Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 218 The General Technical Office Is Established, And The Battery Will Be Completed Within Th

Ye Zhou slept for 8 hours, and didn't wake up until after twelve o'clock in the evening. His family had already rested. He had nothing to do for a while, so he simply got up for a walk.

The location of the manor is remote, and there is very little light pollution around. Ye Zhou was lying on the reclining chair on the grass outside the door, looking at the sky full of stars, his thoughts could not help but drift away.

This starry sky has been looked up by people like him today, but when will it be conquered by its lookers?

Who will conquer them?

He shook his head and sighed secretly.

Ten thousand years is too long.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou took out his mobile phone to see if there was any work information that he needed to deal with, but he didn't expect to receive a call from Chen Hao as soon as the screen was turned on.

Ye Zhou answered the phone and asked in a playful tone:

"What's the matter? You called me as soon as I woke up, what are you monitoring me?"

Unexpectedly, Chen Hao on the opposite side was not shy, and answered bluntly:

"There is no surveillance in the room, but I said hello to the sentry on your side and asked him to call me when he saw you coming out. I didn't expect to wait until now."

"Are you really able to sleep? It's all like this. You were still there with me before?"

"...I just don't get enough sleep, I just need to make up for it. Let's get down to business, what, is it about the high-energy-density battery I told you about?"

"Yes. I have spoken to the above on the phone today, and have roughly discussed the R&D and application plan after the technology is released. There are no clear steps yet, only two principles have been set."

Chen Hao explained the principles of the previous meeting to Ye Zhou, Ye Zhou nodded secretly and replied:

"There is nothing wrong with the two principles. This technology, including the technology provided by me in the future, must still be in the hands of the state. However, on the second principle, I feel that in order to implement it, we still need to fully discuss strategies. "

"In the future, the update of technology will be faster and faster. It is impossible for us to hide every technology for a period of time and then take it out. This is because we find ourselves uncomfortable. However, we really can't release too much in a single organization. Technology, which is likely to make an organization a key focus of the enemy, is not in line with our disaster preparedness principles.”

"I'll tell you what I think about this situation."

"It is impossible to completely lead the R&D and application of technology led by the government. This is too inefficient, and it will take up a lot of resources, so there is no way to achieve the best results."

"What we should do is to leverage private power, use technology to leverage capital, and at the same time use technology to limit capital, leverage strength to liberate the country from complex and tedious transactional work, and focus on overall control and Core technology expansion research and development.”

"So, my suggestion is that a special official organization should be set up----you know, we used to have a department called the Heavy Equipment Office in the research and development of large-scale high-tech equipment? I think, in the follow-up technology In terms of promotion, we should also set up such a department.”

There was a rustling sound of rapid writing from the tip of the pen on the other end of the phone, and after a while, Chen Hao said:

"This idea is very good. Using a powerful organization under the control of the state to connect all related entities, unified management and unified deployment, the efficiency will indeed improve a lot. But the question is, if this is done, will it affect our private sector? Too much economic interference? I personally have concerns about an overly planned economy - not just me, but my superiors too.”

Ye Zhou hummed and didn't answer immediately.

He understood what Chen Hao meant. If social and economic development were all determined and deployed by a single organization, private enterprises would lose their vitality quickly, and their R&D and operating capabilities would also be significantly affected.

In the operation of state-owned enterprises in the last century, we actually suffered from this loss.

Therefore, it is normal for him to have such concerns, and no one wants to repeat the mistakes made by the big state-owned enterprises.

After thinking for a moment, Ye Zhou answered:

"Your concern is right. In order to avoid this problem, we must ensure that this organization does not intervene in the operation and management of other private enterprises, and must also ensure that it does not use its own technical resources to arbitrarily guide the direction and process of technological development."

"To do this, we must ensure that the organization not only has strong self-correction capabilities, but also has to face the strictest regulation."

"This kind of supervision must ensure that the personnel within this organization dare not make mistakes. As long as they make mistakes, it is a crime of beheading."

