Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter Two Hundred And Thirty Fifth Invisible Smoke

After returning to the hotel safely, the man arranged a follow-up escort plan for the two of Li Mingchu and turned to leave, leaving the two to rest in the room and wait for the scale of the parade to decrease before setting off.

Li Rusong's mood was relaxed at the moment, he lit a cigarette for himself, and then asked:

"Who are they? Why do I see... as if there are some Arabs? Is it an international security company?"

Li Mingchu nodded and replied:

"You only need to know so much, and I'll take care of the rest."

"Okay...but why didn't they pick you up in the first place?"

Hearing this, Li Mingchu smiled slightly and did not answer.

He couldn't explain the reason to Li Rusong clearly, because some things were indeed beyond the scope of his authority.

Yes, this trading company called Deep Blue Foreign Trade is indeed a group company that integrates trade and security. Their foundation is also very clean, but this cleanliness is only at the commercial level. If it involves the international field, in fact, all Anyone can guess who they really control.

This also leads to the fact that most of the time they will not directly participate in the relevant operations. Only when it is judged that the situation has deteriorated to the point where they have to intervene, will the relevant security forces be dispatched to protect key personnel.

This is also the reason why Li Mingchu did not contact them at first.

Seeing the other party's expression, Li Rusong also realized that he had asked a question that should not have been asked. After a few seconds of pause, he continued:

"Okay...then I'll ignore this. Will today's plan continue to be implemented? Are you still going to see the leader of splm?"

Li Mingchu nodded and replied:

"I'm going, and I need to report to them in detail about today's affairs, and use this as a fulcrum for our follow-up negotiations."

"We have provided them with a lot of resources and financial support, but the safety of our own employees is not guaranteed, which is a bit too shameful for me."

"I have to hit them hard and let them know who is the eldest brother on this land."

"...Won't it cause their backlash?"


Hearing this, Li Mingchu couldn't help laughing.

"What do they use to bounce back? With less than 500 gdp per person? Or with those decades-old propeller planes parked in their airports? Or with the armored vehicles we sold ourselves last year?"

"Don't make trouble, they have to rely on us to live on this land, but we were so kind to them before that made them a little complacent."

"This is not an East Asian monster house. It's not just a country that can be taken care of by itself. Since it can't be alone, then it's better to be a little brother honestly."

After speaking, Li Mingchu stood up again, pointed to the door and asked:

"Would you like to rest for a while? Or should I go now?"

Li Rusong put out the cigarette butt in his hand and replied:

"Let's go, time is urgent, go now!"


While Li Mingchu and the two were arranging the plan of the African Raiders, Lin Yang had also completed the final acquisition of Wacker in the country thousands of kilometers away.

After several days of financial operations on the secondary market, his Qingshan holding company finally took 26% of the shares and achieved absolute control of the wacker company.

This operation cost them nearly 600 million dollies, which doubled compared to the valuation of less than 300 million under the normal acquisition process. If the evaluation is carried out according to the standard operating procedures of the financial market, it should be a complete failed acquisition.

Not to mention that they also took over all the debts of Wacker Company, and just the follow-up debt liquidation will cost hundreds of millions of dollars more.

However, he was not disappointed by the result, because he knew it was the most stealthy and most effective strategy they could use.

After signing his name on the board of directors' equity confirmation letter, Lin Yang breathed a deep sigh of relief. Then he returned to the office, dialed a number with a special mobile phone, and dialed the first Vietnamese call since the acquisition. foreign telephone.

"...Yes, leadership, the acquisition has been completed and the cost is within the plan."

"The media in China has been muted in response to this matter, and we have not seen large-scale coverage, only small-scale reports on stock market-related news."

"Yes, they didn't pursue our controlling relationship -- we were also an offshore holding company, so it's not that easy to find out."

"There is no update plan for the time being. We will maintain the original operation mode and gradually begin to replace the company's personnel."

"There is no problem in terms of manpower. We have already started to talk with domestic companies. When the limelight is almost over, we will start to schedule personnel."

"Understand, understand, there will be no price increase for the time being, but we will reduce the production capacity first."

"Okay, then I'll wait for further notice from my superiors."

Hanging up the phone, Lin Yang leaned back on the seat and put his legs on the table in a relaxed manner.

This is not the first large-scale acquisition project he has handled. In fact, most of the important resource companies and machinery companies in Europe now have the shadow of his Tsingshan Holdings.

Recalling his first stop in Europe, he went to participate in a large-scale machinery and equipment exhibition. The companies participating in the exhibition came from all over the world, from large lathes to mining equipment, from cranes, excavators to gantry cranes, all products They are all competing on the same stage, and their advantages and disadvantages are clear at a glance.

At that time, the equipment produced by Huaxia enterprises was not competitive at all. In the extremely wide venue, the booths of the few participating Huaxia enterprises were the most deserted places, and sometimes no one was interested all day long. The staff did not dare to slack off, and could only stand in front of the booth and use the languages ​​of various countries to try to attract every passing guest.

Compared with those international giants, the engineers from Huaxia are like scoundrels and clowns in the shadow of the stage.

But now, everything is different.

Needless to say, the large-scale equipment of Zhenhua Heavy Industries, which is well-known in China, has a crushing advantage over other manufacturers. In terms of the number of exhibitors, the number of Huaxia manufacturers has accounted for more than half of all manufacturers.

Even more exaggerated is that even those companies that are publicly controlled by foreign investors are almost all acquaintances standing in front of their booths.

After walking in and strolling around, Lin Yang's hands hurt.

There's no way, everyone knows the bottom line, so there's really no need to pretend that you don't know each other on that occasion.

This is a complete monopoly on an industry.

There was a slight smile on Lin Yang's mouth.

Just as Backhouse of Wacker Company said, the giant dragon behind him has devoured an industry in the past ten years. Take your goal one step further and directly swallow the bottom and most basic resource industry.

The silicon mining industry is the first step, so what's the next step?

I heard that the African side has already moved. When their work is done, it should be their turn again, right?

A long way to go.

Lin Yang retracted his legs, sat down in front of the desk again, and began to review a newsletter written by the domestic official media that would be published soon.

At the beginning of the report, that author wrote a few sentences:

"In the international trade market, there is actually always some invisible gunpowder smoke, which is a silent battlefield."

"Now we have achieved some victories and obtained some results, but the smoke has not dissipated."

"Through these gunpowder smoke, we will continue to go to the next battlefield."

"Those who fight on the battlefield, their purpose is not just for economic benefits, not just for personal gains and losses, but for a deeper and brighter future..."

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