Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 234 Legal Compliance, Can There Be Any Disputes?

The driver put Lu Xun into a low gear, and the car rushed forward with a violent roar. The crowd who had blocked in front all moved away, but the stones and wooden sticks in their hands smashed up mercilessly.

A piece of news has begun to spread among the crowd, and the identity of the person sitting in the car has gradually changed from "Hua Xia Doctor" to "Hua Xia Businessman", and finally to "Food Factory Director". The car stopped to ask for an explanation, but the people in the car were completely afraid to stop and explain.

This is a terrifying paradox.

If the driver chooses to stop the car at this time, the angry crowd will not let them go because the car is not their target, but will give full play to their imagination and find a way for their uncontrolled atrocities. Excuse.

Oh, you are not from the food factory?

Then you must also have contact with the food factory, right? Why raise the price? Why don't you let us eat?

You have no contact with the food factory? So what are you doing? Infrastructure?

OK! It is because too much money is invested in infrastructure that we cannot afford to eat, smash!

Li Mingchu has experienced such a thing. When he was in Chad, one of his colleagues was severely injured because he tried to reason with the irrational crowd.

Therefore, there is only one option, and that is to use the advantages of the vehicle to break out of the encirclement first, and then to clarify through other channels after reaching a safe place.

Even if people are injured in the process, it cannot be stopped, because once it stops, the person who is injured or even killed is himself!

Lu Xun accelerated and smashed the oil tank across the road, and then squeezed past the two cars parked side by side. The transformed beast finally exerted its full strength, and the temperature of the engine rose suddenly. , the tires rubbed green smoke on the ground, ran over all the roadblocks all the way to the direction with less crowds ahead.

Stones flying from all directions smashed the glass of the car window, but fortunately the front windshield has been strengthened, and the driver's line of sight has not been affected.

Li Mingchu in the car had finished calling, and Li Rusong on the side asked:

"Is this really okay? The more people gather, I'm afraid we'll anger them."

Li Mingchu still maintained his usual composure. He glanced out the window glass that was already covered with cobweb-like cracks, and then replied:

"We already angered them the moment they found out we were not locals."

"Even if we don't do anything, they won't let us go."

"The most important thing you should learn from being in Africa for so long is that they never considered us friends, we were just cooperative and reciprocal, or worse, as long as something went wrong in their country , they will all blame our business."

"It's human nature, and you have to learn to accept that."

"Most of the time, it won't work to reason with them. No matter how hype you talk about, it's impossible to understand with the knowledge level of these generally illiterate people."

"It is better to educate the saints than to attack the kings. They worship strength, so we should give them strength."

Li Mingchu's tone was flat, but Li Rusong clearly saw a sharp murderous aura from his calm expression.

At this time, he suddenly came back to his senses. The man in front of him, who was over 40 years old, has already started to run around in various countries and opened up a way for the latecomers since this continent was the most desolate.

What has he experienced, and what kind of cards does he hold?

What power did the phone call just now represent?

Li Rusong had no way of guessing. He vaguely felt that the power behind this man was far beyond his imagination, and the will he represented was far more determined than he thought.

Under the continuous rock attack, Lu Xun's rear windshield finally shattered, and a stone pierced through the glass and smashed heavily on the headrest of the back seat. Li Mingchu swiftly pushed Li Rusong down, and then said in a low voice:

"Bend your head down, get as close to the seat as possible, hold the back of your head with your hands, and press your knees against the backrest in front!"

Li Rusong did it one by one, and out of his corner he noticed that the other party did not bow his head like him, but kept scanning the outside of the car with sharp eyes, as if to eliminate potential dangers.

As he thought, Li Mingchu was indeed checking the crowd.

Sudan is a country where guns are not banned. Although the rate of people holding guns is very low, and the government also prohibits the use of guns and weapons in rallies, it cannot be ruled out that one or two idiots have taken out their weapons to give them a shuttle.

Therefore, he must try to find such a person in advance, and then let the driver adjust the angle at the fastest speed to avoid it.

Luckily for them this time, the crowd was frantic, but not reckless.

The car was still pushing forward with difficulty, and more and more people gathered. Li Mingchu could already see the building of the Rotana Hotel in front. As long as they could reach the hotel entrance, they would be absolutely safe.

However, this is only a distance of less than 500 meters, and it is extremely difficult to cross it now.

Some people had already started jumping on the car, and the driver had to change direction left and right to throw them out of the car. The driver in the co-pilot ignored Li Rusong's previous instructions to take out a short assault rifle from under the seat and start loading it, ready to use the most critical when the situation was at its worst. An extreme way to disperse the crowd and protect the lives of the two VIPs in the car.

However, he also knew that as long as the gunshots sounded, all this could not be good.

Li Mingchu noticed the driver's movements, reached out to hold the gun body, and then closed the safety and removed the magazine with a quick movement.

"Habibi, don't worry."

He spoke in Arabic.

The driver was stunned by his skillful movements, and stammered and replied:

"Sir, the situation is very critical now, I must ensure your safety..."

"Don't worry, I don't need your protection."

"But at this rate, if we can't get to the hotel, we'll be surrounded, and even if we get to the hotel, the guards at the hotel can't stop the crowd..."

However, before he could finish his words, a sharp siren sounded not far ahead.

The driver turned his head suddenly, and a smile appeared on Li Mingchu's face.

At critical moments, they have to be reliable.

His line of sight crossed the dense crowd. Behind these crowds, three wheeled armored vehicles with a height of more than two meters were lined up in a line.

In front of these three giant beasts, everyone subconsciously fled to both sides, while the owners of the cars that were still parked in the middle of the road hurriedly climbed into the cars, and in the first few seconds they were about to be run over, Own car moved out of the route of the armored car.

The crowd was like a divided Red Sea. Three armored vehicles split the waves, and in an instant, they arrived in front of Lu Xun.

Li Mingchu calmly opened the car door. The crowds crowded beside the car had dispersed like birds and beasts. At this moment, he was looking at him from a distance as he got off the car with frightened eyes.

He waved to the armored car, the door opened, and a tall man jumped down, then walked quickly to him and held his hand.

"Long time no see, early tomorrow, welcome back."

Li Mingchu shook his head with a smile, and then said jokingly:

"If I could, I'd really like to never come back here again."

"Hahahaha, I'm afraid that is impossible. I already know the purpose of your visit this time. You will probably stay here for several years, right?"

"That's right. Come on, let me introduce you to the person in charge of this project, Li Rusong."

While talking, Li Mingchu pulled over Li Rusong, who got off after him and was still a little terrified.

The latter forcefully shook the man's hand, and then hesitantly asked:

"Won't this... won't cause a dispute?"

The man looked at Li Mingchu, then smiled and said to Li Rusong:

"We are an international security company, and we provide commercialized personal security solutions. Mr. Li is our important customer, and it is our duty to protect his safety."

"Everything is legal and compliant, so what kind of disputes can this cause?"

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