Ye Zhou family, due to the requirements of confidentiality regulations, they did not There are no neighbors.

There, Ye Zhou met his family who had been separated for nearly 8 months.

The parents didn't show too much excitement, they just warmed up to Ye Zhou, cared a few words about his white hair, dark circles and singleness, and then went to the beach for a walk on their own, Ye Zhou didn't have anything to do with it. Temper, my parents have always been like this, they are in a state of stocking most of the time, even if it is a long absence, they don't pay much attention to it.

Knowing that their son is doing the right thing, knowing that his son is all right except that he has no girlfriend, they feel at ease.

In addition to the parents, this time the organization also brought two elderly people over. Grandma is healthy and loves tossing. Even if she goes out, she can't rest. After chatting with Ye Zhou for a while, she will arrange it for her. The waiter went to the kitchen to cook, leaving the old man alone to chat with Ye Zhou in the hall.

Grandpa is very curious about what Ye Zhou has done. Through the news on TV, he has vaguely felt that several recent major events may be related to his grandson, which makes him feel unbearable. What are you doing, but the words were just out of his mouth, and he swallowed them by himself.

As an older generation of soldiers, his reverence for secrecy discipline is deep in his bones.

After casually chatting about non-confidential work and life matters, the old man said:

"Just do your own thing. We didn't plan to come here this time, but your leader told us that in the future, most of our family meetings will be in this form, and he wants us to adapt in advance."

"No, your parents came by plane, and my mother and I came by the high-speed train----ho! Don't tell me, that high-speed train is really advanced, and it's different from what I used to ride on!"

"If I go out with this condition in the future, then I will have no worries at all. I was worried that you worked for our organization before, and it will not be easy to see you in the future. I didn't expect that we still have this preferential treatment for scientific research?"

Ye Zhou smiled and replied:

"The times have changed, selfless dedication is a good thing, but it can't be selfless dedication all the time, right? As long as there is contribution, it should be given some preferential treatment, otherwise we will not be able to retain talents."

"But you don't take the high-speed train every time. I heard that this time it happened to let you take a special train. Next time, it is estimated that it will be an ordinary high-speed train. At best, it will be stricter."

"Don't talk about this, how about it, do you feel used to the climate of Hailan? If you live comfortably, you can simply move here in the future. It's warm in winter here and it's good for your health."

Hearing this, the old man waved his hands and said:

"Don't worry about that, it's okay to come and stay once in a while, I can't stand me here - there's not even a poker player! We arrived first yesterday, and I thought it would be fine. , I asked the guys on guard to play with me for a while, but they were disciplined and didn't play with me at all."

"It's been a busy day for me. When you're free, you can play two games with me. Can you play with tractors? How about playing cards?"

"It's okay, it's okay, call my dad and play together. Ye Lan should be here tomorrow. With my mother, we can get together a table of mahjong."

"If you don't play mahjong or mahjong, you can just play cards----No, I can't play today. That little comrade said that he would take us out for a walk on the street today. You can't go, can you? You can't go and just stay here. Wait for us?"

Ye Zhou thought for a moment, and finally shook his head.

In fact, he is not to the point where he cannot make public appearances at all. The official keeps his identity secret very well. His current external identity is only an expert in the field of chips, and it is okay to go out occasionally.

However, he himself does not like this kind of activities to go out and hang out, and since his family has also seen it, he does not intend to waste official security and intelligence resources.

He has more important things to do.

The main R&D and manufacturing work of Qilian engine has been completed, and the process has been basically solidified. The follow-up production and installation can be carried out by the Sanchi Research Institute and relevant officials, which frees him from the tedious daily work. Come out and give him enough time to do a new simulation.

He has not started the three technical directions given by the simulator until now. Taking advantage of the opportunity of vacation, he can start to try it.

That afternoon, Ye Zhou returned to his room after having lunch with his family and sending them out of the nursing home.

There is a huge balcony in his room, and outside the balcony is the undeveloped beach. This scene reminds Ye Zhou of the scene he saw in the Matrix plot simulation.

The same beach, the same sky, but only himself this time.

He smiled to himself, and after getting rid of the familiar feeling in his heart that made him uncomfortable, he lay down on the sofa on the balcony.

Touching the bracelet, Ye Zhou entered the simulator after a long absence.

[The stars are forever, the human race is forever prosperous]

Ye Zhou first clicked on the mall page to browse the latest talents. After confirming that he did not find the talents he needed, he exited the mall and entered the plot simulation interface.

The simulation interface is still the three major plots, the mystery of life, the little sun, and the country of omnics.

Looking at the three huge titles, Ye Zhou fell into a moment of confusion.

The first-stage simulation of Mystery of Life is related to gene sequencing, the simulation of Little Sun is a high-energy density battery, and the omnipotent country corresponds to dedicated quantum computing.

These three technical achievements that may be rewarded by the one-stage simulation plot can be quickly applied in reality and greatly promote the development of current technology. In theory, it is not a loss to choose any one.

However, Ye Zhou really couldn't decide which one to start with, because each one was too useful.

After thinking about it for two minutes, Ye Zhou suddenly had a flash of light in his mind---- stupid, he was inexplicably guilty of choice phobia. In fact, what was in front of him was not a choice at all!

No matter which one he chooses, as long as the simulation is completed, he can immediately proceed to the next simulation. Isn't this equivalent to giving all?

There are still 80 energy points left, as long as he doesn't exchange for new talents, it is actually enough for him to be a disaster in the simulated plot.

Thinking of this, he closed his eyes and then pointed to one of the options. When he opened his eyes again, he had already made a choice.

Let's start with the little sun.

Ye Zhou clicked on the plot simulation interface of the first stage of Little Sun. There was no pre-introduction to this plot. After clicking it, it directly entered the simulation.

[Little Sun's first-stage plot simulation - the difference between positive and negative]

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