Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 229 Twenty Minutes To Solve All Your Problems

Yangcheng, GAC Aian battery factory.

In the laboratory, several researchers are analyzing the SEM of the pre-embedded lithium nanosilicon material needed for the battery.

"From this picture, the particle size of the li3n we obtained is 0.5-3 microns, the particle size is 1-5 microns, and the particle size is about 200 nanometers, but its distribution is relatively uneven and does not meet the operation manual. technical requirements.”

"Look at Figure 6 below, which is a graph of the cycling performance of lithium. This graph shows that the current density of this composite cathode is only about 600mah in the first cycle, and it is only 400mah after 100 cycles, and the electrochemical stability is very good. Difference."

"If we follow this technical indicator, our subsequent batteries will not reach the 900wh predetermined target at all, and may not even reach 700wh."

"What's more terrible is that the energy attenuation of this battery is too serious, and the problem of sulfide dissolving in the electrolyte still exists, and the impact is not small."

"Everyone, all our laboratory operations are strictly in accordance with the technical manual, and the final results obtained now are completely inconsistent. This is a very serious problem. I would like to ask you to check your own work again. process, and confirm whether there is any missed operation or wrong operation. If there is, please bring it up as soon as possible to restart the trial production.

"I hope you all make it clear that this project is not a project of our company, but a national-level project! No matter what mistakes you make during the process, as long as you can correct them in time, it will not be a problem. But if these mistakes are not It is a serious dereliction of duty to find out, and finally lead to the delay of the project, understand?"

Several researchers on the side looked heavy. They frowned and looked at the analysis charts on the screen, flipping the operation records in their hands, but after a few minutes, no one found the problem.

A young researcher said:

"Team leader, I have checked my process countless times, and I really can't find any problems. Please rest assured. Although I am young, it is impossible for me to be confused about this kind of thing."

Hearing his words, other researchers also agreed.

"Yes, I have also checked mine, and I really didn't find anything wrong. Besides, I have checked all the materials, not only the process, but the materials used meet the requirements. Even after the last time there was a problem, we The material has also been specially analyzed, and the accuracy of the composition determination has been verified and must be reliable.”

"Mine too....I can't see the problem, but I always feel that something is wrong."

"Could it be that there is a problem with the craft itself? To be honest, when I took on this project, I deliberately compared several mainstream crafts now, and the difference from what we have at hand is quite big."

"I also think that there may be a problem with the process - or the process itself is fine. Could it be that there are errors in the documents we got? I have gone through the entire process of the process, except for some that have no empirical basis. The process is unexpected, and all other steps are logical and self-consistent, and I feel that there is a high possibility of errors and omissions.”

Hearing the researcher's words, a hesitant look appeared on the team leader's face.

Indeed, as several of them said, he himself has already controlled the overall process with precision to the second level, and he is confident that he has never missed any step, and the materials they use have also been checked. , or even specially dispatched from the reserve, it is almost impossible to have problems.

However, now the fact is really in front of us:

The performance of the battery is completely substandard, and this substandard is not within the range that can be explained by the error rate.

To put it a bit harsher, what they created is completely different from what is described in the technical documentation.

If the battery described in the technical documentation is compared to a supercar, then what they have built can only be regarded as a bouncing car.

Although it is said that this bouncing car can run 2,000 kilometers, it is far worse than a sports car in terms of speed and comfort.

"Is there a problem with the composition of the transition metal? Have you tested the oxidation data of the metal before using the transition metal? If it is exposed to a non-vacuum environment for too long, even a very thin oxide layer will affect the overall compliance. material properties.”

"It's all checked, all vacuum prepared, no problem."

For this reason, the team leader felt that he had basically completed what he could do.

All the possible points he could think of had been ruled out, and the only possible answer remained: there was a problem with the craftsmanship.

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and said:

"You guys should do a trial production in the laboratory again. This time, remember to take the temperature conditions into account. There is no such requirement in the technical manual, but it may also have an impact."

"Team leader, this shouldn't be right... If the preparation conditions are so harsh, then this product has no scale potential at all, why don't we report it to the superior first?"

The leader nodded and replied:

"I will report it to my superiors, but you should do the action first, and try to eliminate all the wrong answers."

As he spoke, he turned and left the laboratory.

He now wants to immediately hold an emergency meeting of the core management team of the project team to reflect the situation facing the laboratory.

Time is very tight, and in less than 10 days, this battery must be completed and launched. According to the original plan, it must also be adapted as their latest magazine battery cell.

This adaptation process will take at least three days, so there are only less than three days left for them.

