Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 222: Casting A Sword With The Body

Until midnight, Ye Zhou's family returned with all their enthusiasm. In the car, the one who was particularly excited was the old man. Although he didn't know what Ye Zhou did, he arranged for them to participate in the first flight from the organization. "Watching the ceremony", he could vaguely guess.

Could such a big plane come from his grandson?

Even if not, at least he has made a great contribution to it, right?

Thinking of this, the pride in his eyes became more and more difficult to hide, but he didn't know that what Ye Zhou did was actually much bigger than he thought.

Not only the H-20, but in the future, there will be more amazing aircraft flying in the sky of China and even the whole world.

Ye Zhou has no doubts about this.

After returning to the manor, the family went to wash and rest. Although Ye Zhou hadn't slept at all the night before, he didn't feel sleepy at the moment.

He was sitting alone on the bench last night, looking at the sky that was the same as last night, but he realized that something had changed before he knew it.

Not just in aviation.

At the bonfire party just now, he obtained some information from those tourists from all over the world that he had not paid attention to before, or had not paid attention to.

For example, the first mobile phone equipped with a domestic 3nm chip has been launched, and the sales volume has exceeded 10 million in a short period of time; for example, cloud computing has begun to develop in the direction of pan-entertainment. , actually began to release the mobile version of the game.

Moreover, the mobile version of the game they released is not a castrated low-profile version, but a true cloud game that combines local computing and cloud computing.

These are all intuitive manifestations brought about by the jump in chip technology, but, further effects, Ye Zhou has not yet observed.

Just when he was immersed in his own thoughts, a bloated figure suddenly appeared in front of him, and then squeezed to his side and sat down.

Ye Zhou looked up and saw Ye Lan's appearance wrapped like a ball, and asked amusingly:

"Is Hai Lan that cold? As for wrapping the quilt?"

Ye Lan smiled and replied:

"I drank a little wine just now, and it's cold at night, so of course I feel cold. Brother, why don't you sleep? Miss my sister-in-law?"

"...You at least tell me who your sister-in-law is first, otherwise I don't even know who I should be thinking of."

"What? What, I have too many sisters-in-law, you don't know which one to think about? Bah, scumbag!"

"...Do you look like I have time to find you a sister-in-law? Don't bullshit me here, just tell me if you have something to do."

Ye Lan shrunk her legs to the bench, then shook her head and said:

"What's the matter with me? I just saw you sitting here, so I came to sit with you for a while. Brother, I feel you are under a lot of pressure. Before going to the beach today, your face was scary."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou was stunned for a moment, and then asked:

"What do you mean scary?"

Ye Lan was silent for a moment, then answered:

"It's.... I feel your eyes are always staring at your enemy. Have you ever seen that kind of martial arts movie? When the two swordsmen are about to start a confrontation, their eyes are always staring at each other like that. of."

"Actually, I've always felt this way since I saw you, but today it's especially obvious in the car. Although you still have a smile on your face, I can see that your reaction at that time was as if you were about to draw a sword and kill someone. The swordsman was suddenly disturbed by a hawker selling sweet water."

"Anyway, I feel that if no one stops you, you might even cut down the peddler."

Ye Zhou sighed and asked hesitantly:

"Is it that scary?"

"Indeed. I feel like you need to rest. If you collapse too hard, you'll have problems."

"I can't rest..."

Ye Zhou leaned back, stretched out his legs, and said:

"I won't explain this question to you first. Let me ask you. You have been following up on the follow-up progress of the chip project. Are there any results now?"

"Yes! There are many achievements! Didn't you see it today? The most intuitive ones are cloud computing, cloud games, and new mobile phones, but these are relatively popular applications. Apart from these, the biggest achievements are actually It's in agriculture and heavy industry."

"Brother, if you pay attention to the futures market, you will know that the price of futures pigs has begun to fall recently, because the latest batch of live pigs has been released, and most of the large enterprises that raise the next batch of live pigs have undergone informatization transformation to reduce costs. , the survival rate and the speed of slaughtering have improved, which are all applications after the chip is completely localized."

"Also, the mining industry is also promoting 5G informatization. Do you know what Huaji Coal Corps and Oil Corps are? In fact, it is a technological change specifically for the resource industry. After they do it, the resource industry will undergo great changes. , these changes will eventually affect other industrial sectors as well.”

"It's not just Huaji, many companies in the chip field are expanding their business scope, such as automation control, artificial intelligence, high-end medical care, aerospace...all of them."

"The results of chip ownership have actually been gradually transmitted, but they have not yet been fully presented."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou nodded and continued to ask:

"You already know this market very well, so let me ask you, did you feel any difficulty during this transmission process?"

Ye Lan paused for a while, then answered truthfully:

"It was very difficult. At first I thought that if I mastered the technology, I mastered everything, but it was not at all."

"The coordinated operation of the industry takes time, and the promotion and application of products also takes time. In this process, there is indeed a lot of external pressure."

"Especially the pressure from other foreign chip manufacturers.... They won't honestly compete with us, and they will always be out of the market."

"Moreover, their technical accumulation is indeed very strong. Even if we come up with 3nm chips, it will not form an overwhelming advantage in a short period of time, because their industry is too mature, and we are still in the process of development."

Ye Zhou sat up straight again, stretched out his hand to help Ye Lan roll up the quilt dragged on the ground and stuffed it into her arms, then said:

"So, that's the crux of the matter."

"Chip is a field that is biased towards civilianization, and the pressure it faces from various quarters is actually not worth mentioning compared to aviation."

"To give a very simple example, at least no one will go to sea because you built a lithography machine, and no one will take a bunch of propaganda for your product like a demonstration when you just released a generation of products. piece."

"Yes, we have created the Qilian engine, and some application results can be obtained in a short period of time in the future, but these results are far from enough, and there is still a long way to go before our ultimate goal. distance."

"This distance, it is impossible for us to walk steadily step by step, we have to keep fighting and fighting, as long as there is a gap in any link, it may make us die halfway. "

"Yes, we saw the H-20 today, and I'm very happy because it means we have some time to breathe."

"However, this kind of respite will not last long, because the speed of the other party's chasing will be very fast-b21 is probably about to be released."

"To overpower them, we have to keep innovating and overcoming obstacles, and firmly control our advantages at every key node."

"You said just now that my eyes are like a swordsman confronting others. Actually, I want to say that you are too optimistic."

"Our confrontation with the enemy is not the confrontation between the swordsman and the swordsman, but the confrontation between the swordsmith and the swordsman"

"Yes, the enemy's sword has been unsheathed, and we are still forging swords."

"At this time, we can't build a sword slowly, what we can do is, even if we only make an inch of the blade, we should hold it in our hand regardless of everything - even the palm of our own. It was also cut with blood."

Having said that, Ye Zhou sighed deeply, then looked into Ye Lan's eyes and continued:

"So, don't say I'm too tense, because it's not just me, everyone's nerves are tense."

"We are forging swords for the country."

"When it is really necessary, many people, even if they sacrifice their swords with their bodies, will not hesitate."

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