Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 263 This Young Man Has Grown Up

After leaving the barracks, Chen Hao looked at Ye Zhou's calm expression and asked amusingly:

"What's wrong? Disappointed today?"

Ye Zhou shook his head.

"No, on the contrary, very pleasantly surprised. The overall performance of this mechanical exoskeleton is much stronger than I expected, and even I feel that the joint flexibility has reached a completely unlimited level. The only problem now is the force feedback delay. The problem."

"If this trend continues, it should be said that it is inevitable to gain a leading position in this field."

"Then why do you still look unhappy?"

"How can I be unhappy? I just don't have an expression because I'm thinking."

"Uh...thinking what? Exoskeleton thing?"

"No. I'm thinking about the proportion of the personnel of the quantum computing project team. You see, our principle is that the personnel in the defense field should account for at least 20%, which is to control the dominance of the project, but the remaining 80% %Woolen cloth?"

"Students in colleges and universities, practitioners in various business fields, researchers in research institutes... How should the proportion of these people be arranged?"

"We have to pursue maximum efficiency and at the same time take into account confidentiality. This issue is very complicated..."

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Chen Hao was stunned for a moment.

For a long time, in fact, he has always regarded Ye Zhou as a young man, including the topic of mecha, games and so on that he had talked to him before, the kind of youthful spirit that Ye Zhou showed. The curiosity that is unique to young people cannot be concealed, and it is this that makes his attitude towards him different from others.

However, in Ye Zhou, he did see another side.

He had just finished a long-awaited thing, and within half an hour, he had already started to think about the next question.

This situation is exactly the same as when he watched the h-20 flight show. That night, he also called himself nonstop to inquire about the progress of the sulfur-silicon battery.

This young man, he packed his emotions so well that hardly any mood swings would affect his next plan.

This is an extremely rare quality.

There is no one who has turned the tide in history who is not like this.

The question is, since when did he become like this?

I remember when I first met him, he was just a frizzy college graduate, and he did a lot of things without consideration, and even seemed a little ridiculous to people like him.

Now that more than a year has passed, he has grown into a character who can be completely independent and can even have an overview of the whole situation.

Such a growth rate can no longer be summed up with just one sentence "amazing".

If he had to say it, he had a faint feeling in his heart, that is, what this young man has really experienced is probably much more than what he has seen.

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and said:

"Let the general technical office solve this problem. Don't think too much, make sure you rest, and don't stress so much mentally."

"No, I'm not under a lot of mental pressure, I'm just learning. As you said, one day I'll have to think about technology development from a strategic point of view. At that time, I need more than technology."

"I still have a lot to learn, 10,000 years is too long, it's just a matter of time."

Chen Hao smiled and sighed with some emotion and said:

"It's hard to travel, the road to Xiongguan is like iron, and now we are waiting for the day when we cross the road from scratch."


When the two returned to Ye Zhou's residence by car, a staff member named Fang Mian from the General Technical Office also came to Chang'an Jiaotong University.

The goal of his trip is to invite a professor with outstanding research achievements in the field of quantum computing to join the project team, and this professor is also Professor Xiao Ping who previously announced the zero-modulus results of topological quantum computing jackiw-rebbi.

The time between the two was about 3 pm. When Fang Mian came to Xiao Ping's office, the other party had just woken up from a nap.

After seeing Fang Mian, Xiao Ping warmly poured him tea, let him sit on the sofa, and then said with a smile on his face:

"Comrade Fang, although you didn't state the purpose of coming to me this time, I can basically guess that the country has made new moves in the field of quantum computing, right?"

Fang nodded and replied with a smile:

"I can't hide it from you. There is indeed a new project this time, but the level of confidentiality of this project is very high. I can't tell you the details for the time being. I am here today to formally invite you to join this project on behalf of the country and organization."

Xiao Ping nodded slightly, and after pondering for a while, he said:

"I understand the confidentiality requirements, but the confidentiality requirements are so high that even I can't say it. It should be a big project, and the courage above is as big as ever."

"Actually, you don't have to say that I can guess that the people who can invite me are nothing more than research in topological quantum computing. After all, there are not many people in the country who are specialized in this field. By the way, Lao Yuan, did you invite me too? "

"Yes, Yuan Lao has agreed to join."

