Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 232 Difficult African Journey

When Ye Zhou and Chen Hao were looking forward to their energy layout plans, a plane 12,000 kilometers away landed at the dilapidated airport against the violent sandstorm.

This is Khartoum, the capital of Sudan, but this airport is about as backward as the bus station in a slightly larger county in the country.

The perimeter of the airport is littered with long-retired planes that have witnessed the country's former glory but hinted at its current decline.

After getting off the plane, Li Mingchu frowned at the yellow sand in the sky outside the window of the arrival hall, and silently took out a dust mask and put it on.

This is not the first time he has come to Sudan, but every time he comes, his feelings are completely different.

Or to put it bluntly, every time he felt that the country was worse than the last time he came.

Dogfights, continuous armed conflicts, declining imports and exports, serious inflation... These series of reasons have made this country step by step toward the abyss of doom. On the edge of this abyss, there is still a man with a hypocritical smile. A mindful giant.

The giant's hand stretched out, as if trying to pull the fallen man up, but in fact it just added a force on his back and pushed him deeper into the abyss.

It doesn't want to save anyone at all, it's just grabbing its own interests under the guise of saving.

Li Mingchu sighed, walked out of the arrival hall, and got into the special car that was already waiting in front of the door.

In the back seat sat a middle-aged man with a vicissitudes of life. When he saw him coming up, he immediately said:

"At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, I've been waiting for you for a long time, how is it, did you fly over smoothly?"

Li Mingchu shook his head and said helplessly:

"It's not going well. The Ethiopian Airlines plane doesn't even provide lunch now. Is there any food in the cafeteria? Let's go and have some food."

"Our cafeteria closed early... Now there are only a few people left here, all cooking at their own homes. Would you like to have a bite at my house? Or go to the cafeteria of Huaji's representative office here. also."

"Then go to Huaji, Song Ge, how is the situation now?"

The man next to him is Li Rusong. He is the regional business manager of sudan of a domestic energy company called "Curved Point". He is now in charge of photovoltaic projects in this country.

Hearing Li Mingchu's question, Li Rusong shook his head and replied:

"It still doesn't work. They can accept our plan, but they are unwilling to sign the contract. They must see the actual results before they are willing to let go. We have no choice but to make concessions."

"In the next week, we plan to deliver a photovoltaic project experimental bureau to them. The main equipment has already arrived, and now the ups are needed. Originally, we planned to use Huaji's ups first, but they did not accept."

"So, the current situation is that we can only wait for the new batteries from Ningde in China to be in place. The news I received is that they will make a batch of experimental prototypes within a week and send them over, and then they will be used in the experimental bureau. , as long as the performance can meet expectations, basically it is done.”

Li Mingchu nodded and continued to ask:

"What's the opinion between splm and spa?"

"It's basically been negotiated. Anyway, this national-level project is good for all forces. They also promised us that as long as the project is in existence, they will never do anything to the project's infrastructure."

"That's good, so the only difficulty now is the Experiment Bureau? Is it possible to sign an agreement with the Experiment Bureau before it succeeds through our own relationship? They can afford it, but we can't."

Li Rusong sighed deeply, looked at the dilapidated buildings that kept flashing past the window, and said helplessly:

"That can't be helped. The other party is a military boss, and many of our guest workers' methods can't be used on them. We can only talk to them about friendship and interests. What's more difficult is that during this period of time. You know what happened to them, many of our original key relationships have been washed away, and all customer relationships have to be redone, which is very troublesome."

"So didn't this transfer you here? You are the first batch of operators here, you have a strong relationship and are familiar with the situation. I will work hard for you these few days to see if we can accomplish our goals ahead of schedule. ."

"Understood. I'll go to see Harry from splm in the afternoon, and then go to see Sammy from spa tomorrow. If we get the two of them together, it shouldn't be difficult to sign the contract. What about the official side? Is it done?"

"There's nothing wrong with the official, they're all puppets anyway."

Li Mingchu nodded thoughtfully and stopped talking. A few minutes later, the car stopped at the entrance of the canteen of the Huaji Representative Office. Li Rusong took him in and said hello to the chef. After a while, two bowls of steaming Saozi noodles were brought to them.

While eating noodles, Li Mingchu couldn't help sighing:

"Should I say it or not, Huaji is still rich. I heard that their chef's salary here goes up to 30,000 yuan?"

Li Rusong smiled and replied:

"That's normal. People serve dozens of people a day by themselves. Occasionally, Chinese-funded companies like us come over to eat. Sometimes we feel bad about it. Occasionally, people who bring wine or something will not accept it. We can only write Write a thank you letter and ask Hua Kee to give them a raise."

"It can be considered to borrow flowers to offer Buddha-but there is no way, this place is like this, the conditions are too difficult, let's gather together to keep warm. It's not the last time they were smashed at the site in the area, it was the security we sent them. "

"Well, that's pretty good too. It's about optimizing the allocation of resources. How's the situation here recently?"

"Very stable. There are occasional parades, but the scale is not large, and there is no chaos. I haven't fired a gun for a long time. At most, it's just throwing rocks or something."

"What about our security? Why don't we arrange for security to follow now?"

"The two drivers are the ones with guns--but they don't dare to use them unless it's an absolute emergency. It's easy to cause unnecessary trouble, you know what I mean?"

"Understood, let's eat, hurry up and go, our time is too tight."

The two of them stopped talking. After the noodles in the bowl were finished, Li Mingchu stood up to say goodbye to the chef, and then walked straight out the door.

He is still consolidating the information he has acquired in his mind, and he is also planning to see what the director of splm needs to say and the strategies that he needs to use for a while.

The criticality of this project, his leaders had already emphasized to him countless times before he got on the plane, if the photovoltaic project could not satisfy the other party, then the follow-up cooperation in the oil field would not need to be discussed any more.

The other party will fall to the ugly country without hesitation, because the ugly country has indeed provided them with extremely credible and tangible benefits.

And photovoltaics?

In the short term, there is no possibility of profit, only a huge amount of investment.

Even if most of the funds in these investments will be realized through the double-excellent loan of China Development Bank, it still makes them feel uneasy.

Because if the project fails, they will still be burdened with huge debts, and this debt is likely to make the country's economy worse.

They can't afford to gamble, but they have to convince them to gamble.

So, the only way is to show them all the chips in the pool.

They have to be made greedy before they are motivated to bet.

Thinking of this, Li Mingchu silently recorded these fragmented thoughts in his small notebook, and gradually formed a perfect logic.

His expression has also become more and more confident, and he has been in Africa for many years, and he has never failed.

So how could it fail this time?

But immersed in his own thoughts, he didn't notice that there seemed to be more and more people on the road.

Li Rusong on the side looked nervously outside, and even the driver put his right hand off the steering wheel.

This Land Cruiser has been bulletproofed, so stray bullets in small-scale riots are not to be feared, but if the road is blocked by a crowd, the situation will be very serious.

Li Mingchu, who noticed the abnormal atmosphere, raised his head, glanced out the window and asked:

"So unlucky? Just so we met?"

Li Rusong shook his head and replied:

"It's not bad luck, in fact, it happens often, not necessarily a problem, it's just a lot of trouble..."

However, before he could finish speaking, a stone flew from a distance and hit the side window!

Debris flew, and the situation suddenly escalated!

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