Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 228 It's A Harmless Rabbit

On the other hand, after aggregating multiple pieces of information, a special economic department in the country also made a prediction about the current situation, and the discussion meeting was long and boring, but in the end, this group of top economists in the country reached a consensus judgment, that is:

Ugly countries will definitely take advantage of the shortage of domestic raw material lithium production capacity, and in response to the wrong information they have already obtained, they will raise the price of raw material lithium, thereby indirectly maintaining international oil prices.

Based on this judgment, this group of people made several decisions, and these decisions were passed to the executive departments under their jurisdiction at a very short speed.

A battle on the economic battlefield will soon start again.


In the afternoon of the same day, a long-locked trading room in the International Commodity Exchange in Shanghai welcomed a strange yet familiar guest.

He is unfamiliar because he has never appeared in this exchange, and he is familiar because he is very similar to the previous owners of this trading room in terms of personal temperament and style of work.

Silence, coldness, decisiveness, yet a sense of confidence and peace.

The door of the trading room opened, and the mysterious man reached out and touched the tabletop, and after confirming that it was covered with thick dust, he nodded with satisfaction.

This is his principle, he does not allow anyone other than himself to enter this trading room, even if it is just cleaning.

Because in this trading room, what he will be doing is an operation that is very likely to change the trend of the entire world economy.

The man pressed the power supply, the fan of the computer host began to hum, the dust on the table was blown away, and then the computer screens covering the entire wall began to light up one by one.

He took out the password device hidden in his arms, and after checking the accounts one by one, he started to log in the accounts that were enough to shock the world once they were made public.

The interface unfolds layer by layer, just like the economic context of this world, emerging like a picture scroll in front of men.

He looked at the dense data on the screen and frowned.

The lit cigarette burned in his fingers, the smoke lingered, and then the ashes fell on the table and merged with the dust.

After a long time, the man finally threw away the cigarette butts that had been burned out in his hand, and started to wipe the table with the rag that had been prepared for a long time.

This work took him nearly half an hour, and after everything was cleaned up, the time was just right.

His hands quickly tapped the keyboard, and a series of commands came out of his hands.

All are green orders, all are futures sales.

Crude oil futures are sold, raw material lithium futures are sold, shale oil and derivatives futures are sold, and even large tanker lease contracts are sold.

This is a huge number of contracts locked regardless of cost. These contracts are automatically inherited into the system according to his time plan. In the following two weeks, the system will split these contracts into thousands or even tens of thousands through the overall account number. Go to a small account, and then use these accounts to truly realize futures contracts without leaving any traces.

After all this was done, he immediately logged out of the system, then turned to go out, and started running to the next location.

His target is Qianhai Securities, where he will finish buying shares in some companies.

----Or, in fact, what he wants to implement is a hostile takeover of three companies.

A hostile takeover at no cost through the secondary market.

The reason is very simple. Among the world's top silicon material manufacturers, 7 of the top ten belong to Huaxia.

What about the other three?

The answer is obvious.

Under his handwriting, these three companies will soon belong to China.

He is not worried about not being able to buy the shares of these companies, because this part of the work has already been done by someone.

All he had to do was move his fingers.


Thousands of miles away, the country.

In the executive office of the wacker company, a young Asian-looking man looks at the middle-aged man sitting across from him with a positive smile.

"...Mr. Backhouse, as we have communicated before, we will soon initiate a planned acquisition of your company - through the secondary market."

"As you know, this is our helpless move. If it is operated through the primary market, the required process is too long, the action is too slow, and it may be obstructed by some forces that you and I know well. ."

"We don't want to take that risk, which is inconsistent with the way we've always worked."

"So, here I want to confirm with you again, have you made the decision to sell the stocks you hold in the secondary market, and has your decision passed the decision of the company's board of directors?"

The white man opposite nodded and replied:

"Mr. Lin, you don't have to worry about this, I have already applied for the sale of 5% of the shares in my name. Also, I don't think the board of directors will have any objection----the old guys are more active than me. Hurry up?"

"Hahaha, your understanding of them is indeed better than mine. Before that, I was worried about the pressure from within. I never thought that such pressure would not exist at all."

Hearing this, Backhouse sighed, and then said with some emotion:

"In fact, this is the doomed ending, we know it."

"In the past few years, the development of Huaxia's silicon industry has been so fast that we have been squeezed to the point of almost no living space, and we are far behind them in terms of high-end silicon raw materials and finished products."

"If it weren't for some high-quality silicon mines in our hands, then we might not be able to last."

"So, it is a very wise choice to sell our shares in time. Rather than letting our industry fall into the hands of Huaxia to further expand their monopoly advantage, it is better to sell it directly to you."

"At least, in your hands, we can buy silicon raw materials at will if we want to use them in the future. If we give them to them, I'm afraid we will repeat the mistakes we made in rare earths."

Hearing this, the young man surnamed Lin smiled slightly and replied:

"Mr. Buckhouse, you can rest assured about this, we promise that if you and your country need it in the future, we will give priority to supply - at a very reasonable price."

"I'm sure you will, you Malays are good businessmen, not the... devouring dragon."

"Of course, we are not. Then, our cooperation is reached, and we will start operating stock acquisitions later, you can pay attention to it."

"On the last point, in order to express our sincerity, we will pay a premium on the originally agreed transaction price. You know, the secondary market is not so easy to control, and it is normal for the price to go up a little bit, I think, this will not It caught the attention of the abc department, didn't it?"

Backhouse smiled knowingly. The abc department mentioned by the other party was the legendary anti-commercial bribery department, and through such a clever operation, they could indeed avoid their scrutiny to a large extent.

In this way, your pension will go up a little more.

Maybe buy a new yacht?

He stood up with a smile on his face, and kept sending the man surnamed Lin out the door.

However, Buckhouse didn't notice that after the man surnamed Lin turned around, the sincere smile on his face immediately turned into a mockery.

That's right, it's better to sell to Huaxia than to sell to us.

It's a family anyway, that's okay.

Yes, we will definitely give you priority to supply, and also give you a very, very fair price.

However, this so-called fairness is up to us to decide.

Good businessmen, of course, we are.

Of course we are not all-devouring dragons, how is that possible?

Just a white, tender, harmless rabbit.

What kind of bad thoughts could this little rabbit have?

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