Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 238 I'm Afraid Of A Misunderstanding

Two days later, Wang Chao and his wife returned to the foot of the mountain. The first thing they did was not to go home for repairs, but to go straight to the nearest police station and surrendered.

"We photographed a strange aircraft, and then we checked the Internet. This aircraft should not be our current aircraft. We want to submit the photos and equipment for inspection... Yes, this is our work permit."

The staff of the police station were very knowledgeable and did not ask to check their cameras, but directly notified their superiors by phone. Soon after, a military vehicle drove to the door of the police station, and the staff above invited them on a "ceremonious" basis. car.

As soon as the door was closed, all their equipment was required to be handed in. Afterwards, professional staff began to check the photos they took. When they saw the photo that was specially set as a star by Wang Chao, the staff hand stopped.

"What's wrong?"

A colleague on the side leaned over and asked.

He shook his head and replied:

"This thing... I think it's better not to delete it. Take it back and see what the leader means."


Two hours later, the underground command center of an airport.

Ye Zhou excitedly circled the bomber code-named "Chongming" parked in the hangar. He also arrived at the airport less than four hours ago, but he has been in the hangar for three and a half. hours.

Can't see enough, really can't see enough.

During this period of time, he deeply felt what it means for a mother-in-law to see her son-in-law more and more satisfied, even if he himself is a single dog without a girlfriend.

He touched the surface of the plane with his hands, feeling the rough texture of the special coating on it, and his eyes kept scanning the entire plane.

Just then, a voice sounded behind him:

"Engineer Ye, can you stop touching it? The stealth coating is very expensive. If you touch it, you have to refill it!"

Ye Zhou looked back and saw that it was Chen Hao who came.

Like himself, he has also flown here from Fengtian. Tomorrow, he will also follow the flight formation to the predetermined test site.

However, he was not lucky enough to be able to fly on the H-20----the transport plane was arranged for him.

However, at least it is still in the cockpit position, and there is no need to sit in the cargo compartment.

Ye Zhou removed his hand from the plane, climbed down the ladder and replied:

"Why do I touch it! It's not allowed to touch it after I've made it? Why? Is there anything? Don't disturb me if it's all right. I'll stay with her for a while."

"...You are stunned. Let's go, this time it's really something."

"What's the matter?"

Seeing Chen Hao's serious expression, Ye Zhou also became serious.

"There is a couple who went to the nearby mountains to shoot birds. They happened to take a picture of the j-20h we went out to test. They turned themselves in. They have brought them here now. They are asking. I want to bring you over to have a look."

"Do you want me to take care of this?"

Ye Zhou asked in surprise.

According to his thinking, if he voluntarily surrendered, then the high probability of photographing confidential information is also unintentional. Let the intelligence department below check it out, rule out the suspicion, delete the photo and release it.

For a trivial matter, do you have to make your own decisions?

A little too exaggerated, right?

Moreover, the j-20h will make its public debut soon, and it will only take about ten hours before and after. Confidentiality no longer exists during the high-intensity test flight at this stage. It’s just a photo, so what’s the fuss about? .

Seemingly seeing what he was thinking, Chen Hao replied with a smile:

"This time is different. Originally it had nothing to do with me. It was someone who took the initiative to inform me and asked me to call you to see it. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to find this good thing."

"Is this a good thing??"

Ye Zhou asked in disbelief.

"Whether it's a good thing, you'll know when you see it."

While talking, Chen Hao turned around to lead the way, Ye Zhou followed behind him in confusion, and came to the room where Wang Chao and his wife were.

There is a huge screen in the room, and in front of the two of them are some small snacks that don't seem to be very tasty, and they don't know where they came from. The two staff members are sitting opposite them. Chat with them.

Seeing Ye Zhou walk in, the two quickly stood up and saluted.

They don't know who this person is, but judging from the authority that he can freely enter and exit all confidential areas, and even touch the h-20 in the hangar for a few hours, no one dares to control it, he is definitely a big guy.

Ye Zhou saluted in return, and then asked:

"How's the situation?"

"Reporting to the leader, the situation has been basically checked. Wang Chao, Mo Feng and his wife have clear identities and backgrounds, the audit results are good, there is no overseas relationship, and there is no complicated interpersonal communication."

"Mo Feng is a staff member of the National Archaeological Team and has confirmed with the relevant work units; Wang Chao is a freelance photographer and a member of the provincial photography association, mainly photographing birds."

Hearing this, Wang Chao opened his mouth, but finally endured it again.

"Generally speaking, the two did not have the subjective intention of taking the initiative to take confidential information, and they also gave feedback to the relevant departments as soon as possible after the accidental shooting. The facts are clear."

Ye Zhou nodded, then continued to ask:

"What's the problem now? If the problem is basically clear, delete the photo and let it go. It's past three o'clock in the afternoon. Look at what you're giving people to eat."

The staff member smiled awkwardly, and then replied:

"No, leader, it was already past dinner time when they came... This is the case, we originally planned to deal with it according to the normal process, but... The photo they took is a bit It's not good to delete."

"What do you mean by not being deleted?"

"You'll know just by looking at it."

While speaking, the staff member turned on the screen, and then the photo that shocked everyone jumped out.

Ye Zhou stared at the screen dumbfounded. After a long time, he turned to Wang Chao and his wife and asked:

"This filmed it?"

"My husband took it!"

Mo Feng replied quickly.

Looking at Ye Zhou's expression, Chen Hao said amusedly:

"I know you have this expression. Now you know why I said it's a good thing? Come on, you can decide, delete or keep it?"

Ye Zhou suddenly turned his head and glared at Chen Hao, then said viciously:

"What are you kidding me?! Can this kind of thing be deleted? Come on, save it, and hand it over to the Bureau of War and Terrorism... No, there should be copyrights, right? Two, can you sell the photos?"

Wang Chao looked at Ye Zhou at a loss, and after a moment of hesitation, he said:

"Leader, this is not for sale. I can hand it over to you for free, but... when I use it, can I sign my name?"

"Don't worry, don't worry, there will be someone special to contact you. But can you think of a way to send me a copy? I want to save it on my phone."

" problem leading."

Ye Zhou nodded with satisfaction, and after a moment of indulgence, he said:

"Let the professionals handle this matter. Pay attention to protecting the rights and interests of creators, and pay attention to confidentiality requirements. I will just come here to watch the fun, and I will not express my opinion."


The staff answered decisively.

From Ye Zhou's words, they all heard what he meant.

This rare photo is here to stay.

After chatting a few words with Wang Chao and his wife in the room, and instructing the staff to get them something to eat, Ye Zhou took Chen Hao and turned and left the room. The couple who stayed in the room looked at each other, and then their faces He smiled involuntarily.

Mo Feng knew that after this photo was born, her husband's long-term pursuit would soon be realized.


After leaving the room, Ye Zhou excitedly pulled Chen Hao towards the apron. Chen Hao immediately understood what he was going to do, so he asked jokingly:

"What do you mean? Are you going to see j-20h?"

"That's not it! It's too handsome, I didn't expect to be so handsome after changing my hair... You go quickly! You won't be in a hurry later!"

"...Brother, you just touched the H-20 and didn't let go. What's going on, don't let go of love so quickly?"

Ye Zhou glared at him and said solemnly:

"Don't mention that water in front of me these two days, I'm afraid the J-20 will misunderstand!"

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