"He agreed... This old man is really energetic."

Hearing Xiao Ping's words, Fang Mian's heart sank a little, he did not answer immediately, but quietly waited for Xiao Ping to continue speaking.

As he expected, after a while, Xiao Ping said:

"Comrade Xiaofang, since you are here today, I can also feel the importance of this project, but here I must also openly and honestly talk to you about my thoughts."

"You say."

Fang Mian humbly sat up straight.

"Okay, now my situation is like this. First of all, I am already old, and my energy is not as good as before. If I want to carry out high-intensity research work, to be honest, I am powerless and inefficient. high."

"Second point, you are not a professional, and you may not be able to understand the difficulty in the technology of topological quantum computing, but for me, this technology has reached its limit in my hands."

"Of course, I don't mean that this technology has reached its limit. On the contrary, this is a technology with great prospects and broad application prospects, but with my current ability, there is really no way to push it forward. already."

"Can you understand what I mean? After making jackiw-rebbi zero mode, my research level has reached its peak, and it will continue to decline after that."

"Frankly speaking, I think that in my state, it is not beneficial to a radical and long-term project, but it will become a drag."

"So, today I can only give you the answer of no. Not because I don't want to do it, but because I really can't."

Fang Mian nodded slightly, then asked:

"Elder Xiao, so can I sum it up like this, that is, do you think that with your current physical condition and energy status, it is impossible to complete this large-scale project? If I say that the cycle of this project is not long, maybe only In a year?"

Xiao Ping was stunned for a while, he did not expect that the project cycle mentioned by the other party would be so short.

What can you do in a year?

There may indeed be a lot that can be done in other fields, but quantum computing?

This is a direction that is completely unfamiliar to human beings. Even in the world, every step forward means illuminating the dark border.

Researchers who are engaged in this field do not have any road signs in front of them, nor can they see any direction to follow.

Under such difficulty, it is no longer difficult, but impossible, to achieve results within a year.

Thinking of this, he became more and more firm in his decision to refuse.

"One year.... is short, but the intensity must be great. As I said, my energy is no longer able to do high-intensity research-led work, if I just go in and do it A errand guy doesn't mean much to you, does it?"

Fang shook his head and replied:

"We don't intend to take too much of your energy, in fact, what we need is a guide on the basis of theory."

"Your main job is actually to use the theoretical knowledge you have now to pave the way for our other researchers."

"Or I can give a more vivid example, our plane is about to take off, and what you have to do is to pave the runway for takeoff with other experts."

Hearing this, Xiao Ping's face showed a look of doubt.

Don't need to lead R&D by yourself?

Pave out the take-off runway.... Sounds like you want to be a teacher in the project team by yourself?

What is this operation?

He is not a proud person, but even from the most objective point of view, he feels that this is a bit overkill.

Unless, there are already stronger technical talents in the project team?

However, if it is in the field of topological quantum computing, is there anyone who is stronger than itself in China?

He frowned slightly and asked:

"If you don't need me to lead R&D, who will? Foreign researchers?"


Fang Mian shook his head in denial, then continued:

"Elder Xiao, I understand your concerns. Your concerns are not really about energy or ability."

"You are worried that the difficulty of this project is too high, and from a professional point of view, it is absolutely impossible to make new breakthroughs in the short term. If you participate in it yourself and do not achieve results in the end, you will regret it, right? ?"

Xiao Ping nodded slightly and replied:

"That's one part of the reason, and on the other hand, like you said, I personally don't think this kind of project makes any real sense, and instead of squandering my now-extremely limited time on it, it's better to build on existing On the basis of this, we will do some projects with more application and short-term benefits for the country.”

Fang Mian looked at the other party's serious expression, and a smile suddenly reappeared on his face.

After a pause, he said:

"Old Xiao, of course we have also considered what you are worried about, so if we are not fully sure, we will definitely not invite you rashly."

"I read your secret authority before coming here. Although I can't directly disclose the specific information of the project to you, I can tell you the leader of this project."

"I believe that if you have paid attention to this leader before, you will not refuse to participate in this project."

Xiao Ping's expression turned slightly, and then asked:

"who is it?"

Fang Mian sat up slightly, clenched his fists on his knees, and replied solemnly:


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