Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 236 - J-20 For Hair Change

There are still 3 days left in Ye Zhou's holiday, and the manufacture of sulfur-silicon cells has entered the most critical mass production stage. As long as it has been verified by production, it is not far from packaging and testing.

Ye Zhou was sitting in front of the desk in the room. On the screen was the content of the report sent by Chen Haogang, which included the various actions of the sulfur-silicon battery project, including the technical side and the economic side.

Prior to this, the experiment on the whole industry's flying knife mode has been proven to greatly improve productivity, but there are also many points that need to be optimized. According to Chen Hao's plan, the General Technical Office will continue to test in the future. This pattern until a set of effective solutions is formed.

At the beginning, Ye Zhou didn't really approve of this plan, because he felt that the plan was expensive and expensive, but the benefits were limited, but after Chen Hao brought the expert group to explain the causes and consequences to him, he immediately became a real fragrance. on site.

If this solution can be implemented on a large scale, it is likely to fundamentally change the domestic labor employment model, and may even break the border of capital, weaken its control over laborers, and break the monopoly nature of means of production, thereby accelerating the achievement of a certain A goal written in a book.

This is a very simple logic. When all workers can move freely in an open and transparent market dominated by human centers, the price discrimination caused by poor information will be quickly eliminated.

Of course, the premise of all this is that there must be a strong human center—a human center that actually serves the interests of ordinary people and will never be corroded by capital.

This is a long and difficult road, but it is not important how the road is taken and whether it can be successful or not. It is very important that the rabbit dares to take this step.

Because this proves that among the high-level people of Rabbit, most people still have their original intentions unchanged.

After all, who could refuse to fulfill the great teacher's vision in his lifetime?

Of course, for the current Ye Zhou, he saw something closer and more realistic.

That is, this is a very simple and rude, but also very effective alternative, until the technological achievements that can directly improve productivity are not achieved.

In the short term, it can increase efficiency through a method of quick success, support the domestic industrial sector to digest the scientific and technological achievements provided by itself at a faster speed, and then use these scientific and technological achievements to be reversely exported to the production department. Form a virtuous circle of productivity development.

If the whole industry flying knife model can bring about a 20% increase in efficiency, then the time for digesting scientific and technological achievements can be shortened by 20%.

The 20% shortening, superimposed on the productivity improvement of new technologies, can bring about the compound upgrade of productivity is extremely terrifying.

It is quite possible that things that would have taken decades to complete can be accomplished within a dozen years, or even a decade.

Could it be that you can see the Golden Crow in the sky before you get married?

Ye Zhou's heart suddenly jolted.

It doesn't seem like that's possible.

Does this mean that when you get married, you can hold your wedding on the first flight of the Golden Crow?

It's really touching to think about it, the only problem is that I don't know where to find a marriage partner.

That's fine.

After reading the report, Ye Zhou rolled over and sat up, picked up the phone and dialed Chen Hao.

After the call was connected, Ye Zhou said:

"Mr. Chen, your report is incomplete. Why is there only the battery project? Didn't you show me the follow-up of the sedan sedan project?"

Chen Hao on the other end of the phone answered with some grievance:

"Engineer Ye, these are two projects! The progress is all summed up one by one. It took only 10 minutes for his lithium-sulfur battery project report to be sent to you, and your call came. As for?"

"Did I say your cell phone is in your hand? What can you do if you put it down for a while?"

Ye Zhou sighed and replied:

"Then the phone rings and I can't watch it? Don't babble with me, just tell me how the progress is now and it's over. Has Qilian completed the commissioning after the test drive? Can the design be finalized? Has the optimization been done? When is it expected to be tested on the machine? What is the latest application plan? How is the technology integration? Has the military transformation of the small bypass ratio started?"


After listening to Ye Zhou's series of questions, Chen Hao fell silent.

"Hello? Talk, is there no signal?"

Ye Zhou asked suspiciously.


"...Stop feeding, I'm not here to find materials for you? Why don't you ask when Jinwu will go to the sky? When will Luan Bird take off? When will Jindouyun be interviewed?"

"...When will the Golden Crow go to the sky?"

"You really dare to ask... I have put all the questions you asked in the report. Go and see for yourself. I have a new news to tell you now."

"what news?"

Ye Zhou subconsciously sat up straight, because he could hear a slight difference in Chen Hao's tone.

This means the same as the last time he told himself "I have a gift for you".

Could it be that the sixth generation machine is coming out?

Shouldn't be that fast...

He waited expectantly for Chen Hao's answer, the other party coughed, and then said:

"The J-20 has changed its hair."

"Changed hair? Turbofan 15?"

"The Turbofan 15 has been modified. Based on the reverse results provided by your Sanchi Research Institute, Shu Fei has made major adjustments to the Turbofan 15 in the past six months, using new materials and a new heat dissipation model, and trial-producing several The modified turbofan 15 has now passed all the test runs, and has completed its maiden flight in the past few days, and it is estimated that it will be fully refurbished soon."

"so fast??"

Ye Zhou asked in surprise.

He has long known about the cooperation between Sanchi Research Institute and Shu Fei, and it has been included in his layout of aviation technology from the beginning, but he really did not expect that Shu Fei's actions are not slower than Feng Fei who has a lot of resources to support.

It seems that their technical background is indeed not to be underestimated. Compared with Feng Feilai, it is more than a lot.

"It's not too fast... The highest record on Shu Fei's side is a new model in 3 months."

"How is the performance of this version of the modification?"

Ye Zhou's tone was a little impatient.

"To be honest, it's very exaggerated.... The new material and new technology are superimposed on the original design background, and the effect is a bit unexpected. According to the current test data, the intermediate thrust is 18 tons, and the afterburner thrust is 26 tons. It's nearly doubled compared to the original, and the fuel consumption has been reduced by 20%."

"Compared horizontally with the most advanced f135-pw-100, which is the one used on the f-35, its afterburner thrust is only 18 tons."

"So, this WS-15 modification is completely all-round rolling."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou let out a long sigh of relief.

From this point of view, the route set by Feng Fei to do the imitation and Shu Fei to do the technological breakthrough is not wrong.

The intermediate thrust can reach 18 tons, and according to the design standard of the J-20, its maximum take-off weight is about 37 tons.

With dual engines, if you make some adjustments to the fuselage later, doesn't that mean that the J-20 can take off vertically without any pressure? ?

Thinking of this, he immediately asked:

"I ask you, J-20, is there a vertical take-off model?"

"...Yes, but it hasn't been released yet. That's what I'm going to tell you today..."

Ye Zhou suppressed the ecstasy in his heart and asked:

"When will we board???"

"...Three days later. I wanted to call you just to tell you the schedule so you can go to the test flight."

Don't wait for 003!

The corners of Ye Zhou's mouth rose wildly uncontrollably, and then continued to ask:

"Can I sit up?"

"Where to sit? J-20??"


He answered affirmatively.

"...Go to your dreams, this is a test flight, not an air show! And it's very dangerous to get on the ship this time. At least you have to wait a few weeks after it stabilizes before you can experience it."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou sighed in disappointment.

However, he can understand the above decision. After all, for everyone, their own safety is the most important thing now.

However, Chen Hao also said that when the air show is over, he can let himself sit up and watch it. Now there are less than 7 months before this year's Zhuhai Air Show. At that time, he will stop himself. , it's not very human, is it?

After a moment of silence, Ye Zhou continued to ask:

"Where is the test flight location? How do I get there?"

Chen Hao on the other end of the phone paused for a few seconds, and then replied:

"The location is in the waters near Yongxia Island. When the time comes... you can take the bomb-20 over there."

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