Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter Two Hundred And Seventeen

Ye Zhou's trek in the ground lasted for nearly 14 hours, during which he drilled through the shaft to the ground several times to observe the situation. When he finally reached the final destination, Ye Zhou's body was almost exhausted to the limit.

This time, the stress he endured, both mentally and physically, was far more than the last snow trek.

When he finally saw the long-lost sunlight on the ground, he could hardly help cheering.

Ye Zhou turned his head to look at the man leading the way. There was a slightly indifferent and distant smile on the other side's face, but such a smile did not make Ye Zhou feel hostile.

The picture gradually darkened, Ye Zhou returned to the void, and the simulation summary screen popped up.

[Little Sun's first stage plot simulation ends]

【Score for this simulation: a】

[A-level ending reached: cover up the eyes and ears]

[Reward (clue compound reward): 60 energy points]

【Technology Rewards (Ending Rewards): Sulfur-Silicon Battery Technical Documents】

[Science and Technology Award (Engineering Male Award): Technical Document on Synthesis of Sulfur-Carbon Composite Materials]

Ye Zhou looked at this line of text with satisfaction. Although this simulation had experienced many difficulties, at least the ending was good.

Getting the sulfur-silicon battery technology is equivalent to getting an entry ticket to the new energy landscape, and this is also an entry ticket to open the door to technology for at least the next ten years in advance.

After opening the reward interface to inspect the document, Ye Zhou clicked on the ending summary interface, but after he could clearly see the subtitles that appeared in front of him, he was suddenly stunned.

【The bidding for lithium-sulfur battery factory of ge company is finally completed】

[Under many obstacles, many companies such as Ningde Times, BYD, Guoxuan Hi-Tech, etc. still sent the tender to the designated place and completed the tender]

[The companies each received a 3% share of the factory equity investment, which was much lower than expected but within the plan]

[Meanwhile, a little-known Southeast Asian company unexpectedly grabbed the highest share of 45%]

[As a result, my country has realized the actual holding of ge]

[After this bidding, a commercial emergency security mechanism has been set up in China, and mandatory protection of employees in high-risk areas has begun]

[In the following years, this security mechanism has played its due role]

Ye Zhou read the conclusion from the beginning to the end, and finally understood the real meaning of this simulation.

The bidding was indeed completed, but it was not completed by the Ningde era he represented, but by a company whose name he had hardly heard of, and whose equity relationship did not even belong to the country, got the highest share of investment rights.

And this company, you don't need to think about it, is another chess piece that the rabbit has placed overseas.

His purpose is to obtain greater technological achievements in the R&D department of the eg factory in a more concealed form, so as to avoid making other countries alert and reducing technological investment due to our excessive equity.

This is a very cunning move, because it not only covers up its own real purpose, but also deceives other forces to invest more technical resources through such means, and the ultimate destination of these resources is those forces that do not want it where it flows.

From this point of view, Ye Zhou also understood his position in the simulator.

They are just smoke bombs, or in other words, a bait that only floats on the water, waiting for each other to bite.

This was originally a good strategy, but judging from the situation in the simulation, China still underestimated the madness of its opponents.

This is also the reason for the establishment of the so-called "commercial emergency security mechanism" in the conclusion summary.

It can be considered that eating a lot of money grows a wisdom. After all, according to Ye Zhou's experience, it is the first time in an international market that there is such a large-scale conflict that even involves personal safety.

After resting for a while in the void, Ye Zhou exited the simulator.

In reality, less than half an hour had passed, but he was already feeling extremely tired, but he still insisted on sending a message to Chen Hao, telling him his initial thoughts on battery technology, before lying down on the bed. Ready to rest.

As soon as his eyes were closed, Ye Zhou immediately fell asleep.

In the last few seconds of unconsciousness, a question from the simulation just now lingered in his mind.

When commercial conflicts begin to evolve into full-scale conflicts, what does it mean for the world?

He didn't have an answer, but he could feel that this day was very close to him.


When Ye Zhou fell into a deep sleep in the afternoon, in the video conference room of the Nantianmen project team headquarters, Chen Hao and Xinghui man were having a less formal meeting.

The topics they talked about were very simple, but also very important, because it involved the arrangement of the technical development framework in the future.

"...Just received news from Ye Zhou that his next technology will most likely be high-energy density battery technology. According to him, it should be in the direction of silicon-sulfur."

"I have already studied, and the silicon-sulfur directional battery is only a preliminary idea, or it is only in the laboratory stage."

"If he can come up with a technical solution that can be mass-produced, the impact on the global related technology fields may not be weaker than the impact caused by the original Yinglong eda."

"I originally planned to chat with Ye Zhou first, but I heard from the service staff over there that he was already lying down and fell asleep, so he didn't bother him and came to chat with you first."

"The most important question that comes to my mind at the moment is one: the battery technology has a wide range of applications in the civilian field, and we definitely want to commercialize it, but to what extent and in what way should this commercialization be promoted? To promote, you still need to communicate with your superiors.”

After listening to Chen Hao's words, the Xinghui man nodded and said:

"First of all, let me say something, try not to reply to Ye Zhou's messages during his vacation. The more you reply, the more restless he will be, and the vacation will be in vain."

"Although the results of his physical examination last time were good, judging from his state of affairs, his physical overdraft is actually very serious. If the rest is not good during this period, we will consider further extending his medical period. Mandatory vacation time."

"Don't talk about feelings, let's talk about utilitarianism. He is a hen that lays golden eggs. If anyone of us raises him to death, he will be a sinner in our country. Chen Hao, do you understand this?"


Chen Hao nodded quickly.

The man on the screen also nodded and continued:

"On the issue of technology commercialization, in fact, you should have the most say. After all, you are a professional from the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission."

"But since you asked me, let me put forward two principles from my point of view."

"First of all, the ownership of the technology from Ye Zhou's hands must be in the state and cannot be occupied by a certain company - of course, if Ye Zhou needs to designate a certain company to hold the technology based on his own considerations, then we can separately Discuss, one thing at a time."

"Second point, the way of technology diffusion must be covered, and a large number of technologies cannot be concentrated in a certain time or in a certain institution. We need to keep a low profile and prolong the safe development period as much as possible."

"Based on these two principles, you can design the commercialization scheme of the high-density battery you just mentioned, write a report, and after Ye Zhou is on vacation, we will organize an overall meeting to discuss."

"The result of today's discussion... You should inform Ye Zhou first, but if he replies later, you should ignore it, understand?"


Chen Hao responded quickly.

"Okay, let's go here. You also take time to rest. It's been hard work this time."

Chen Hao agreed a few times, then cut off the video conference and started editing information on his terminal.

When he made clear the main points of discussion at the meeting just now and was about to send it to Ye Zhou, he suddenly stopped.

The time is now 4 o'clock in the afternoon, which is the heaviest time for naps.

It's not that urgent, so let's save it until after dinner.

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