Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 244 Make A Single Soldier Exoskeleton To Play?

deep city.

Not long after the meeting over the sea, Ye Zhou received a special invitation letter from mwc, inviting him to participate in that year's mwc as a special contributor.

The conference organizer's words were extremely sincere, but Ye Zhou wanted to laugh.

What has promoted the development of world communication technology, what has benefited underdeveloped countries with cheap technology, and what has broken the monopoly pattern...

I bother!

Although the country that hosts the mwc does not belong to the ranks of the ugly country's hardcore licking dogs, they still belong to the same camp.

Since he belongs to the same camp, he has no reason to brag about himself like this.

Ye Zhou didn't know what their calculus was, but it was impossible for him to attend such an exhibition that required going abroad.

go for what? Exchange technical experience?

But the problem is, he is a wall!

What can we communicate? Opening experience?

Stop bullshitting.

Not to mention the huge security pressure that he faces when he travels abroad in his current capacity. Maybe the money for one trip abroad is enough to build a simple road for some underdeveloped areas.

He himself is a person who is extremely cost-effective, and he doesn't even plan to consider such a significantly low-yield thing.

Watching him throw the invitation into the wastebasket, Chen Hao asked curiously:

"Don't want to go abroad to see it? Barcelona, ​​whether it is natural scenery or urban scenery, it is very charming."

"Now is not the time. When will Jinwu start a global cruise, where can I go? What am I doing in such a hurry, there are not enough great rivers and mountains in China for me to see? I haven't even finished visiting the scenic spots in China."

"...That's right. Would you like to arrange for you to go shopping in the country during this time?"

Ye Zhou glanced at Chen Hao helplessly and said:

"Don't think I don't know what you mean, isn't it just a vacation in disguise? I really have enough rest, don't mention this topic in the future, okay, if I really feel tired, I won't drag it on. Let's go and see the battery test, the first batch should have been off the production line today, right?"

Chen Hao nodded and replied:

"I just dropped it two hours ago, and now I'm doing a cycle charge and discharge test. In fact, there's no need to look at it, just wait for the results."

"Then I have to find something to do! I've been here for two days and haven't done anything."

"This is the meaning of the establishment of the General Technical Office! If you need to do anything trivial, what is the point of the General Technical Office?"

Ye Zhou was stunned for a moment, then sat down again.

Yes, there is still a lot of technology that needs to be brought out in the future. It is impossible to do everything by yourself, otherwise, you will not be able to keep up in terms of time and energy.

The reason why I still think like this subconsciously is purely because the previous habit has not been changed.

"Well, you're right...let's talk about the follow-up plan first."

Chen Hao nodded and sat down, opened the pad projection screen in his hand, and began to introduce Ye Zhou about the battery test and release plan.

The general technical office with him as the core has already made all preparations. As long as the battery experiment is successful, it is necessary to release this battery from an official standpoint in an absolutely shocking way.

What they have to do is not only to release batteries, but more importantly, to take this opportunity to completely break the domestic worries about new energy.


While the two were chatting about the next step, in the laboratory, the engineers had also completed the last test of the sulfur-silicon battery.

The test results are in the form of reports and projected on the big screen.

"The energy density is between 980 and 1100, and there are certain fluctuations, but the high probability is the difference caused by the immature production process. Judging from the average fluctuation, it should be considered a success, right?"

"Well, I think it's a success. You see, although the performance of this batch of batteries fluctuates, the fluctuation range is very narrow and not continuous. It is highly probable that some independent operation error events lead to the performance degradation. , which can be said to be inevitable during the first trial production process."

"Liu, go and compare the results of the first trial production of the 4680 battery to see if the data fluctuations are normal."

"Team leader, let me cast it on the next screen."

As he spoke, the researcher named Xiao Liu was operating on his own computer. In a few seconds, another report was displayed on the screen in a synchronized manner.

"Huh, the group energy density of the 4680 is only 240wh/kg? What's the matter? I thought that the 4680 was already very advanced."

"This is probably the difficulty of turning luxury into thrift. What did we do with batteries in the past? Optimizing CTP, optimizing the cell stacking scheme, optimizing the stacking process, and even optimizing the material of the pack, it can be improved by 20%. Enough for the project bonus."

"What about now? It jumped from a small three-digit number to a four-digit number. Looking back, it's really a bit distasteful."

"Well...the data error distribution is similar, there shouldn't be any major problems."

After the researchers read the analysis reports and comparisons, their originally dangling hearts finally settled down.

After nearly three weeks of hard work, their work is finally complete.

Now, it is only necessary to wait for the combination of the battery cell and the magazine battery pack system, and after moving it to the new energy vehicle, it can be handed over to the General Technical Office for release.

They don't yet know how the other party will release this new battery, but everyone has actually received some wind--or, guessed some clues from what they were asked to do .

"So, this time, the battery is directly on the car. The above is to directly measure how far a new battery can run?"

"No news, but I think it should be, after all, the official intention to engage in batteries this time is very obvious, that is, to impact oil vehicles - or to impact the energy market."

"It's useless to talk to consumers about those technical indicators, and they don't understand it. The best way is to build a car and throw it in front of them for them to see."

"I don't understand what density and capacity mean, but you can always understand mileage, right? How far can a car go, how many times it needs to be charged, and how long does it take to charge each time? This is intuitive enough, right?"

"So, when we first started the project, the goal set for us by the General Technical Office was to get the battery on the car. It is estimated that this is the purpose."

After listening to his analysis, the other researchers nodded, and after a pause, someone asked:

"This time the energy density of the cell has soared, how much can it be converted into mileage?"

"Hard to say."

The team leader shook his head and continued:

"The specific mileage also needs to consider the weight of the vehicle, the layout of the battery pack, the power management scheme, the driving status and even the road conditions, etc. The final mileage depends on what method the official will use to test."

"They will definitely not choose to fix the closed road section, otherwise, there is no need to spend such a lot of time... However, no matter what, if this battery is put on the car, it should be easy to run 2,000 kilometers. "

"Even the charging speed is also being extended. Originally, the sulfur-silicon battery was charged very quickly, but with a large capacity, the time will be extended."

"It's not too long, isn't it, team leader? According to our estimates, in fact, the magazine group is only full for half an hour at most. Compared with the effective driving time, the ratio is actually not much different from that of the gas truck."

"This is... Forget it, don't worry about it, is the report organized? Send it to the leader!"


A few minutes later, Ye Zhou received the latest performance test report of the sulfur-silicon battery from the laboratory.

The volume energy density is 1900wh/l, the group energy density is expected to be 1000wh/kg, the discharge high efficiency area is 30%~80% soc, and the overall parameters fully meet the expected standards.

According to this data, the energy storage performance of silicon-sulfur batteries is more than 4 times higher than that of existing products in the market.

"Is this like replacing the horse-drawn carriage with an internal combustion engine? Karl Benz's two-stroke single-cylinder gasoline engine ended the horse-drawn carriage era. Will our battery also end the oil-carriage era? His performance advantages are too obvious, whether it is mileage or use. The cost is much lower than that of traditional gasoline vehicles.”

Chen Hao asked expectantly.

Ye Zhou shook his head and replied:

"Oil trucks are not so easily replaced, it's a slow process."

"What we have to do is not to overthrow all the oil trucks at once, but to open up a wider road through it."

"And, this battery is not just designed for new energy vehicles, it can be used in many fields, aircraft, submarines, wind power generation, ship all-electric systems, mining equipment... In short, new energy vehicles are just the beginning, the next step There are many more applications to do.”

"For example, with such a large energy density, why don't we try to build a personal exoskeleton armor to play with?"

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