Thinking of this, his footsteps involuntarily sped up a bit.


Two hours later, the General Technical Office received the news that the battery trial production failed. After confirming that the problem could not be solved, all relevant technical documents and operation records were submitted to Ye Zhou, waiting for his further guidance.

Everyone thinks that this is a difficult difficulty to overcome, and even Chen Hao has already started to start the backup plan, preparing to delay the battery release time.

After all, in the year he has been working with Ye Zhou, no matter which project it is, the technical documents received by the project team have never had any problems, and there may be materials, craftsmanship, precision, etc. in the manufacturing process. Various difficulties in such aspects, but the document has never been missed.

But this time, based on the conclusions of all current experts, they have to think that this is a process error.

"...Such problems are unavoidable. Ye Zhou has provided so many breakthrough technologies in a short period of time, and the span is huge, and errors are also being cleaned up."

"And, I have communicated with the relevant staff. In fact, even if they release the incomplete version of the battery they have completed, it is still a big breakthrough for the international battery industry."

"If we can have more time in the future to transform and optimize the process at hand, it will not be difficult to achieve the goal proposed by Ye Zhou at that time."

"However, we haven't started this step yet, mainly because we don't know how difficult it is."

After listening to Chen Hao's words, the man with star emblem on the screen nodded and replied:

"The situation is clear. From my point of view, it's not a failure, at most it's not meeting expectations."

"We still wait for Ye Zhou's reply and see what he has to say about this matter, but if he can't come up with a solution in the short term, we shouldn't put too much pressure on him."

"There are some things we can rely on him, and there are things we have to work hard on ourselves."


Chen Hao nodded in response.

"That's it, go down and call Ye Zhou. According to what I know about him, he should have read all the documents you submitted by now..."

However, before he finished speaking, Chen Hao's cell phone rang on the opposite side.

Chen Hao glanced at the contact display above and said:

"It's Ye Zhou."

"Come on, it just so happens that I'll listen to it too."

Chen Hao hummed and answered the phone.

Before he could speak, the other end of the phone rang Ye Zhou's calm and tired voice:

"Small and polyacrylonitrile mass is not linearly related to the ethanol ratio required in the ball milling process."

"100g of s powder needs 400r to grind for 6 minutes, but 200g is not as simple as 400r to grind for 12 minutes."

"There is a coefficient here. Every time the grinding time and rotation speed increase by one level, the proportion of ethanol blended increases by more than one level. Similarly, the decrease is the same."

"Let them check the process themselves, and calculate the coefficient of rotation speed and grinding time with the ratio of ethanol. Basically, it's not a big problem."

"Mr. Chen, next time you can make it clear to your engineer that some things are not just copied from the technical documentation. This time this point is indeed a very subtle detail that is easily overlooked, but if you are willing to spend time investigating the entire process Manufacturing logic, rather than just checking the process, can still be found.”

Chen Hao listened to Ye Zhou's words a little ashamed, and then replied:

"This is my problem. I asked them to process 100% of the documents through the General Technical Office. I didn't expect the difference in this regard. Sorry, I will invite experts to guide me next time before I make a decision."

"Well, it's better. We don't give technical documents to completely stifle the creativity of our engineers. We should pay attention to this issue in the future, especially when the General Technical Office represents the will of the country and the engineers in the enterprise represent the will of the enterprise. , they will have more concerns in the execution process.”

"We not only need to guide, but more importantly, to guide, otherwise, if all the small things have to be done by the state, how can we have so many manpower and material resources? Come on, let it go."

After saying that, Ye Zhou hung up the phone.

Chen Hao looked at the man with the star emblem on the screen, the latter smiled and said with some ridicule:

"Look at you, made a bureaucratic mistake and got criticized?"

Chen Hao smiled embarrassedly and replied:

"Then I'll go to inform the company now, it's a mess... It's really my fault, the company has already discovered that the documents may be unclear, and we haven't made a decision to let them Improve yourself."

The star emblem man nodded slightly and said:

"Grow up through mistakes. The General Technical Office has just been established. There must be problems in overall leadership and executive management. Take your time, it's okay."

After all, the Xinghui man also hung up the video call.

Chen Hao picked up his phone and was about to call GAC to notify the situation, but when the phone screen turned on, the call record between him and Ye Zhou appeared automatically.

At 17:15, he informed Ye Zhou that there was a problem with the trial production.

At 17:36, he received Ye Zhou's solution.

From the appearance of the problem to the resolution of the problem, only 20 minutes have passed.

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