Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 239 The Land Of Yongxia

The next day, at 0500 in the morning, before the sun had risen, Ye Zhou boarded the h-20 as scheduled and entered the main cockpit.

His position was arranged behind the crew, and he was not subject to any confidentiality restrictions during the whole process. However, he did not listen to any operation passwords, because his attention was completely attracted by the strange scenery outside the porthole.

The plane glides slowly on the top of the run, and then suddenly rises from the ground, with the height gradually increasing, and the light entering the cabin is getting brighter and brighter.

Their flight path is from west to east, just facing the direction of the sun, so from Ye Zhou's point of view, it seems that they are flying towards the sun.

The altitude continued to rise. Just as Ye Zhou wondered how to fly the plane under such light conditions, all the portholes in the cockpit suddenly closed. Then, the display screen was raised, and a full-angle image of the outside of the plane was projected on the display screen instead of the pilot's eyes.

Ye Zhou watched this scene in surprise and wanted to ask questions, but finally shut up.

After completely ascending into the stratosphere, Ye Zhou felt that the plane was slowly accelerating, and then at a certain moment, after the noise reached its peak, the sound in his ears suddenly decreased.

Breaking the speed of sound.

Now the noise transmitted to the cabin is only the structure noise of the aircraft itself and the noise when the engine is running.

Although it is still huge, the noise environment in the cabin is comfortable enough at this time compared to the huge wind noise before breaking the sound barrier.

The two pilots took off the soundproof headphones, turned around and gestured to Ye Zhou and said:

"Leader, the flight time is about 5 and a half hours, you can rest for a while on the plane."

Ye Zhou nodded reservedly, then closed his eyes.

But a moment later, he opened his eyes again after realizing that the pilot was not looking at him.

This is an extremely rare experience in life, how can it be spent in sleep?

Flying is tedious, especially after going into supercruise, but what about a strategic bomber's supercruise?

No matter how boring you are, you won't be bored anywhere!

After five and a half hours of flight, Ye Zhou didn't feel any sleepiness.

When the plane finally began to descend and prepare to land on Yongxia Island, he even had a feeling of unfinished business.

"Want to fly around again?"

he asked.

The two pilots looked at each other, opened the porthole of the plane with a slight smile, and started a new round of flight around the island.

Through the porthole, Ye Zhou saw the azure blue water below him, and in that sea, the island that was growing in size with each passing day.

It seems to be a pearl in the sea, and it seems to be a giant ship, carrying the country's hope of going deep blue.

And in a corner of this island, Ye Zhou saw a real giant ship frantically swallowing sand.

Compared to a short time later, the number of h-20 takeoffs and landings that this island can accommodate is no longer as few as four.

After the last lap was completed, the plane began to land slowly.

With a slight tremor, a puff of blue smoke rose from the runway, and this heavy-bright bird with the expectation of "expelling all wild beasts" in its name finally landed in the southernmost nest.

Ye Zhou climbed off the plane. There were already some soldiers standing on the runway who had come to meet him, and Chen Hao, who left early, was among them.

After seeing Ye Zhou, he walked up with a smile on his face and asked:

"How is it? Feeling okay?"

"Well, in general, it would be nice if it could be faster."

"...Just pretend, your mouth is about to go to the back of your head. Let's go and have breakfast first."

"Have a hammer for breakfast, I'll go see my lovely j-20h first..."

"...J-20h doesn't go to the island, it's on the aircraft carrier. What are you in a hurry? Let's have breakfast first, and then take you around the island."

"Okay... Then you can ask the cafeteria to give me two whole coconuts and a mouthful of bread."

Ye Zhou replied helplessly.

In fact, he really didn't want to waste time on such trivial matters as eating breakfast after arriving on this island, but since Chen Hao insisted, he couldn't refuse too much.

"Are you sure you don't want to try the seafood sand tea noodles here? This is a must in Yongxia Island."

"This place also has sand tea noodles!?"

Ye Zhou opened his mouth wide and asked in surprise.

"...not to mention sand tea noodles, supermarkets have them. Can you take your eyes off the h-20 for a few seconds and look around you, do you think it's good to have sand tea noodles in this place Are you surprised?"

Hearing Chen Hao's words, Ye Zhou was stunned for a moment, then raised his head and began to look at his surroundings. However, after seeing this, he suddenly realized that his impression of this island was simply wrong.

That's right, he does know that the country has invested a lot of power in this island, and even in recent years it is rumored that the tourism industry will be released and the first tourists have been experimentally welcomed, but, in his mind Li had always believed that it was nothing more than a remote island in a vast sea.

