The darkness receded, Ye Zhou opened his eyes and found himself standing on a beach.

The orange sandy beach in front of him and the not-so-clear waters in the distance, he looked down, wearing beach shorts and flip-flops, completely looking like a vacation.

And around him were laughing young men and women, those Latin American girls with toned skins rushed into the sea one by one, and were pushed to the beach by the waves.


Ye Zhou watched this scene in confusion, the information flow was still slowly coming in, and he didn't know what he was doing for a while.

Before getting used to it, he was so nervous that there was no buffer to simulate the plot, but now he has a strong sense of unreality.

Is this the legendary welfare chapter?

Ye Zhou sat down on the beach slowly, the strong sunlight made him unable to open his eyes.

As the flow of information came in, he gradually came to know what he was doing—he was here to bid.

Not long ago, China oxis Energy Company announced that it will cooperate with Baxi development company ge to establish the world's first lithium-sulfur battery factory and affiliated R&D institutions in Baxi, to carry out research and development of sulfur-lithium batteries and sulfur-silicon batteries. Production trial.

Both lithium-sulfur batteries and silicon-sulfur batteries are the most likely solutions for high energy storage density in the near future.

The factory is currently undergoing global investor bidding, and Huaxia sent him to Baxi as the main member of the delegation to negotiate cooperation.

If this negotiation can achieve the expected goal, then Huaxia will be able to occupy a place in this factory, so as to use the integration of advanced technology to promote the research and development of high-density batteries in China until it develops its own sulfur-silicon battery technology.

The logic is very clear. This is also the first time that Ye Zhou has completely sensed the development of things in the simulator, not only because of his talent as a decision maker, but more importantly, this plot really makes him feel... .. a bit simpler.

What else could go wrong?

Just put in a bid!

His current superficial identity is the investment representative of the Ningde era. Although this visit to Baxi was actually assigned by the government, it was still a purely commercial activity. A plot, what else could happen?

Ye Zhou sat silently on the beach, and began to silently lament in his heart the mismatch between the difficulty and benefits of this simulation.

Although high-density batteries are said to be a technology field that is being researched globally and is more commercialized than aviation, this does not mean that it does not have a strategic position.

In a previous news report, Ye Zhou once read a popular science related to lithium-sulfur batteries, talking about the launch of the island country Canglong-class submarine.

The submarine is powered by a diesel engine + lithium-sulfur battery, of which the energy density of the lithium-sulfur battery is astonishingly 500wh/kg.

Following this line of thought, high-density battery technology can not only be used in civilian electronic equipment or new energy vehicles, but more importantly, it can be used in the power system of military vehicles, especially in the integrated power system of warships. Let's take our already leading position one step further.

If a more energy-efficient all-electric drive can be achieved, then our nuclear submarines will, to a large extent, truly become invisible killers swimming in the sea.

Is it such a technology, can it be achieved by only needing him to complete a bidding simulation?

It's a bit of a slogan.

Ye Zhou shook his head and stood up from the beach, and started walking to the hotel where he was staying according to the memories gathered in his mind. scallion

The negotiation time was set at 9:00 am the next day, and the current time is 5:00 pm. According to the plan, after having dinner in the hotel and sleeping, he can go directly to the meeting place to negotiate.

Ye Zhou silently planned in his heart that he would never eat any food of unknown origin when he returned to the hotel, nor would he take the initiative to contact any strangers, stay away from dangerous power sources, balconies and windows, as long as he entered the room, he would grow old. Stay in bed honestly, and spend the night cowardly and steadily.

In his opinion, this is the easiest and most effective customs clearance solution.

The weather in Rio is still as hot as ever. On the way back, the sun shines from behind Ye Zhou. He curiously observes this country, which is completely unfamiliar to him, and tries to record all the details of the scene into the simulation playback. Inside, while carefully avoiding the crowds coming and going on the street, as much as possible to ensure that there are no unplanned accidents.

According to his estimation, as long as he can successfully persist until he arrives at the bidding site the next morning, the simulation will be considered a success.

However, things never went as smoothly as he thought.

When passing a small shop, Ye Zhou's eyes were still in front of him, but he was suddenly hit and staggered by a boy who rushed out of the shop.

He subconsciously supported the cart of the hawker next to him with his hands, but the cart was moving. Without supporting his body, he stepped back a few steps and fell back on the road.

Ye Zhou closed his eyes helplessly as he looked at the car whose wheels had reached over his head from the side.

The scene gradually darkened, and as Ye Zhou expected, the simulation ended in failure.

Ye Zhou sat in the void completely bewildered. He didn't understand what problem he needed to solve in this simulation.

Is it really just like what I thought, walking and sleeping well to avoid accidents?

There is such a possibility. I remember that in the simulation plot of the dragon's heart trekking in the snowfield, his goal is actually to walk from one end of the snowfield to the other. It worked.

And now, he's going to do roughly the same thing.

As long as you avoid all kinds of accidents, the simulation is successful?

Ye Zhou shook his head and directly clicked on the plot playback interface. He wanted to see the time of the first accident he encountered. In the subsequent simulations, as long as he remembered the time, he could stably avoid it.

The playback screen appeared in front of him, Ye Zhou quickly skipped the useless scene in the previous part, and when the time jumped to 17:11 in the afternoon, he walked to the door of the small shop.

Then, a little boy in red overalls rushed out of the small shop that looked like a dessert shop with a bag of bread in his hand. After hitting Ye Zhou, his bread was scattered all over the floor .

Ye Zhou thought that this small incident was just a simple accident, but just when he wanted to quit the replay, the decision maker talent suddenly triggered.

Not right.

The timing is too coincidental.

He pulled the playback timeline back to the time before the two collided, took his eyes away from himself, and began to rewind every second to observe the movements and reactions of all passersby before the collision.

This time, he found something extremely abnormal.

The collision between the two was indeed an accident, but the cause of this accident was actually just a pencil.

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