Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 237 Canglong And Phoenix

When Ye Zhou was excited about getting on the H-20, there was another person in Chuanshu who also couldn't sleep, but the reason for his inability to sleep was different from Ye Zhou's.

This person is Wang Chao. He is a photography enthusiast, or to be more precise, he is a wild bird photographer, commonly known as a bird photographer.

Wang Chao doesn't like this title very much, because every time he attends a gathering of the Provincial Photographers Association, he introduces others by saying, "Who is this, a humanistic photographer", "Who is this, a documentary photographer", " This is even more powerful, this is a war photographer", but when it comes to him, people always say lightly: "Oh, this, this is Wang Chao, who is famous for photographing birds."

It has been more than once, after the host introduced him, the people next to him have to ask "is he a body photographer", and every time he has to explain that he is shooting a real bird, the one with feathers that can fly. kind.

However, no matter how he explained it, his writings and words always seemed a little pale.

He has photographed the red-crowned crane, a national first-class protected animal, the kind learned in elementary school textbooks; he has also photographed goshawks hunting on the grasslands, and the ferocious sense of power makes his heart sway; he also photographed the top of the snowy area vultures, and found in them a beauty that transcended life and death.

However, he always felt that these were not enough.

He always felt that the things he photographed were also photographed and expressed by others.

Beauty is beautiful, but it's just a little bit less meaningful.

Where does this mean?

He thought about it for a long time and didn't understand it, but fortunately, a recent piece of news gave him inspiration.

In a certain mountainous area in Sichuan and Shu, a group of Chinese golden pheasants have been very active recently.

In the descriptions of some other fans, this group of golden pheasants are like elves in the mountains, often strolling on the treetops, against the colorful vegetation, just like the legendary phoenix.


Isn't this the "poor meaning" that I was looking for?

Wang Chao immediately decided to go into the mountains to find the traces of Chinese golden pheasants. He even made preparations to stay in the mountains for half a month in advance. If he couldn't take a satisfactory photo this time, he would wait until his physical strength Can't stand it any longer.

To this end, he deliberately pulled his wife, and the two of them carried 40 kilograms of supplies and equipment. After arriving near the mountains by car, they trekked in the mountains for two days, resting several times in the middle, and finally arrived. The scheduled shooting location.

If it wasn't for both of them maintaining the habit of exercising for a long time, such a high-intensity off-road would be too much to bear.

And now is their 10th day of squatting, they have already set up a temporary camp at the shooting location, and their daily life is just staring at the camera with the telephoto lens, and resting and cooking next to them.

I dare not make a fire, but they have prepared a simple solar cooker, which can store energy all day, and eat a hot meal of noodles at night without much problem.

It was four o'clock in the afternoon, the sun was gradually sinking to the west, and Wang Chao was still staring at the camera, waiting for the appearance of the Golden Pheasant.

In the past few days, he has caught the Chinese golden pheasant 3 times in total, but each time they appear is too short, and there are many unsatisfactory points in the photos taken, so this is the time.

The wife on the side had already cooked the noodles. She picked up the lunch box with chopsticks and walked to Wang Chao, patted him on the shoulder and said:

"Come, eat first, and I'll help you watch."

Wang Chao shook his head and replied:

"You eat first. You have a bad appetite these two days, so you need to eat more hot food. If you can't take pictures tomorrow, let's go down the mountain. No matter how important this picture is, it's not as important as your body."

The wife put the lunch box beside him with some humor, then sat down cross-legged and said:

"I'm just tired of eating dehydrated food. How can it be so serious! I finally came here and took pictures. If you don't take satisfactory photos, you won't be reconciled."

"Don't worry, I know my body by myself. It was not harder to accompany you to look for eagles in the Gobi Desert than it is now? I'm not doing well."

Hearing this, Wang Chao felt a little guilty.

His wife was picked up on the road by himself. Back then, when he went to North Xinjiang to collect wind, he happened to meet his wife and a group of people in the archaeological team who also went to North Xinjiang for investigation. He stayed in the archaeological team and worked as a team photographer. Every day, he chatted with each other when he had something to do. After an inspection, the two finally came together.

Mo Feng, this girl under the age of 30 is indeed like a gust of wind blowing in the desert, wandering but fascinating.

But now she has a home.

Not only does he have a destination, but even when the archaeological team finally has no projects to take a long vacation every year, he has to accompany him to run around to realize the seemingly illusory pursuits of those around him.

Wang Chao's eyes were a little numb, he squeezed his wife's shoulder lightly and said:

"You have worked hard with me in the past few years. Don't worry, after I take a satisfactory photo, I will stop doing this, honestly switch to commercial photography, and make good money, we should have a child."

Mo Feng shook his head and replied with a smile:

"Aren't you making a lot of money now? You can earn tens of thousands of dollars for one shot of birds, which is much more than what I will earn next time in the field."

"Isn't that not enough! I, I wish I could give you the best things in the world, and when I earn enough money in the future, what villas, swimming pools, massage rooms... all of them will be given to you. Arrange."