"So, we have to put the most powerful regulatory resources in the country on this organization. I'm not professional on this, but you can discuss this plan with your superiors and let them come up with regulatory strategies."

"I think that in our current environment, it is not difficult to achieve strict supervision. Of course, it is not difficult to find a group of people who will never take the initiative to make mistakes."

Chen Hao on the other end of the phone kept recording Ye Zhou's words with a pen, and then replied:

"Understood, you want to set up a Cheka-like organization outside this operating organization, and ensure efficient operation through strong control."

Hearing Chen Hao's words, Ye Zhou's expression suddenly changed, and then he quickly denied:

"Don't talk nonsense, when did I say I'm going to engage in Cheka? Can I talk nonsense like this?"

"I just said that we need strong supervision, but the supervision department can also be the department we already have, even if we use the discipline inspection commission to supervise it? Are you going to scare people from Cheka?"

Chen Hao also realized that he had said something wrong, smiled awkwardly and said:

"I'm not giving an example... Rest assured, the organization will consider it. I assure you that this supervision will never be a Cheka model."

"...It's not that it won't make a Cheka model, but it has nothing to do with Cheka at all, do you understand? Forget it, I don't want to talk about this with you, let's go back to the original topic, the name of the management organization, you guys Let’s discuss it myself, but I hope to build it as soon as possible, because I am very anxious now, the battery technology must be put on the market as soon as possible, otherwise, once we lose the first opportunity, it will be difficult to catch up.”

"You belong to the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the People's Republic of China. You know best about swift, but if the ugly country really forbids us to use swift, although we say that we can use digital soft coins and resource replacement to break the game, the efficiency is still low. a lot."

"Even if it's just a 20 percent reduction in efficiency, that's a big deal for us. So, we have to go full speed ahead with this technology."

The so-called swift is a digital message for global inter-bank settlement. Its rules are in the hands of ugly countries. If it is banned, it means that foreign trade, especially bulk commerce, cannot be completed through bank transfers. impact is particularly large.

Such a ban is not without precedent. Various companies in Maoxiong have suffered, and the next one is likely to be China's turn.

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Chen Hao replied:

"I understand. You don't need to think too much about the name. Let's call it the General Technical Planning Office, or the General Technical Office for short. In addition, I would like to ask, what is your plan for the sulfur-silicon battery technology? How long will it be? to achieve the application within?"

Ye Zhou was silent for a moment, then answered:

"Two weeks. I have a full set of technical documentation, everything is ready-made, just need to draw a gourd."

"Now some domestic manufacturers have already had related equipment, but the technical exploration has not yet reached the breakthrough point."

"So, I can only give you two weeks. In two weeks, I have to see the first sulfur-silicon battery come off the production line, put it on a car, and run 2,000 kilometers."

"If this goal cannot be achieved, you, the future director of the General Technical Office, should go to the leader and admit his mistake."


Chen Hao was silent for a few seconds, then sighed and said:

"You really don't intend to let me rest. I'll try my best, but two weeks is too short, give me...three weeks."

"Get it, just three weeks."

After that, Ye Zhou hung up the phone.

On the other side, Chen Hao shook his head and walked towards the video conference room with a wry smile. He knew that this night, many people would stay up late with him working overtime.


Three days later, the overall technical planning office, the first batch of companies selected for the planning list included Ningde, BYD, Guoxuan, Barrett, and Shanshan.

The heads of these enterprises signed technical exclusivity and confidentiality agreements with the highest efficiency, and obtained seats to participate in the sulfur-silicon battery project.

In an extremely limited time, they will adopt the strategy of transcendence and synergy to grab the first highland for the domestic new energy battle.

At the same time, an independent supervision department with Ye Zhou as the core was established. This department has no physical organization, but it can mobilize the audit force in any domestic system and enjoy 100% supervision over the General Technical Office.

The name of the organization continues the name of a previous operation, codenamed Fire Workers.

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