Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 221 Drink This Cup Full, Respect The Nameless

After the last flight, the three H-20s flew towards the sea and the sky in the south. Ye Zhou knew that their target was a small island in the deep blue sea.

There, they will cooperate with those ships on the sea to complete an ordinary and unusual routine training mission.

And when their figures pass over the sea, all the evil waves will be calm.

The crowd on the beach was still revelling. After asking the security guards for advice, Ye Zhou confirmed that he could move freely today, so he simply relaxed and lay down on the beach to enjoy the sun.

Such leisure time is a luxury for him, so he should cherish it even more.

Ye Lan ran up and down the beach cheering, and from time to time she bought a variety of snacks from small stalls on the beach, such as peeled coconuts, green mangoes dipped in chili noodles, and peculiarly flavored bamboo shoots. Ye Zhou didn't want to eat her, so he shoved her into his hand, and finally Ye Zhou gave it to Ye Shu.

In this family, he is the only one who has to eat everything.

After the afternoon, the sun gradually dimmed, and night fell soon. Someone set up a barbecue grill on the beach, and then brought wine and invited everyone on the beach to participate. Ye Zhou wanted to refuse, but the security guards on the side After secretly scanning the identity information of the other party with the terminal, he quietly patted Ye Zhou and said to him:

"Ye Gong, let's go together. President Chen explained that since you came out, I will let you relax like an ordinary person."

Seeing the eager expressions of the family members, Ye Zhou finally nodded.

There were already a lot of people gathered around the bonfire, but Ye Zhou didn't bother to ask why they were able to set fire on the beach -- during this kind of celebration, it didn't seem like a big deal to relax some rules.

After drinking an opening glass of wine together, this group of strangers from all over the world chatted about a topic, that is, the three planes that flew over the sea this afternoon.

A boy with glasses said with emotion:

"I said on the Internet every day that the 003 went up to the sky and the H-20 went into the water, but I didn't expect to see the H-20 go up to the sky first today... It's just outrageous. There was no news at all before, and it just flew so suddenly."

"If even you knew the news, wouldn't it be over? The J-20 flew like this before, and it came out inexplicably. I couldn't believe it at the time - but I'm talking, if it wasn't for this today. There is a video, I guess a lot of people on the Internet can't believe it."

"Damn, think about it, what's the situation? Six white swans are on the way, what kind of pomp is this? By the way, did we buy the white swans or borrowed them from Maozi? Why is there no news before?"

Hearing his words, a strong man next to him said:

"Don't ask about this. The country has plans for the country. We'll just see the outcome of this kind of thing. Anyway, now that the white swans can fly in, it is estimated that 80% of them may be bought by us."

"6 White Swans, at least 3 H-20s, this strength... How many B2s are in service in the ugly country? 21? 22?"

"21, originally 22. Didn't one fall before?"

"Then can I say that, with our current strength, we can prove that it is worthwhile to fight with them?"

"It's hard to say, it's hard to say... why are we talking about them, fuck, today's protagonist is our H-20, okay? Come on, mention one more!"

Everyone raised the paper cups in their hands and drank it. Ye Lan wanted to finish it, but Ye Zhou glared at her, so she had to laugh and put down her hands.

The brawny man next to them noticed their actions, and said amusedly:

"Brother, is this your sister? You two look alike!"

"Well, it's all born from a mother..."

"Hahahahaha, are you guys here too? When I called you, I saw a lot of you, big family!"

"No, no, family and friends together."

Ye Zhou understood that the strong man mistook those security guards for his family, and quickly found a reason to perfunctory.

Hearing Ye Zhou's answer, the man nodded with a smile and said:

"Then you really earned it, damn, I came here alone with my wife this time. I knew I had brought it to my parents too. It's really a big loss that I didn't see this first flight."

"It doesn't matter, there will be more opportunities to watch it in the future. I used to shout every day to watch the fifth-generation aircraft. After the J-20 comes out, are you tired of watching it?"

Ye Zhou replied with a little teasing.

"That's different, this thing, to be honest, doesn't mean to belittle the J-20. I just feel that this thing is really not on the same level as the J-20."

"How do you say it, you have seen the news of the ugly country in the past two days, right? I guess they will stop as soon as they fly this time. This is not something that the J-20 can do."

Ye Zhou nodded slightly, he was not surprised that a man would have such a guess, because some things could not be hidden after all.

Before that, many people had seen the change in the situation, including his own father.

But none of them expected that the official Huaxia would respond in this way.

He directly flew out the hole cards that he had been pressing for several years, and threw the pressure on the opponent's face.

Aren't you going to make trouble? Now you make another noise?

Although the Golden Crow has not yet flown, but the Big White Goose adds H-20, that is not a joke with you.

