Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 246 The World's Chessboard

Chapter two

deep city.

"It's exactly the same as what we thought. First, the island country companies rushed to release batteries, and then used the price of raw material lithium to hedge the negative impact of performance improvement on oil prices. What's the next step?"

Ye Zhou watched the news with interest and asked.

"If nothing else, we should start raising oil prices, create public opinion, and start putting pressure on the Sudan government to prepare to take over the oil field."

While answering, Chen Hao projected the results of the information summary on his pad to Ye Zhou, which was the latest public opinion monitoring report.

Ye Zhou glanced at it briefly and found that the above contents were basically the same.

It is nothing more than saying that the manufacturing cost of batteries is high, the manufacturing process is polluting, and it is not as environmentally friendly as fossil energy.

However, this time their public opinion offensive did not seem to have achieved good results, and the masses were not stupid. After being brought to the rhythm again and again, most people have begun to wake up.

Compared with whether the battery is environmentally friendly or not, there is only one issue they are more concerned about, that is, when will our own next-generation lithium-sulfur battery be launched, and how is the performance compared to Panasonic's 46-x.

For this question, the General Technical Office did not reply directly. Instead, the technical departments of several companies forwarded the bibs and responded with a "stay tuned".

This time, the appetite of netizens was completely lifted.

"What do you mean by stay tuned? Is there an exact time?"

"Let's announce the technical indicators first, at least let us have a bottom line."

"Hurry up, hurry up! I'm still in a hurry to choose a car, hurry up!"

"Upstairs, your choice of car has nothing to do with this battery. Even if the battery is solved, it will take some time to adapt to the new version of the car. The new ones are all good.”

"The mileage is too short, I'd rather not buy it if it's less than 1,000 kilometers. Hey, just wait..."

Ye Zhou opened the link to check the public opinion feedback and asked:

"So what preparations have not been done yet? Can it be released as soon as possible? If it is delayed for too long, it will not be good for our subsequent applications."

Chen Hao clicked on a page on the pad and replied:

"The preparations for the pure technical part have already been completed, and now all the actions we are doing are countermeasures against the ugly country."

"Our fundamental goal this time is to completely break the old order in the energy field, so it can't just be done."

"At present, the preparations for the futures part are almost complete. Now we will wait for the ugly country to continue to raise oil prices for a while, and then we will go short. It is estimated that it will be within a day or two."

"In Sudan, the first batch of trial-produced batteries has been cleared, and the experimental bureau will start immediately. We can see the results of the experimental bureau tomorrow, and then start negotiations."

"The central media is in charge of the publicity work, and the program preparations have been basically completed, just waiting for the battery to get on the bus."

Ye Zhou nodded, paused for a moment and said:

"The day after tomorrow, in any case, this battery must be released as soon as possible!"

"Okay, let's speed up appropriately."


On the afternoon of the same day, the General Technical Office issued a speed-up notice to all battery project related personnel, and all the chess pieces located around the world became active.

iran, Tehran Tochal Ski Resort, a man with a Chinese face holding a red wine glass, chatting and laughing with the Arabs opposite.

"Mohammad, my brother, I also know that our request is a bit too urgent this time, but there is no way, who makes us all face the same enemy? Trust me, as long as you can supply on time, this time the low price The damage caused will soon be recouped in other forms."

"Li! It's not about the low price! According to your plan, I doubt whether the oil price will remain positive in a few days. After all, this has already happened once. Do we have to give it to you? The money to sell you the oil?"

"What if you give us money instead? You can get far more than that in the future... Habibie, we don't have much time, at most two days, I need you to make a decision to increase production. "

"...Well, seriously, I can only trust you. In two days, I will give you a satisfactory answer."

"It's better to have a satisfactory answer, and that's good for us all."


Guo Guo, in the office of the general manager of Wacker Company, Lin Yang holds the latest production data in his hand. In the past week, he has increased the output of the mining area controlled by Wacker Company by nearly 30% through the advantage of absolute control.

However, from the current situation, such production does not seem to be enough.

Just now, he received a notice from his superiors, asking him to continue to expand the company's production capacity and accumulate the most silicon ore raw materials in the shortest time to deal with the upcoming price shock.

Price shock of silicon raw materials?