An island, no matter how big the area is, no matter how beautiful the natural conditions are, how can its living conditions be better?

However, the scene in front of his eyes hit him hard in the face.

This is not as simple as an island at all, this is a city.

There are many buildings and the streets are orderly. Looking out through the fence of the airport, you can even notice that there are traffic lights at some intersections!

Ye Zhou looked back at Chen Hao in astonishment. Chen Hao smiled, took him to the special car, and then explained:

"This island is not what it used to be for a long time. Your impression of it is probably still several years ago."

"Now, this is not only an island, nor even a military base, but the official office of Sansha City. There are not only troops stationed here, but also officials and civilians."

"A little further in, we can enter the urban area. Although the area is really small, it has all the internal organs."

"Supermarkets, cinemas, ktvs, restaurants...everything."

"Yongxia Island, it is no longer that Yongxia Island."

Having said this, Chen Hao sighed deeply, looked out of the car window, and then continued with some emotion:

"In 1988, we took back Yongxia Island. At that time, it was not an island, just a reef."

"The area of ​​this reef above the water surface is less than one square meter. After the boundary marker is placed, the soldiers guarding the reef must stand in the water."

"The time they change shifts is once a day, and they soak in the sea water for a long time. Everyone's legs are soaked in blood. It is no exaggeration to say that sometimes when they stand, they find that the water under their feet turns red. already."

"They don't feel pain, but in this case, they have to get out of the sea immediately - because there are actually sharks in this sea."

"After a while, we built a stilt house here - it's actually a simple tin house. This kind of house is better than the thatched house at the beginning, but the conditions are limited."

"Think about it, under this latitude and this sunshine condition, the temperature during the day will soar to nearly 40 degrees. The iron house is like a steamer. If you encounter a typhoon, you can only resign yourself to fate."

"At that time, the soldiers standing guard had to leave the tin house every once in a while to ventilate outside, because under the high temperature, if they stayed in the house for too long, they were likely to face the danger of heat stroke or even suffocation."

"In contrast, the scarcity of fresh water and the fact that entertainment is about zero are not difficult."

"It's nothing to drink a glass of fresh water a day, it's nothing to suffer from rheumatoid arthritis because it's too humid, and it's boring to talk to the fish that occasionally jump up in the sea. At that time, they thought There is really only one thing to do.”

"That is to fill the sea with their bodies."

"It went on like this for a long time until we started building the Yongxia Reef Marine Observatory."

"Yongxia Reef is inaccessible, isolated from the world, inconvenient transportation, and faces great difficulties in transportation. We first blew up a corner of the atoll to facilitate the entry and exit of freighters, and then used the blasted sand and gravel as building materials. , secondary use."

"The materials transported from the outside of the island and reef weighed thousands of tons, and we carried them to Yongxia Reef a little bit by hand."

"At that time, we endured the harsh natural environment every day, worked 16 hours, stepped on the sea water more than one meter deep, and almost forgot to sleep. In the end, we created an impossible engineering miracle."

"From what day, everything started to get better."

"All kinds of equipment began to be transported to the island, the fresh water well was discovered, and the communication facilities were erected, and people on the island could finally call their families to report safety."

"However, it was still just an island at that time, until 10 years."

"In 10 years, the Sky Whale was built and dispatched here for the first time."

"In 2014, the island and reef growth plan was launched, and in one year, the area of ​​Yongxia Island expanded 350 times."

"The airport runway is completed, the berthing deep-water port is completed, and there is no pressure for ships under 20,000 tons to dock on the island."

"Not long ago, Yun 20 landed on Yongxia Island."

"Finally, we will no longer be short of daily necessities - everything that exists on land, we will have here."

"The supermarket moved in at that time, and some family members also moved in with the supermarket. Now, some licensed businessmen have also begun to land on the island."

"As I told you, this is no longer an island, but a city."

"This is a city for all of us."

"Or maybe we could be more . . . blunt?"

"She is an aircraft carrier that will always stand at the forefront, always guard the first line of defense, and will never sink."

"In front of her is the enemy, and behind her is the motherland."

"So, I hope to take a good look at her and see this place where we have worked hard for decades."

"She doesn't just have the J-20, Yun-20, and H-20 that you are thinking about."

"She also has coconut wind and waves, blue lagoons, unparalleled seafood, and green trees and red walls."

"She has seagulls that fly from the sea as white as snow, fish who are not afraid of our ships but often cross the pier in the sunset, and the gentle sea breeze that you can't feel anywhere else, There are sandy beaches without any impurities.”

"She has our soldiers, and also, our people."

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