Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 264 The Mirror Of Six Noses


Xiao Ping's eyes widened in shock.

He is a scientist in the inner circle of the country. He has some rights to know about national key projects and has relatively high confidentiality rights, so he also knows a few previous projects.

According to the information he obtained, starting from the chip, to the aviation engine, and then to the battery, the core is actually this organization called "Suiren", and under the leadership of this organization, the three projects have achieved incredible results.

In a year, it has accomplished what every other country could have done in decades.

This can no longer be said to be difficult, it can be described as a miracle.

What's even more incredible is that the first three projects still have relatively strong connections in basic science at least, but what about quantum computing?

Even materials science, the impact on quantum computers has become less significant.

How did this so-called "Suiren" and this fire passer achieve stable results on such a large-scale project?

He didn't understand, but he was very sure that as long as it was a project under the "Suiren", there was absolutely no possibility of failure.

Thinking of this, he asked:

"When will the project start?"

"one week later."

Fang Mian replied.

"Okay, I agree to join. Can I know the details of the project now?"

Fang Mian shook his head and replied solemnly:

"Mr. Xiao, we all believe in your confidentiality and your loyalty to the country, but we really can't be slack in this project, because it involves too many things."

"So, we need you to complete a formal review before we can inform you about the specifics of the project. I hope you can understand this."

Hearing this, Xiao Ping was taken aback.

A thought flashed through his mind that made him shudder.

Ultra-high security level, topological quantum computing, coupled with this Sui man who is always at the forefront of strategic technology...

Then, what he is about to do, even if Fang Mian doesn't say it, is actually very obvious.

Dedicated quantum computer.

And, most likely, a dedicated quantum computer for rsa decoding.

Xiao Ping stopped asking questions, but impatiently took the informed consent and confidentiality agreement prepared by Fang Mian, and signed his name.

"When will the review start?"

After Fang Mian checked the signature on the document, he answered:

"My colleague will contact you in two hours. During this time, please arrange all life and work matters. Our project will be carried out in a fully closed form, and the living environment will be difficult. You need to do well Prepare yourself mentally."

"Understood, don't worry, I have done more than one or two projects in a difficult environment."

"Can I ask, what is the code name of this project and where is it located?"

Fang Mian carefully put the non-disclosure agreement in his briefcase, and then replied:

"The project code is six noses, and the project location is Kunlun Mountains."


Thousands of kilometers away, in the western section of the Kunlun Mountains, on the north slope of Gongger Peak.

Here, a huge underground fortification is undergoing intensive renovation works.

Participating in the renovation project is a subordinate engineer corps of a certain legion. The order they received is to convert this underground bunker, which has a history of more than 40 years, into a living and research and development site that can accommodate more than 2,000 people for a long time within two weeks. base.

Huge equipment is continuously transported to this area by road and railway. After reaching the mountain pass, it bypasses the elevator through large hoisting equipment and is directly sent to the underground thousands of meters deep.

The person in charge of the operation was Chen Ping, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He took his subordinates to patrol the construction area to ensure that every piece of equipment could be properly transported and placed.

A young man walked beside him with a notebook in hand, reporting his preparations to him quickly and accurately.

"Master, the core components of the electromagnetic shielding device have been hoisted underground, and the ion trap device has also been installed below, and the rest including the test bench, laser generator, pbs and other components have also arrived, but for the time being will install."

"In terms of electricity, the base itself has its own diesel power system, which we have tested and can fully meet the needs of large-scale experiments."

"In addition, I have seen the life support system you asked me to pay attention to. The air conditioner is being installed, and the air purification equipment has been replaced with the latest one. The basic environment is much better than when I was here before. Stay for a year. Two years is not a big problem."

Chen Ping nodded and asked:

"Has the electromagnetic environment been tested? Can it meet the experimental needs?"

"It has been measured, and the background radiation intensity is 90% lower than that of the ground. With the addition of an electromagnetic shielding wall, the laboratory background radiation can be reduced to below the experimental standard."

"That's good. This project is of great importance, and all technical details must be ensured without errors. Otherwise, all our efforts will be wasted, and we can't afford this resource or time."

The young man nodded, and while trying to keep up with Chen Ping's footsteps, he asked curiously:

"Master, what exactly are we going to do this time? Quantum computer? Even if it is dedicated quantum computing, the level of confidentiality should not be this level..."

Chen Ping smiled, pulled the young man named Xu Huasheng onto the elevator and pressed the down button, then replied:

"Now that the project has basically started, we can begin to reveal the details of the project to you."

"In fact, you should have probably guessed that what we are going to do this time is a dedicated quantum computer, and it is a dedicated quantum computer for rsa decoding."

"You don't need me to tell you the significance of this technology. Once successful, this will become a turning point for our country from balance of power to advantage -- even if it is not a turning point, it will be an important foreshadowing of the turning point."

"So, now you know why the project is located in Gonggelfeng? Actually, this is not only for the consideration of the electromagnetic environment, but also for confidentiality and security."

"Understood. But master, the conditions for this project are a bit too bad... and the background radiation near Kunlun Mountain is a little more complicated than other places. In fact, you have to consider what you said. If there are several factors, I think it is better to put it in Guizhou."

"All conditions can be met, and life is more convenient. Look at this, even instant noodles have to be prepared and shipped in advance."

As he said that, the man kicked the instant noodle box that stood several meters high on the elevator, with a slightly mocking expression.

But Chen Ping's expression was as serious as ever. He shook his head slightly and replied:

"You can't put it over there. You have to know that now the enemy is not only staring at us all kinds of intelligence personnel, but also satellites in the sky and sensors on the ground. To avoid these factors, we can only choose no one as much as possible. Area."

"Kunlun Mountain is one of the few no-man's-land areas where we have already operated in the early stage and built deep underground fortifications in advance. It has high security and sufficient military strength. If something really happens, whether it is evacuation or defense The pressure is low."

"Xiao Xu, you are a technical scholar, but in the future you have to be on your own. You can't just focus on technology, nor can you only focus on small-scale situations. You have to learn to look at the big picture and analyze all situations comprehensively. Otherwise, how will you transform into a strategic scientist in the future?”

Hearing Chen Ping's words, Xu Huasheng smiled a little ashamed and replied:

"Master, I understand, I will learn slowly."

Chen Ping nodded with satisfaction, took him out of the elevator, and began to inspect the vast underground space that appeared in front of them.

In this space, countless soldiers in military uniforms are building various facilities and assembling various equipment under the guidance of professionals. The basic prototype of the quantum laboratory has been initially presented, and after this, there will be more equipment, Supplies arrive here, along with other researchers who will be working on the project.

After everything is ready, they will spend about a year in this dark underground space, trying to build a weapon with the most strategic deterrent in the short term.

Six noses.

This is a mirror that appears in myth.

According to Yinxianlu records, "The king's family in the capital has mirrors and six noses, and there are often clouds and smoke. If you look at it, you will see things in the front three sides. Huang Chao will come, look at it, and the armor is like the present."

For the ancients, it was just a beautiful fantasy.

But for them now, once this project is successful, these short sentences in the myth will immediately come into reality.

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