Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 253 Climbing (3)

The simulation is not over yet, and the screen continues to jump.

Ye Zhou found that he was on a road at the moment.

Beside him was a car that had broken down, and the sun was like fire in the sky at this time.

As the flow of information slowly entered, he gradually realized his situation.

It was 1983, and he was in the ugly country.

This road is from Austin, Texas to New York.

What he has to do now is to go to the University of Rochester, New York, to attend the 5th International Conference on Quantum Light.

This meeting plays a vital role in the development of quantum technology. It was at this meeting that 8 students from Huaxia who were impacted by the extremely shocking technology determined that they must jointly promote the development of quantum light in China after returning to China. Development strategy.

After that, the eight people returned to China one after another, and in the second year they convened the first domestic quantum light conference, which is also known as the "Langya Conference" in the history of domestic quantum computing development.

Since then, domestic quantum light has gradually been understood, and after lagging behind the West for ten years, it has begun to catch up slowly but firmly.

It was a sowing, and he was the seed—the ninth seed that should have been there.

He must participate in this conference, and he must do whatever it takes to absorb and digest the knowledge about quantum light discussed at the conference, and then bring it back to the country to the maximum extent and promote the development of domestic science.

So, the most important thing now is to get to the meeting site.

Ye Zhou took out the map from the car, and he already knew from the memory stream that he was the only one who drove 2,600 kilometers to the venue among all the 8 participants. The reason is self-evident.

He couldn't buy a ticket because the airline didn't want to sell it to him.

Ye Zhou sighed and started to read the paper map seriously.

After identifying where he was, he found that he was still 36 kilometers away from the next gas station.

And these 36 kilometers, almost all are no-man's land.

The only way is to put the car aside first, then walk to the gas station by yourself, and after finding a repairman, go back and tow the car to repair the car.

In this age without mobile phones, everything is so difficult.

Ye Zhou took out half of the bottle of water from the car and put it in his backpack, and then set foot on the road without hesitation.

The sun was blazing, the ground was burning hot, and the soles of his shoes even softened in a short time, giving off an unpleasant rubber smell.

But Ye Zhou didn't stop. He had already activated his mind programming. At this time, his physical fitness had improved qualitatively compared to his younger age, and the effect of his mind programming had also improved simultaneously.

This road has always been uphill.

His mind kept flashing back the memory fragments that this stream of memory injected into him.

"Ye Zhou, take a rest, it's already 12 o'clock, and you haven't rested for 16 consecutive hours."

"No, the lab is open for so long. I'm resting now. I don't know when the next line will be. Come, help me adjust the position of that lens. I need to record different incident responses."

"At what angle?"

"30 degrees, can you read it for me?"

"Okay, leave it to me. Will you go back later?"

"I will. I have to go back, my country has nurtured me, and I will repay her."

"Same, the library is about to close, please pack up and leave."

"Ma'am, could you please wait a few more minutes? Excuse me! I have to complete a few key proofs today."

"You can come back tomorrow, you know, the library is open every day."

"Ma'am, there is a saying in our China, called 'Ten thousand years is too long, just fight for the day', my time is too limited, I can't waste a minute or a second."

"Okay. Maybe our country would be better off if our young people were like you?"

"You are good enough, and we are not good enough."

"No, I don't agree with that. Your country is climbing and we may be on our way down."

"Professor, can you help me to look at the latest calculation draft? There is something wrong with the data I got, but I can't find the problem."

"Ye, you shouldn't torture yourself like this, you know? Your hair has turned a lot white, and your body won't be able to take it if it goes on like this!"

"Professor, I have no choice, I am not a smart person, so I can only spend more time."

"No, Ye, you're a very smart person—you're just not a genius."

"But genius is what this field needs. Isn't it?"

"No, this field doesn't need geniuses, it needs persistent climbers. Ye, stay, I will continue to be your mentor, and I will strive for the best resources and the best treatment for you!"

"No, Professor, I can't stay. You have a lot of geniuses, and my country doesn't even have the climbers you have."

"You know, if you want to go back, it's not that easy."

"I have to try. Professor, can we talk about calculus now?"

The scenes in front of Ye Zhou's eyes were constantly intertwined, and he could see that the body he simulated was tirelessly and hungry every night and every morning, absorbing all the knowledge that he could.

When he first entered the Austin campus, he once went to the library and brought back a lot of books. The number of these books was in the hundreds, and they were stacked on his desk, and the height even exceeded his height.

In the past three years, he has worked hard to squeeze every minute and every second of his time and every ounce of his energy, starting from the top book, and every time he reads a book, he will To put a little label on that book.

Those labels are like the flags of mountain climbing, marking the road he has traveled.

Not long ago, the last flag was finally planted on the last book, and the mountain had been turned upside down in order.

He not only climbed, but also dumped the mountain of books.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou silently pushed the heavy glasses on the bridge of his nose.

His lenses were already covered by the vapor from sweat, and within a few seconds of wiping it dry, his eyes were white again.

So, he simply took off his glasses and trudged forward along the road.

After walking this road for 5 hours, Ye Zhou felt that his body temperature was rising, and even his mind began to blur.

This is a sign of hyperthermia.

If it continues like this, he is likely to fall down this road.

Now he still has half a bottle of water left in his hand, and he has to make a decision, whether to use the limited water to cool his body or continue to stay hydrated.

Ye Zhou chose the former.

Even in dehydrated conditions, he can continue for a while, but if the brain continues to heat up, he is likely to develop epilepsy.

Here, no one can save him.

Facts have proved that his choice was correct.

After pouring water on the top of his head three times to cool down, he finally saw the building of the gas station. Then, he exhausted the last energy squeezed out by the thinking programming effect, walked into the gas station, and drank a full two liters of ice water. Finally my body temperature returned to normal.

The salesperson on the side looked at him in surprise and asked:

"Dude, did you come here? From the highway of death?"

".I don't know what a highway of death is."

"The direction you're coming from is this road going through no man's land, where a lot of people die every year because of vehicle accidents. Dude, you're lucky, how far did your car break down? Three kilometers Five kilometers?"

Ye Zhou shook his head and replied:

"No, it's 36 kilometers."

The maintenance worker at the gas station took Ye Zhou back to the road to repair the dilapidated car he rented. After a long drive of 20 hours, Ye Zhou arrived in New York.

When he appeared at the meeting that day, his other 8 fellows all cast surprised glances, and then they all looked at each other and smiled.

The picture gradually darkened, Ye Zhou knew that this was another mountain named Qiuzhi, and he once again climbed to the top.

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