Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 233 The Conflict Caused By A Loaf Of Bread

The driver of the main driving slammed on the accelerator, and the car rushed forward with a roar, but soon crowds from all directions began to gather on the street, and all the cars on the road were blocked, no matter whether the driver was a local or a local. Outsiders can't escape the fate of being trapped in a car.

Not far away, someone had already lit a fire and started burning the tires. The sound of gunshots could be vaguely heard in the distance. Li Rusong's face was solemn, and he patted the driver's shoulder. The curb, dashed to the opposite lane.

"What day is it today? Why are there so many marchers all of a sudden?"

Li Mingchu asked with a frown.

"I don't know, we haven't received any information before, and today is not a special anniversary. According to the parade calendar we obtained, the next large-scale parade should be three days later."

"Could it be against us?"

"Impossible, you see, there are at least more than 2,000 people participating now, and depending on the situation, the crowd is still gathering, no one can organize such a large-scale event in a short period of time. Just wait a moment, I Make a call to confirm."

Li Mingchu nodded, looking ahead beyond the driver who was driving.

The crowd continued to gather, and those thin figures frantically rushed onto the road waving sticks and stones in their hands, trying to block every passing car, and those vehicles belonging to the locals did not intend to confront the marchers head-on. , if they found that they could not rush through, they immediately rolled down the window to explain that most of them were released.

Even if one was dragged out of the car occasionally, the marchers just stuffed them with flags to join the line.

This situation made Li Mingchu feel relieved a little. Judging from the performance of the protesters, at least the current situation has not evolved from public protests to complete violence. Maybe some people have begun to be irrational, but the overall situation is still controllable .

But in any case, figuring out the purpose of these people, inferring their final destination, and trying to avoid the crowded route is the most important thing.

The car was still driving forward at a turtle speed. From time to time, someone was lying on the window with the privacy film to try to see the people sitting in the car. Their faces were squeezed against the window, looking distorted and scary.

The driver did not dare to open the car window and shout, because he was also unsure of the cause of the parade. If the parade were to discover that there were foreigners sitting in the car, unforeseen consequences were likely to occur.

Li Rusong was still making calls, but as the crowd gathered more and more, the surrounding signal base stations had reached the upper limit, and the phone calls soon became intermittent.

"Why? Where? Just tell me these two things!"

"What? Bread? The bakery was smashed? Where? Inaudible!"

"Agricultural Bureau? Got it! I have sent you my location, and you should immediately notify the embassy to see if necessary measures can be taken!"

"We will now turn to Africa Avenue first, towards the suburban airport, and pick us up from that direction!"

"Yes, Li Mingchu is in the car! Yes, it's a photovoltaic project... FUCK, it's broken."

Li Rusong looked at the mobile phone that had no signal, and tried to call back several times to no avail. Li Mingchu on the side was extremely calm.

In fact, when he was in sudan in 19 years, the situation was much worse than it is now, and even the car he was riding in was attacked by Molotov cocktails, but in the end it turned to safety.

Therefore, the current situation is actually just a small scene for him.

"What exactly is the situation?"

He asked in a calm voice.

"Don't mention it, a bakery near the Afara supermarket has inexplicably raised the price. The bread that was originally 120 pounds has risen to 300 pounds. As a result, the clerk and the customer got into a fight. This fight caused a big problem."

"The Sudanese pound has been depreciating recently. The exchange rate has depreciated from 300 to 670 in two months. The price of bread has never risen, but now it is estimated that the owner can't bear it."

In Sudan, bread is equivalent to domestic rice. It is the main food of ordinary people. Most families consume two to three loaves of brown bread every day, and this part of the expenditure accounts for more than 70% of the entire family expenditure.

When the price of bread was around 120 pounds, a family of three could barely survive on a man's income, but if it rose to 300 pounds, the money they spent on food would have exceeded the local average wage.

So it's not surprising that it's noisy.

The only strange thing is why this time the price increase has no sign?

Hearing Li Mingchu's question, Li Rusong sighed:

"Actually, it's not without signs. We had anticipated this possibility before, but the official has not made a statement, so the locals basically still have a fluke. They probably think that the official will use financial funds to increase subsidies."

"But these food manufacturers are estimated to have obtained the official next-step decision-making plan from the inside, so they raised the price regardless of the time difference, and made a big deal."

As he spoke, Li Rusong patted the front seat driver on the shoulder and asked them to hide their guns in advance, so that if they encounter a car stop and search in the future, the exposed weapons will further anger the people who are already emotionally unstable and cause more serious problems. s consequence.

For such a reason, Li Mingchu could only sigh helplessly.

As he felt when he first set foot on the land, the country was indeed declining day by day.

120 pounds of bread?

The equivalent of a soft sister coin is less than 1 yuan and 5 cents. In the golden age of sudan he once experienced, no one would bend over to pick it up even if it dropped 100 pounds on the ground, and at that time, 100 pounds was equivalent to For a full 400 soft sister coins.

Today, everything is different.

----In fact, everything has been different since Chou Guo stepped in and forcibly split the country into North and South parts.

Putting away his thoughts, he opened his mouth and asked:

"What's the plan now? Let's just move over there? If it really doesn't work, get off at a corner. I know the way."

Li Rusong shook his head:

"No, at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, you haven't been here for several years, and now Sudan's attitude towards the Chinese is not as friendly as before. Some of them blame our business for the current economic deterioration. We can't get out of the car casually, otherwise if Under attack, there is not even a reliable bunker."

"Let's follow the other cars first, as long as you pass through the core area, the road behind will be easy. I have informed the company, and they will also contact the embassy. If necessary, they should pass the satellite on the car. Call us urgently."

However, while he was speaking, the road ahead had been completely blocked with oil drums and construction materials, and marchers were banging on the windows one by one, forcing the passengers to get out of the car to participate. procession.

I don't know if it was for safety reasons or because of sympathy for these ordinary people who couldn't afford to eat. The locals in the car in front got off one after another, and the inspection crowd gradually approached the Lu Xun that Li Mingchu was riding. The person's expression instantly became tense.

When it was finally their turn, the driver rolled the window open a crack and explained to the person outside the window in Arabic:

"Habibie, the people in the car are here to check the sheep for Rift Valley Fever. We have just come from the airport. Now we have to rush to the hotel to pick up the equipment. The next step is to rush to Port Sudan."

The black man outside the window glanced at him suspiciously, then turned his head to the back seat.

Then, the moment he saw Li Mingchu's face in the back seat, his expression suddenly changed.

Then, he turned his head and ran towards the crowd behind him, shouting as he ran:

"Huaxia people! There are Chinese people in the car!"

Li Rusong looked at the black people who were gradually gathering, a look of panic appeared on his face.

"This is troublesome, even if the embassy sends a car now..."

Li Mingchu sighed, took out a satellite phone from his suitcase, turned it on while shaking his head and said:

"This kind of thing is not resolved through the embassy in the first place."

"Let the driver drive, clear the crowd, turn left at the intersection ahead and enter Africa Avenue."

"Don't be afraid to hurt people, let them avoid us by themselves!"

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