Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 230 Ambition Is Definitely More Than That

One hour after Ye Zhou fed back the solution to Chen Hao, the engineers of GAC Aian began to reorganize the internal logic of the entire technical document, and confirmed the correctness of Ye Zhou's judgment on the problem point.

The researchers got together again, and the team leader said with some emotion:

"The person above has to be professional. The document has only been sent for less than an hour, and they have not been operated on site, so the problem will be found out soon."

The team members on the side nodded when they heard his words, and then said:

"Actually, we can find it out ourselves, but it's still too restrictive... Our previous inspections did not involve the logical level."

"Yes, so I didn't talk about this at the meeting just now, saying that it would give us more autonomy. I feel that some big guy above has spoken, but it is true, this trivial matter has to trouble them, it seems We are just as capable."

"Hey, our ability is not bad, but it's still far from the big guy who came up with this technology... Okay, the sme result is out, let's see the result first."

Everyone immediately gathered in front of the screen, and with just one glance this time, they found the difference between the results and the last time.

"The particles are evenly distributed. It's really a problem with ethanol. Let's do a cycle and see."

"The cycle results are already there, and there is no significant decrease. According to the current data estimates, the density of the finished product should be between 800 and 900wh. If the management system and three-dimensional temperature control of the magazine can be adapted in the future, it is estimated that the performance will slightly exceed the paper. data."

"Okay, so our trial production was successful this time, right?"

"It's 80% successful, and then we can see the industrial trial production in the laboratory."

The researchers breathed a sigh of relief. The high-intensity overtime during this period of time had exhausted them physically and mentally. If such efforts did not result in a good result, it would indeed cause a serious blow to their confidence.

"Then report the results, prepare the curing process, and leave the laboratory. Let's see how the preparations are on the production line. It's best to have a batch within three days to see!"

"Okay, I'll go notify now."

While speaking, the researcher walked out the door.


After receiving the news of the successful trial production in the laboratory, Ye Zhou finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Before submitting the document to the General Technical Office, he had actually checked the contents, and after confirming that there were no problems in all the processes, he handed it over to Chen Hao with confidence.

However, he himself did not expect that even if the operation is completely based on the documentation, there will be such subtle differences in practical operation, and this subtle difference even almost caused the failure of the entire project.

There has been no problem with the chip or the aviation project before, which also reminded him:

Fundamentally speaking, projects carried out through official power are fundamentally different from projects carried out using private power.

There are significant gaps in both talent execution and decision-making.

And this gap can only be gradually leveled by the overall operation of the General Technical Office.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou sighed, picked up the large thermos cup that he had put aside, got up and walked towards the room.

At this time, it was six o'clock in the afternoon. The orange sunlight shot from behind him, pulling his shadow into a long line. Ye Lan, who was not far away, quickly ran over to hold his hand after seeing it, and then smiled. Showing off the starfish she caught from the sea, while telling him some homely things.

This made Ye Zhou feel a long-lost warmth in his heart. He reached out and pinched the back of Ye Lan's neck and said:

"You already know how to play this day, have you finished your postgraduate project?"

"Thanks to you, it's done."

Ye Lan replied with a smug smile on her face.

"What do you mean by my blessing? Why, your postgraduate studies are large airplanes?"

"...I'm studying the trend of international economic change. Bah, I told you that you didn't understand, so I was too lazy to tell you."

"Oh, I didn't understand it originally, but I guessed it when you said that."

Ye Zhou let go of his hand in a funny way, snatched the dried starfish from Ye Lan's hand, and threw it back into the sea.

"Hey, why did you lose it... It's all sunburned, right? What did you guess? Tell me?"

"Isn't it about energy? You want to study international oil prices?"

Ye Lan nodded unsurprisingly, and then replied:

"That's probably what I mean. However, what I want to do is the economic impact of the transfer of the international energy center. This has a lot to do with the battery project you are doing now, you know?"

Among all Ye Zhou's family members, Ye Lan is the only one who enjoys the same level of secrecy as him. The apparent reason for this is that the other party has been involved in the chip project since the very beginning, and the level of secrecy has gone up. The follow-up projects also enjoy the right to know.

Of course, Ye Zhou knew that this was just an excuse made by Chen Hao. What the official really wanted to do was to use Ye Lan to set up an anchor for himself. freed from loneliness.

After all, according to the official past experience, if all the things a person does cannot be shared with anyone close to them, then the person's psychological limit will collapse in a very short period of time.

Now is not the era of blood and fire. Compared with the simple and crude emphasis on personal contribution and spiritual will, the official is more willing to use the scientific methods of modern psychology to effectively manage each important role.

This set of methods is actually effective - at least for several years after its implementation, the number of domestic scientific experts who are seduced by female spies has begun to decline sharply.

After thinking for a moment, Ye Zhou replied:

"The transfer of the energy center must have a lot to do with new energy. In addition to the change in the way of power generation, the core of new energy is the way of energy storage."

"So you're right in saying that it has a lot to do with it, but it's definitely not just related to this one project."

"In addition to energy storage projects, there are also large-scale wind power, photovoltaic households, and large-scale water conservancy project projects that we are already working on... These factors should also be taken into account."

Ye Lan nodded and continued following Ye Zhou's words:

"Yes, from the energy source to the energy storage medium, there will be great changes in the future. Your project this time is actually solving the problem of the energy conversion terminal. In comparison, it is probably equivalent to... a chip. Solved the wafer problem?"

Ye Zhou shook his head and corrected himself:

"It is not to solve the problem of wafers, but to solve the problem of silicon wafers. In fact, the battery is not the same as the chip, because we are already in a leading position. What we need to do now is to extend this leading position to monopoly. status."

"Monopoly is not a good word... However, there is still a long way to go for new energy to completely replace fossil energy? At least in the aerospace field, it cannot be replaced by electricity."

"It is impossible to use electricity, but nuclear energy can be used."

"You mean the Golden Crow? That's too far. Until then, I don't think the fight for oil will stop."

Ye Zhou hummed in agreement, and then he suddenly said as if he had thought of something:

"I remembered what you said. I wanted to ask Chen Hao about it yesterday. Wait, you go ahead and I'll give Chen Hao a call first."

Ye Lan obediently let go of Ye Zhou's hand and walked to the side. She was always very clear on this principled issue of confidentiality.

After she was far away, Ye Zhou took out his mobile phone and called Chen Hao.

The phone was connected after two rings. After hearing Chen Hao's voice, Ye Zhou asked bluntly:

"Mr. Chen, come on, tell me, what exactly do you want to do with oil?"

"Your ambitions should go far beyond making some money from the futures market, right?"

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