Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 219 I Have Prepared A Special Gift For You

When Ye Zhou and the others were already planning their next goal, Chouguo was still worried about the birth of the Qilian engine, and what made them feel the sense of crisis was that they were only close to the ground from the Qilian engine. Six days after the completion of the test, the Nantianmen project team released the news of the completion of the aerial test.

Although the test drive is just a test drive, there is still a long way to go before the subsequent debugging and optimization are completed, but such efficiency is enough to make them feel scared.

The ground test and aerial test are completed in a short time, which means that the stability of this engine is enough to support high-intensity work, and it does not even need to be repaired and adjusted after a single test.

If it is under some extreme conditions, without considering the small probability of safety accidents, such an engine can even be directly equipped on the machine.

While they sighed about the efficiency of Huaxia's industrial sector, they also started a coping strategy in full swing.

The head of the Strategic Analysis Office has been replaced again, this time by an extremely radical ex-military named Johnson.

At the moment, he is in the office listening to the researchers' reports on the latest situation.

"...As mentioned above, all of our restrictions on the other party have all expired. Whether it is the pilot project in the early stage or the material restrictions in the later stage, it has not achieved the expected purpose."

"The fundamental reason for these failures is that we didn't really grasp the other party's intentions from the beginning, misjudged the other party's true goals, and underestimated the other party's technical strength."

"And after the other party made the project public, we were not vigilant about them, which led to the last countermeasure."

"Actually, there are not many cards we can play now, either route control or airworthiness certificate control. However, these two issues... It seems that the other party doesn't care."

"Why don't you care?"

After listening to the analyst's words, Johnson frowned and asked.

He is not just a simple soldier. In fact, he graduated from the University of Pennsylvania and has a technical background in engineering. He is also a technical officer in the army. Before taking office, he specialized in aviation and aeronautical development. , and also understand the importance of airworthiness certificate to a country's aviation manufacturing industry.

Why doesn't the other party care about such a document that is necessary for the plane to go to the sky?

The analyst paused for a moment and then explained:

"According to our latest information, two days ago, the last negotiation between the other party and the Maoxiong Research Institute was completed. They have reached an agreement. The content of the agreement is supposed to include technology transfer, equipment transfer and research and development cooperation."

"The most important point is that they are likely to jointly develop a new passenger aircraft based on the Qilian engine, and use this large aircraft to formulate new airworthiness standards. At that time, many countries in the world will follow them. . . . and there is nothing we can do about it."

Just like the swift in their hands, the essence of the airworthiness certificate is actually just a standard. If someone takes the lead in not recognizing this standard and joins forces to use the new standard, what they can do is actually very limited.

Either pinched your nose and recognized it, or...

Johnson was silent for a moment, then said:

"Go ahead with my plan. Now, we have to put some pressure on them. We need to . . . show."


Two days later, everyone in the country felt the pressure through the media.

No one wants to discuss this topic, but they are pushed by the pressure to discuss it.

Ye Zhou accompanied the family to watch TV in the hall. Ye Lan had already arrived at Hailan at this time, but she was busy preparing for her own graduate project. Even when the family was reunited, she would take a glance at the computer from time to time. data above.

Ye Zhou's father Ye Shu looked at the picture on the TV and said to Ye Zhou with some emotion:

"What should I say or not, the strength of these ugly country devils is still not weak. You see, so many planes are all parked on the runway, so many ships, they are afraid to look at."

"That's because they made a good propaganda film. If we could make such a propaganda film, you would be afraid to watch it. There is no way, a rabbit is a rabbit. People, it's a movie and a publicity blockbuster."

Ye Lan on the side interjected, Ye Zhou heard it a little funny, and explained to Ye Shu following her words:

"This is called an elephant walk, which is to pull all the planes in the inventory to the runway for display. In fact, it's not a big deal. We also took pictures last year, but the scale is relatively small."

"The small scale means that we still don't have much in our hands."

Ye Shu patted Ye Zhou's hand with a sigh, and there was a hint of "I don't say you should know what I want to say" in his eyes.

Ye Zhou wanted to answer, but the old man on the side interrupted Ye Shu:

"You know that the ambition of others destroys your prestige! What if they have them? Didn't we beat them back to my grandma's house with Xiaomi and rifles back then, and now we have everything, are we still afraid of them? Isn't it just to make a video Show off? Like who wouldn't!"

Listening to the old man's words, Ye Zhou and Ye Shu's eyes flickered a few times, but neither of them said anything.

After a while, Ye Shu deliberately wanted to change the subject, so he pointed to the plane on the screen and asked:

"What plane is this?"

"This is the b2. It claims to be the most advanced strategic bomber in the world. It has high altitude and high speed, and the radar reflection area is the size of a sparrow. The cost is 2.1 billion dollars, which is very expensive, but it is also worth it. Until now, this aircraft has been claimed to be ahead of the world for 30 years.”

After hearing Ye Zhou's explanation, Ye Shu frowned and then asked:

"So awesome? This plane just came out, right?"

Ye Zhou looked at the other party helplessly, and then replied:

"Dad, how long has it been since you paid attention to this news? This plane was built in 1993, and it's been almost 30 years now."

"30 years? 30 years after it was built, and 30 years ahead of the world??"

"Yes, it's that advanced."

Ye Shu's expression dimmed instantly, but after looking at the old man beside him, he put on a nonchalant smile and said:

"Damn, thirty years is only thirty years. Don't we have to catch up? Even if it is a hundred years, we have to catch up step by step. Right, what about this? What kind of plane is this?"

"This is Valkyrie, xb-70, which has been discontinued. This thing is very different from b2, and its performance is not very good, but because of its handsome looks, it has to be pulled out for a walk every year----I doubt it. Is this plane still able to fly?"

"So? So this plane isn't very advanced?"

Ye Zhou shook his head and replied:

"No, it's very advanced, 6 jets Mach 3, faster than a missile, and we haven't been able to build it yet."

After he finished speaking, Ye Zhou wanted to add "it will be made soon", but thinking of the confidentiality regulations, he finally swallowed this sentence.

It is precisely because of this only half of the words that Ye Shu's expression became more and more sad. He opened his mouth to continue to ask, but in the end he didn't speak.

If you continue to ask, you may be hit even harder.

Ye Zhou noticed his father's strangeness, but he couldn't open his mouth to comfort him, but Ye Lan, who was on the side, glanced over and said calmly:

"What are you worrying about? Isn't it just a promotional video? You can change the channel and see if CCTV is releasing bears. Besides, Dad, do you think it's still 2016? You know it's unfounded."

Hearing Ye Lan's words, several people in the room finally laughed, and the atmosphere eased a little.

Ye Zhou obediently changed the channel to CCTV, and then found that the bear haunt was not released, but it was showing a documentary about the scenery of Mount Tai.

On the screen, Mount Tai remained motionless, but on the sea outside the screen, the waves were now monstrous.

Ye Zhou had already received the news in advance. He was more anxious than anyone in the room, but in addition to that anxiety, he had an inexplicable confidence.

Even under the influence of the talent of the decision maker, he did not find the source of that confidence.

Just as his thoughts drifted away subconsciously, his phone suddenly rang.

Ye Zhou answered the phone, and it was Chen Hao.

The other party's tone was very light, and what he said was an irrelevant thing.

"Engineer Ye, are you free tomorrow? If you are free, go out the door? We have prepared a gift for you, and I need you to check it tomorrow."

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