Lin Yang didn't understand what was going on, because although he could obtain some top-secret information with his authority, such information access was still limited.

Fortunately, he doesn't care about the logic behind him at all, because he knows that he is just a chess piece charging ahead. On the huge chessboard in this world, the organization behind him has already dropped countless chess pieces.

These chess pieces can't and don't need to see the overall situation, they don't need to know whether they are robbing, killing dragons, or just taking the lead. root.

Thinking of this, he picked up the phone on the desk beside him.

"Byrne, according to the original plan, continue to increase the production capacity of the mine, yes, I need to increase the production capacity by another 20%."

"Don't tell me it's impossible, I know you can do it!"

"Wages are not an issue, we can accept excess wages."

"I know your overtime hours are approaching the standard line, but the workers have no problem with this, do they?"

"Now the economic environment is not good, who doesn't want to make more money?"

"Yes, I'll take care of the official department. We're not squeezing anyone, it's just an emergency exception."

"Okay, just follow the plan! I'll only give you 6 hours to get everyone organized!"


Africa, sudan.

Li Mingchu was sitting in a reception room in the military camp, and sitting opposite him was the top commander of splm, Herry.

"Li, I have seen the results of the Experimental Bureau, which are very good, but this does not convince us to give you the right to operate the oil field."

"Photovoltaic is very good, but my vote alone is not enough, you know, the power of this country is very complicated..."

Li Mingchu smiled, looked directly into each other's eyes without fear, and then said:

"Harry, you don't need to talk about these so-called excuses in front of me, you and I both know that you are the biggest manipulator in this country, as long as you want, one of your tickets can have 10 effects. "

"Let's talk about it directly, what made you make such a gesture in front of me?"

Hearing Li Mingchu's words, Harry looked a little unhappy. He subconsciously played with the custom pistol thrown in front of him, and then continued:

"Li, why do you always look domineering? You've been like this since the day I met you, and it hasn't changed a bit since then."

"I have contacted many businessmen, and their attitude is much better than yours. Even businessmen from ugly countries are very polite when they meet me!"

"I'm not a polite person."

Li Mingchu reached out and grabbed the pistol in Herry's hand directly. The guard beside him clenched the weapon nervously, but he relaxed when he saw that Herry didn't respond.

He unloaded the pistol's magazine as if nothing had happened, poured out the bullets one by one, and then picked out two and pushed them in front of Herri.

"Courtesy doesn't bring benefits. Our friendship lasted 10 years, not courtesy, but profit. It's realistic, but it's also reliable, isn't it?"

Harry stared at Li Mingchu's eyes tightly, and after a long time, he smiled casually.

"Okay, you're right, but I hope you'll treat me with a little respect in the future—you know, I've always respected you and the people behind you."

As he spoke, he picked out two more bullets from the pile of bullets and placed them in front of him.

"I already respect you very much."

Li Mingchu took back one of the bullets in front of Heli, the latter shook his head, and finally picked up the magazine and loaded the three bullets back.

"I'm afraid you're the only Chinese person who left me helpless... Let's go, dinner is about to start. Today, I specially prepared wine for you."

"I don't drink—I respect your prohibition rules."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

Harry laughed and hugged Li Mingchu's shoulders, and the two walked out of the door side by side.


Shang Hai, a commodity futures exchange.

The mysterious man has already started the most frequent trading. He is constantly placing short orders on crude oil futures, regardless of the cost.

Due to the continuous rise in the price of international raw material lithium, the international oil price is also rising at the same time. Every time he places an order, he will lose hundreds of thousands of knives in a few minutes, but he still has no hesitation in his actions.

For his operating volume, it is impossible to accurately grasp that peak. Since he wants to make money, he must first learn to bear losses.

This is a very simple and very straightforward logic.

He used the automated trading program proficiently, but even so, his fingers were a little sore from the long typing on the keyboard.

Fortunately, his deal has entered the final stage.

The super-large funds have all been converted into empty orders, and the next thing to do is to wait quietly for that moment to come.


The time is 4 pm, and there is less than a day before the release of the sulfur-silicon battery. All the chess pieces in the world have been activated, waiting for that moment.

When that moment comes, it's when all these pieces will put the first loess on the old energy order.

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