Mo Feng was scanning the opposite mountain with the binoculars in his hand, and when she heard Wang Chao's words, she felt a little amused.

Are all men like this?

They always think that women want things to be a stable and comfortable life, but in fact, if they really want those things, they will not join the archaeological team from the beginning, and it is impossible to know the man in front of them.

She was about to open her mouth to explain, but a tinge of red suddenly appeared in the sight of the telescope.

Mo Feng's expression lifted, and he lowered his voice subconsciously and said:


Wang Chao, who was on the side, hurriedly dropped the lunch box and approached the camera. After constantly adjusting the magnification of the telephoto lens, he finally caught the red.

---- No, not just red.

It was a mountain elf with a crown on his head, emerald jade on his neck, his body as red as flames, and a long tail of gold and brown!

He excitedly continued to adjust the focus, and was pleasantly surprised to find that there were far more than one golden pheasant in the lens this time.

"This time, I'll count... 7, no, 8. No, ho! More and more! Wife, are they having a party here today? A lot!"

"I saw it too, at least twenty, there are males and females, this is... courtship?"

"It's possible, it's almost the mating season of the Chinese golden pheasant. You can help me stare at the frame and I'll find the angle."

"Okay, focus on your search, and I'll show you the viewfinder."

After receiving the response from his wife, Wang Chao began to concentrate on adjusting the focus. The lens constantly patrolled among the elves in the mountains, and took beautiful pictures one after another.

If you shoot like this, you can probably finish work today, right?

Wang Chao thought to himself.

However, just as he was adjusting the lens in a gap, he suddenly found that a strange thing appeared in the horizon.

That's a black spot.

A black spot floating in the air with an irregular shape and faint blue light.

"Wife, take a high-powered lens and see, is there a ufo in the sky over there? It's a little bit next to the tallest pine tree on the top of the mountain."

Hearing this, Mo Feng immediately set up a high-powered mirror, and after a look, she answered:

"It seems to be a ufo, I can't see it clearly with the camera, it's too far, but it doesn't look like a plane, how can the plane hang in the air...I see fire breathing underneath it. "

"Could it be a newly developed aircraft? Is there a military base nearby?"

Mo Feng shook his head.

"I've never heard of it! If there really is a military base, we won't be able to enter. Could it be from somewhere else? But it's flying in the mountains, and it's hanging in the air... I really I don't know what this is about."

Just when they started to try to focus the camera on the aircraft, the two suddenly found that the flames at the bottom of the unidentified aircraft had disappeared.

Then, seemingly in an instant, the outline of the aircraft began to enlarge at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"I'm going! It's a plane! Wife, what plane is this?"

"You ask me who I'm going to ask? Wait, you take off the camera first, this thing can't be photographed!"

Wang Chao nodded, and began to operate the camera lens to return to the area where the Chinese golden pheasants were located, and then answered:

"I don't shoot it, I'll shoot my bird..."

"No, it's flying over!"

Following Mo Feng's exclamation, Wang Chao subconsciously looked at the viewfinder, and then, in the viewfinder of the small aperture lens, he saw the most unforgettable scene in his life.

The strange aircraft came across the thousand mountains with the thunderous sonic boom. Its flight path was almost close to the treetops above the mountain peaks. The dazzling blue light lit up at its tail, and its outline became bigger and bigger. , and it is becoming clearer.

Then, just a few seconds before it was about to fly to the mountain opposite them, the plane suddenly pulled up at an incredible angle, and a term learned from the movie flashed in Wang Chao's mind.

Cobra maneuvers.

But it's not just a simple Cobra maneuver.

After climbing to a certain height, the plane began to fall like fallen leaves. At a certain moment, Wang Chao almost thought that it was about to crash due to an operational error.

However, just a second after the idea was born, the tail of the plane re-sprayed a majestic flame, and in those blue-ray flames, as many as 10 dazzling halos flickered with thrilling light.

The speed of the plane's descent suddenly stopped, and it began to hover eerily in the air.

Afterwards, the nose slowly fell, and the fuselage, which was originally perpendicular to the ground, gradually became parallel with the steering of the wake.

Just like a helicopter.

This was the weird flying thing he saw at first, floating in the air.

The plane was still flying forward slowly, and the shocking roar not only made Wang Chao and his wife tremble, but also frightened those Chinese Golden Pheasants who were at ease.

The golden pheasants, which were not good at flying, took off and escaped desperately at this moment. They spread out their radiant and colorful wings and flew towards the orange sky.

Wang Chao's fingers moved towards the shutter almost uncontrollably.

At this moment, he felt some kind of calling.

Dark gray aircraft exuding a sense of metal and mechanical power, dazzling blue wakes, golden pheasants fleeing in all directions, dim but gentle vast sky...

The shutter is pressed.

Mo Feng looked at Wang Chao in surprise, and then her eyes turned to the camera screen.

There, a preview of a photo is being generated.

Moments later, both of them saw this photo that was enough to go down in history.

In the photo, in the sky above the mountains, the blue dragon and the phoenix fly together!

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