After a pause, Ye Zhou replied:

"That's what happened, but the first flight of the H-20 shouldn't have much to do with them. After all, it has been under pressure for so many years, and it's time to fly."

"Then you are wrong."

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, the strong man approached a little mysteriously, and then continued to say:

"Do you know the Qilian engine that was announced recently? It's all public information, not a secret. Think about it, without this engine, would the H-20 fly so fast?"

"According to my guess, according to our urination, the H-20 should be considered a backward model by now. Who knows what cards the officials have in their hands!"

"The Qilian engine is probably just the beginning, just wait and see. It used to be the navy's dumplings, and it will be the air force's turn to dump dumplings soon. No, it can't be said to be dumplings--damn, I don't know how to use them either. What words describe it, in short, that's what it means!"

Ye Zhou smiled and asked:

"I found that you are quite familiar with this aspect, what, have you studied it?"

The strong man shook his head.

"I don't think I've studied it, it's just a hobby."

"I'm not afraid to tell you, I started reading magazines, Weapon World, you know? At that time, I was only a teenager. The cover of Weapon World was full of foreign aircraft, and the content inside was all foreign tactics."

"At that time, when I saw five generations of machines, they were talking about 4s. I still remember it to this day."

"Stealth, supersonic cruise, super maneuver, super information advantage. What do you think we had at that time? Baye couldn't even do supersonic cruise!"

"Envy, I'm so envious that my teeth are crushed!"

"We also went online at that time, and there were forums at that time. What were we discussing? We were discussing whether the eighth master could play queuing with the opponent's fifth-generation machine after changing to medium-range ammunition! We were discussing the battle damage ratio of 8: 1 Enough to kill that stupid bird! Raptor? It was really fierce back then."

"More than that. At that time, we were still thinking about killing other people's aircraft carrier formations. We would just throw out an anti-ship missile, and we all bragged about what kind of aircraft carrier killer it was."

"Even at the most exaggerated time, we still thought about using artillery to fight modern warfare, playing the set of cannon giant ships, blowing 960mm artillery penetration, large closed-loop fire control, and what artillery ships... Thinking about it now, it's really outrageous."

"But, at the time, there was this outrageous idea, and it was all because of despair -- low self-esteem and despair."

"What kind of strength were they at that time? Irag's ground troops were hoisted up to fight, the anti-aircraft firepower was emptied in one day, all the radars were destroyed, and you couldn't even send out commands when you played electronic warfare."

"Little brother, do you know? At that time, there was a novel called Omni-Channel Blocking Interference. Do you know how we won the battle in it? We relied on the paralysis of all electronic equipment and brought the combat method back to the level of World War II. win!"

"It's really... uncomfortable."

Speaking of this, the strong man's eyes were slightly red, he took a sip of wine, and then suddenly laughed again.

"Later, I don't know when it started, and suddenly everything got better."

"Fuck, as soon as 055d came out, 052d was like a dumped daughter-in-law, and no one saw it."

"After No. 001 is No. 002, and now I start to dislike that 002 is not a flat deck."

"Really, that sentence is true."

"In the past, the aircraft carrier wanted to be a dog, but now the ski jump is still ugly, and the greed is not enough!"

"It's not just this, J-20, 075 Daden, 99a... so many things, when we discuss in the forum, we finally don't have to imagine queuing up to be shot, and we don't have to discuss about blocking all channels."

"Because now we all feel that even on the same level, we can do it."

"What's even more exaggerated is that even now some people are discussing whether a J-20 with a large early warning aircraft can be worn for the entire Raptor squadron. Are you exaggerating?"

"We used to have low self-esteem, but now these new generation of military fans are starting to be arrogant."

"However, it's better to be crazy, and you can have ambition. Before the Nantianmen project, a lot of people said that it was too crazy, so I was bitten to death and didn't let go. Now? How long has it been since it was announced? It came out, and the next military use is just around the corner!"

"By that time, our H-20 will be more than just H-20."

The strong man paused for a moment, and after taking a sip of wine, suddenly spilled all the wine in the paper cup on the ground, and then said to Ye Zhou:

"Little brother, I talk a bit too much today, I'm drunk."

"However, I want to say a few more words."

"Did you know? Tian Ye died a few days ago. Tian Ye was one of our most powerful aviation experts. He died a few days after Qilian released it."

"Unfortunately, he didn't see the first flight of the H-20."

"I don't know how many such experts we have. Even those experts don't even have their names on the media. I don't even know who I want to toast to."

"However, I have always remembered in my heart that it is because of them that I can sit here and brag with you and watch the H-20 take off."

While speaking, the strong man poured the wine again, then raised his glass and said to the crowd:

"Brothers, drink up this cup, to those whose names we don't know!"

------off topic-----

By the way, although the simulation plot of Dragon Heart is over, the real Nantianmen plot is far from over.

The Nantianmen project is developed in parallel with the other three fields.

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