Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 245 Rush To Release Sulfur Lithium Battery

Ye Zhou's idea of ​​developing a mechanical exoskeleton was quickly passed on by Chen Hao to the General Technical Office, and then, through the General Technical Office, this request was passed on to Huaxia Weapons Group, and the other party's reply was very simple:

At present, the design of mechanical exoskeletons in China has become mature, and breakthroughs can be achieved as long as the energy problem is solved.

Therefore, based on this condition, the General Technical Office organized the start-up meeting of the mechanical exoskeleton project and determined the basic goals.

In a relatively short period of time, a mechanical exoskeleton device that meets the use standards and can greatly improve the combat effectiveness of individual soldiers will be manufactured.

From Ye Zhou's point of view, the latter goal is temporarily unreliable. Now this era is an era where offense far outweighs defense. No matter how thick armor you design, a large-caliber anti-equipment can be automatically worn through. .

However, this is still a useful attempt. If there is a breakthrough in the field of materials science in the future, this thing can still play a certain role.

As for how to do it, that's not something Ye Zhou needs to take care of.

Huaxia Weapons Group will be fully responsible for this project, and they will start to adapt as soon as the battery is available.

"The application range of your battery is much wider than I expected... Now I'm starting to worry about production capacity."

Chen Hao hung up the conference call and turned back to Ye Zhou.

Ye Zhou nodded and replied:

"It's a good thing to have a wide range of applications. If there is no place where it can be applied, why do we make it? In addition, there is no need to worry about production capacity."

"The General Technical Office authorized the commercial operation according to the patent model. Believe me, these domestic manufacturers are faster than anyone else when it comes to making money."

"Understood, let's do it according to this plan first."

While talking, Chen Hao stood up and gestured to Ye Zhou, indicating that it was time for him to get off work.

It was six o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Zhou glanced at his watch and followed Chen Hao out the door.


At the same time that Huaxia completed the first batch of battery trial production, the batteries of the island country have also walked off the production line, each test has been completed, and the data has been presented on the leadership's desk.

"The energy density is 460wh/kg, which is very good. You have done a great job!"

"If this data is real, it means that our battery has double the performance compared to the current battery on the market."

"That's enough for us to swallow the whole market!"

"Watanabe, is your release plan ready? We need to spread the news immediately and seize the market initiative!"

The man standing by the side quickly bowed slightly and replied:

"Mr. Shiraishi, everything is ready, we can release it at any time."

"Okay! Then now! Don't wait! Our clients are big companies in the professional field, they don't need any fancy publicity plans, they just need to tell them this information, go, Watanabe, go win it for us This city!"


Watanabe answered loudly, then exited the office.

Half an hour later, all major downstream manufacturers in the world received the news of the release of Panasonic's new batteries. These manufacturers responded to inquiries about technical details. After learning the number "460", some small manufacturers even issued po directly.

This is a revolutionary breakthrough. The energy density of 460 means that if the existing battery layout is followed, the mileage of a tram can directly exceed 1,000 kilometers.

No one wants to miss this opportunity to embrace the future.

In the afternoon of the same day, the news of Panasonic's 46-x battery release began to ferment, and it was quickly passed to other fields of other industries.

In the stock market, the stock prices of new energy vehicle companies and raw material lithium companies have soared; in the futures market, the prices of related raw materials have also strengthened, and the price of raw lithium has once exceeded the highest point of the year.

International crude oil prices have fallen deeply. On the day the news has not been finally confirmed, international oil prices have fallen by 12%.

This series of impacts caused panic among international energy giants. They issued statements one after another, pointing out that the use of crude oil is not only for civilian fuel, but also includes many other chemical applications. A new energy battery will not fundamentally cause international crude oil supply and demand. sexual influence.

But no one listened to their explanations, because everyone could see how pale their explanations were.

Crude oil prices continued to fall, and just at the critical moment when it was about to fall below 20%, a piece of news from Aozhou ended the downward momentum.

Greenbushese announced that from now on, due to the rising cost of raw material mining and refining, the ex-factory price of raw material lithium will be increased by 300% on the original basis.

Exactly 4 times.

The most important raw material for lithium-sulfur batteries is lithium. If the price increases fourfold, it means that the cost of a single battery will increase by more than three times.

Such a cost increase almost completely swallowed up the dividends brought by the battery performance improvement, and for a while, Panasonic was in a mess.

Shiraishi sat in the large conference room, frowning.

He had already called Aozhou through his contacts and wanted to ask them about their intention to raise the price without any warning, but their answers were extremely perfunctory, at best, they were just saying what they had already said in public statements. Say it again with your mouth.

"Mr. Evans, I understand your company's business strategy, but at the same time, I also hope that your company can give us a reasonable explanation based on our good cooperation foundation and deep friendship."

"We have been a high-quality customer of your company and purchase a large amount of raw materials from your company every year - most of the cash we spend on raw materials goes to your company."

"This time our new battery is released, and the technology in it requires a lot of raw material lithium. In the foreseeable future, our cooperation will continue to deepen, so, with all due respect, I would like to ask you for an answer on behalf of our entire company. "

Hearing Shiraishi's words, the person on the other end of the phone sighed helplessly, and then replied:

"Mr. Shiraishi, I know you are dissatisfied with this price increase, but, as we said, this is a decision that has to be made due to the reality of increased costs."

"We certainly hope to continue working with you, and we hope that we can stand together and work together to achieve greater business results, but all of this must be based on respect for each other's strategies."

"Also, here I want to give you a piece of advice: don't take our strategy as malicious, we're not targeting you."

Shiraishi listened silently, and after a long time, he finally said:

"alright, I got it."

After saying that, he said goodbye politely and hung up the phone.

He had already understood the meaning of the other party's words.

It is not aimed at its own side, it is aimed at China.

That's right, like our own, Huaxia's companies are also conducting research on lithium-sulfur batteries, and their success is almost inevitable, the only thing behind is time.

Once they also come up with new batteries, the impact on this market will be extremely dire.

Because, with them, every blue ocean will turn into a red ocean in a very short period of time.

And if they still use cheap high-density batteries to impact the energy market, it will definitely not only suffer losses from peer companies, but the entire energy industry chain - the energy industry chain with oil as the core.

Ugly country officials will not allow such a thing to happen, which is the fundamental reason for greenbushese's price increase.

They are just trying to keep oil prices down.

Thinking of this, Shiraishi sighed deeply.

He originally thought that this technological breakthrough would bring unparalleled advantages to his company, and even gain a certain monopoly position, on an equal footing with those real giants in the world, but now it seems that this is not the case at all.

The power to set the rules of the game is still firmly in the opponent's hands. If he wants you to play, he will let you play. If he doesn't want you to play, he will put a bunch of bad cards into your hand.

And you can't resist, you just have to keep playing with this bad hand.

Can you beat the bad cards?

Shiroishi shook his head secretly.

Maybe, but that's too hard.

At the moment when he disbanded the meeting in despair, a thought suddenly flashed through his mind:

The real opponent of the ugly country is Huaxia, so, in this case, what will the Chinese people do?

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