Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 22 Black And White Come!

Ye Zhou didn't understand what Chen Hao meant by the gift. He asked several times, but the other party just pretended to be mysterious and told him to let him see it tomorrow, and he also said that it was for his contribution to the sedan chair project. special rewards.

As for how special it was, Chen Hao didn't want to say, so Ye Zhou simply stopped asking.

There were even heavier things on his mind, which made him lose most of his interest in so-called gifts as well.

The successful aerial test of Qilian engine was originally good news, but the other party quickly showed their strength with a tougher attitude, which almost instantly dashed the pride of many Chinese people.

There have been many voices in public opinion, saying that although we now have the most advanced engine in the world, this engine cannot be used in military equipment, nor can it fundamentally change the reality of our backward aviation industry.

The person who said these words is of course kind, which is a very objective attitude of introspection, but it is not only these superficial things that make Ye Zhou anxious, but other information that only his authority can know.

For the first time, these news made him feel pressure, or in other words, a sense of powerlessness.

I can't wait.

The research and development of Jinwu will take at least 15 years. How can we survive these 15 years?

He never imagined that the thought that flashed in his mind before going to bed a few days ago would become a reality so quickly.

Ye Zhou was lying on the bed and didn't fall asleep for a long time, but when he got up and prepared to go for a walk, he was surprised to find that Ye Shu was also not asleep.

"Dad, why don't you sleep so late?"

Ye Zhou stepped forward and asked.

"I can't sleep... aren't you the same?"

"Sorry, I slept too much the other day, and my biological clock was messed up. What are you doing? It's this big night?"

"I don't have anything to do, just... Forget it, I won't ask you, and you can't say it."

Ye Zhou nodded silently. After the two walked a few steps side by side, Ye Shu suddenly asked:

"Are you afraid?"

Ye Zhou was stunned for a moment and replied:

"I'm not afraid, I have nothing to be afraid of - I just find it troublesome."

Hearing this, Ye Shu breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's good, then I'm going to bed, you should go to bed earlier too."

"Go, I'll be alone for a while."

After seeing Ye Shu away, Ye Zhou sat alone in the courtyard all night.

Nursing home attendants brought him blankets, which he politely took but didn't put on.

In this evening, in this southern sea breeze, he thought a lot.


Early the next morning, Ye Zhou's family got on a special car to their destination. According to the information provided by the driver, they were going to a bustling beach this time, and this beach was in the urban area.

Ye Zhou couldn't figure out what the gifts the organization had prepared for him even after breaking his head. It couldn't be some kind of beach party, right?

That's too outrageous. If it really is this kind of thing, he will definitely exercise his transcendent command over the Nantianmen project team, and slap the person who came up with such an idea.

Do you really think you have nothing to do when you do this kind of thing at such a time?

Ye Zhou wanted to complain, but because Chen Hao specifically told him to take his family with him, he didn't want to be too disappointing. He just smiled reluctantly all the way. Ye Lan saw his mood and comforted him. :

"My brother, no matter how important things are at work, you have to be relaxed. Look, it takes a lot of resources and energy to go out after you finally go out, so you can't be happy and lead the way. Someone else's love?"

"...I'm happy, why am I unhappy. Seriously, I haven't seen so many people in a long time. By the way, has Hailan always had so many people?"

Ye Lan pursed her lips and said with a cut:

"What kind of crowd is this? There were more people when we went out two days ago. This is a tourist city. Tourists from all over the country are here. What's so strange about the crowd?"

"I also saw a lot of Internet celebrities doing live broadcasts on the beach. Do you know that desert Uncle? I saw him two days ago, but I didn't go to ask for an autograph, for fear of causing trouble for you."

"It's right if you don't go, and you have to pay attention to safety in the future."

"I know, I know, am I better at keeping secrets than you? I'm not a child anymore."

" can count it yourself."

While the two were talking, Ye Zhou looked at the scenery outside the window. They had gradually approached the beach with many tourists. The lagoon by the sea reflected a sapphire blue light, and the beach was full of people wearing swimsuits. As Lan said, there are many internet celebrities with mobile phones streaming live by the beach, and many of them dance with Haitian as the background.

