Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 252 Climbing (2)

This time, there was a warm fire in front of his eyes.

Sitting beside him were his parents and sister, his mother looked worried and his father serious.

After a while, the father opened his mouth and said:

"If you are going to take the college entrance examination, I will not stop you, but you must also know that it is very difficult at home now."

"Your mother and I are not in good health, and your sister is not married yet, so we still support it, so even if you pass the exam, we really don't have the money for you to go to college in a big city."

"You can only rely on yourself, you know? The city is not like our country. It's not easy to get a bite to eat. I heard that the children of the Wang family couldn't stay in the city after they passed the exam, and they came back to farm this year. already."

"If you want to study and contribute to the country, we all support it, but you also need to see, we can't afford this force!"

The moment his father finished speaking, a huge flow of information suddenly flooded into Ye Zhou's mind.

This time, the information flow is different from the past. It contains not only information, but also extremely complex emotions.

Fear, hesitation, fear of difficulties, low self-esteem, cowardice

These emotions were very real in Ye Zhou's mind. At this moment, he truly experienced the emotional fluctuations that shook him - even if he knew that he was in a simulation, he couldn't resist it. kind of fluctuation.

Yes, father was right.

He is just an ordinary child from the countryside, even if he has some talent in reading, but so what? Can I pass the college entrance examination and get into college?

Their competitors are not just these children in the countryside, but all the candidates from all over the country!

They are different from themselves. Their living conditions since childhood were much better than their own. It's as simple as home cooking.

Why should you think that you can be stronger than them?


Taking 10,000 steps back, even if I really hit the big luck, I got a good grade in the just-recovered college entrance examination and got accepted, but what should I do next?

go up? Take what money? Exchange money for the harvest your parents worked so hard to farm at home and starve them?

No, not just that.

Even if the cost is borne by the state, Ting Dali has to pay at least 30 catties of grain every month, and their family cannot afford the 30 catties of grain.

If I go, will I really starve to death in the city?

will you?

A city with no relatives, no support, bizarre, indifferent city.

I have never been to a city that I have never really understood its true face.

Perhaps giving up is the best option.

Maybe, I should honestly stay in a small mountain village and farm with my parents, and my future life will probably get better and better?

Such thoughts emerged one after another, and Ye Zhou almost lost his position, saying "I'm not going".

But in an instant, a flash of thunder suddenly flashed in his mind.

He had no choice but to go, this was his only chance.

The choice he has to make is definitely not as simple as affecting the fate of a family.

At this moment, or at that moment in history, the decision he makes will greatly affect the progress of the entire Huaxia in the field of quantum computing.

Although from this time point of view, he has not yet figured out how the impact occurred.

"I must go!"

Ye Zhou replied firmly.

Father sighed deeply and continued:

"Then go. I know that you won't be reconciled if you don't go for it, but you have to remember that if you really can't survive, come back, and we want you to retire!"

Ye Zhou nodded silently.

He didn't know the experience of the identity master he simulated for the time being, so he didn't have the confidence to say "I will definitely make a name for myself".

Mother didn't say anything, she just stood up and packed Ye Zhou's luggage.

"Mom, let me come."

Ye Zhou spoke with some difficulty.

At this time, his mind was still constantly impacted by complex emotions, worries about his parents, responsibilities to his family, and attachment to his homeland.

These emotions are intertwined, even if he has made a decision, the decision is not firm.

Maybe it only takes a small disturbance, and his mood will collapse again.

And this disturbance came very timely.

There was a knock on the door of the room, and the one who walked in was the only mountain teacher in this village.

"Mr. Li, you are here, hurry up and sit down."

Ye Zhou looked at the man wearing glasses, and the other party just looked at him.

After a while, he opened his mouth and said:

"Ye Zhou, I know that you want to go to college and have a chance to stand out, but I have one here too."

"The county art troupe is expanding its enrollment. They need calligraphy teachers, mainly to participate in the activities of the Children's Palace and teach the children of the Children's Palace to write."

"The pay is high -- several times higher than what I'm getting now, and, well, it's a decent job, and you get to reach a lot of people through those kids."

"Your handwriting is very good, I think you should try it."

"You know what I mean? You don't have to read books to get ahead."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou was stunned for a moment.

He knew that Teacher Li was right.

Not just because of his memory in the simulation, but because of his foresight to look back decades from history.

In this era, a young man with culture and calligraphy, as long as he joins the line of the art troupe, there are hardly any who cannot develop well.

Not to mention that this line is in contact with the children of the Children's Palace. The family background of these children who can enter the Children's Palace is unknown.

This is really an opportunity, and a big one.

If you really follow this path, does it matter whether you read or not?

On the one hand, it is to go to a foreign country and struggle to survive in an unfamiliar city;

I am afraid that any reasonable person will know which side to choose.

However, Ye Zhou happens not to be a real rational person.

He is an idealist.

He wants to do bigger things, to achieve greater results, to be a scientist, to do research, to completely change this country and this world.

The only question is, can you do it yourself?

Contradictory and chaotic thoughts were intertwined in Ye Zhou's mind, and gradually, an illusion appeared in front of his eyes.

What he saw was no longer this cramped hut, but the snow-covered mountain he once climbed in his childhood.

It's just that the current mountain is made up of all negative thoughts, all obstructions, and all desires for utilitarian pursuits.

At the foot of the mountain is a life of peace and tranquility, possibly even abundance.

Behind the mountain is the wider and far-reaching world he seeks.

His ideal is behind the mountain.

But if he wants to realize this ideal, he must first climb over the mountain in his heart.

To climb.

Ye Zhou hugged his head, what he felt at this moment was 100% real pain.

The pain of choice.

He is climbing.

He was climbing extremely slowly and extremely hard.

Obstacles on this mountain were removed one by one with his absolutely rational thinking, but what supported his will was a kind of emotional idealism.

Responsibilities to the family? This does not conflict with his own pursuit, and even after he has achieved something, he can better take on this responsibility.

Attachment to the homeland? People always have to grow, and they always have to wander.

Fear of unfamiliar cities? He asked himself, why should he be afraid of a city for his ideals, even at the cost of his life?

Another option? No, that was never his choice, he was never reconciled to it.

After a long time, Ye Zhou finally raised his head.

His eyes were very bright.

"I want to take the college entrance examination, I want to count, I want physics, and I want to do research."

"I'm going to change this country, and then let our country change the world."

"Dad, Mom, I just can't do my filial piety at this time, it's not that I can't do my filial piety forever."

"Your son is an eagle. The eagle is destined to fly over the snow-capped mountains. Now, the mountains are here."

Looking at the complicated eyes of everyone on the opposite side, Ye Zhou was relieved.

He climbed this mountain.

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