After getting off the car, the group was led by the security guards in plain clothes to an area that had been demarcated a long time ago. The surrounding area was separated from other tourists by some people with different costumes and expressions. After Ye Zhou sat down on the beach chair , Ye Shu pointed to a young lady dancing in the distance and said:

"Would you like to go and call you?"

"...Dad, you can pull it down, do you think I'm in this mood?"

"Oh, be happy! What a big deal!"

Ye Zhou's mother was also helping out. She has always been an optimist and has few things to think about. Now that she is on the beach, although she doesn't have the liberating nature to run around and take pictures, her face is still happy and comfortable.

She pointed to the coming and going crowd and said:

"Look, so many people are so happy to play, you are actually a credit! Don't put so much pressure on yourself, now is a peaceful and prosperous world, son!"

Ye Zhou's expression froze.

In the direction pointed by his mother, he saw the young lady dancing under the scorching sun, sweating and dancing, the family of three walking happily with coconuts in their hands, the uncle and aunt wearing sunglasses taking pictures against the light, and the A kid pulled by a lying husky.

Everyone is sitting on their own business, and everyone is enjoying this ordinary and precious happy time in their lives.

This is indeed a peaceful and prosperous world.

Ye Zhou sighed, took out his mobile phone and called Chen Hao.

After the call was connected, he asked bluntly:

"I've already arrived, where's the gift? Also, why do you have to come here? Do you have any idea of ​​how many security personnel I will send outside? It's a waste, do you understand??"

Chen Hao could hear Ye Zhou's bad tone, but he rarely explained, he just replied with a laugh:

"Don't be so angry! Of course we made you come here for a reason. You don't understand. Your current position is the best viewing platform. As for what will happen later, you can see for yourself. Trust me, you won't miss it."

After that, Chen Hao hung up the phone directly, Ye Zhou frowned at the phone, and was about to call back, but suddenly, he heard a strange sound in his ear.

It was a low roar.

It's like a plane is coming from a distance.

He seemed to realize something, and after standing up suddenly, he realized that at this moment, all the people on the beach had stopped in place, and their eyes were looking at him in unison.

There was an unbelievable look in Ye Zhou's eyes, he slowly turned his head, then raised his eyes, squinting to the sky in the distance.

Above the tall buildings in the urban area, above the blue sky, there are several small white shadows approaching.

Their speed seemed so slow that Ye Zhou almost thought it was just a few birds for a moment.

But, this is just an illusion.

In less than a minute, the six flying birds enlarged their bodies at an astonishing speed.

The broad wings spread out, and shadows cast on the ground, obscuring the sky and the sun.

The roar became more and more deafening, and six giant birds covered in snow flew to the sky above the beach.

Some of the tourists on the beach were cheering, but Ye Zhou and his party remained silent.

Their sight followed the giant bird gradually away. After flying over the beach, the six giant birds suddenly retracted their wings, and then, pushed to the extreme, their tails sprayed out flames that were even more scorching than sunlight. .

After a short delay, a sonic boom resounded across the beach.

Ye Shu stared blankly at this scene and asked in disbelief:

" this our plane?"

Ye Zhou shook his head and said:

"No, this is Maozi's..."

But before he finished speaking, he suddenly seemed to realize something, and then immediately changed his words:

"But it's ours now. Too bad we didn't make it..."

However, before the sentence was finished, he again noticed an even stranger phenomenon.

There was another roar, and the eyes of everyone on the beach turned to his back again.

His body trembled involuntarily, and after forcing his head back, he finally understood what Chen Hao was referring to as a gift.

It was three giant flying-wing fighter jets lined up in a triangular formation, triangular in shape, and as dark as night!

Ye Shu looked at Ye Zhou again, his tone was a little hesitant.

"This thing... it's like b2 you told me yesterday... this is... the devil of the ugly country?"

Ye Zhou's tone was also trembling. After a moment of silence, he answered:


"We made this thing ourselves."


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