Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 265 The Prelude To The New Era Is About To Kick Off

The dedicated quantum computing project is progressing steadily, and Ye Zhou is constantly absorbing relevant knowledge to prepare for the technical difficulties that may be encountered in the future.

According to the plan of the General Technical Office, this project does not intend to let him participate in the site, mainly because the local natural environment and living environment are relatively poor. If Ye Zhou wants to pass, the joint logistics support must be upgraded, whether it is It is not cost-effective in terms of cost-effectiveness or in terms of project time requirements.

On the other hand, topological quantum computer is a product whose theory is greater than practice. As long as the basic theory is clear, in fact, it will not encounter too many process difficulties in manufacturing, and Ye Zhou does not need to be on site like the aviation project. Staring at how each screw was screwed and how each fan blade was cast freed him from field work.

What he has to do is to review the experimental reports, correct theoretical deviations, and conduct remote theoretical guidance every day. This is also the change that Ye Zhou has to go through from a technology executor to a strategic technology leader.

Ye Zhou has to accept this, because he has found that there are too many derivative technologies brought by a basic technology in a new field. Even if he has 48 hours a day, it is impossible to handle every project. to follow up.

You have to learn how to screen out the key points in the progress of the project, just like the nodes screened out by the simulator for him. By controlling these nodes, the project can be carried out smoothly in reality.

Now he has a full schedule every day. In the morning, he will walk around in Shufei to see the progress of the latest turbofan-20 engine, and look at the strangely shaped aircraft blowing in the wind tunnel. Feedback and technical guidance on the results of engine testing.

In the afternoon, I urged Chen Hao to make progress on the mechanical exoskeleton project, discussed the direction of technological derivation, reviewed the internal control of each project with the authority of "fire engineer", occasionally flipped through the project financial report, and let the subordinates go if they found something that was not pleasing to the eye. Audit confirmed.

In the evening, absorb the knowledge about quantum computing in the simulator, exercise according to Chen Hao's requirements, have regular entertainment activities from 9:00 to 11:00, go to bed before 12:00, and spend two minutes with the political commissar before going to bed - or in my heart The consultant reported the mood and mental state of the day, and chatted a few words.

He had seen a joke before, saying that the men with the most regular schedules and the healthiest living habits in the world are concentrated in Huaxia's prisons, but judging from the current situation, one of these men has to be added to the team.

That night, as usual, he turned on the big screen in the living room to look for a movie to watch, but the phone on the side suddenly rang.

Ye Zhou picked up the phone, which showed Chen Hao's name.

His brow furrowed immediately.

Generally speaking, Chen Hao would never call himself during this time. Even if there is an urgent matter, he will come to talk to him after 11 o'clock.

And it's 9:30 now.

He picked up the phone and asked directly:

"Let's get straight to the point, what happened?"

Chen Hao on the other end of the phone didn't grumble either. After a few seconds of pause, he replied:

"There are several things, all of which were decided at today's meeting. I will tell you one by one."

"I'll start with the Nantianmen project. The current progress of the project is as follows: First, the nuclear power engine has begun to prepare for testing. The design adopted is the nk-14a design drawing you provided, but combined with the latest 'Haiyan' engine. Improvement, the main improvement direction is the secondary circuit heat transfer fluid, and the original mercury liquid is replaced by a silver-mercury compound metal fluid."

"Second, the turbofan-20 project will enter an accelerated period in the short term, and an additional budget will be given to this project. At that time, you can keep an eye on it and control the direction of the budget investment."

"Third, the Qilian engine will be tested on the plane within two weeks, and the first international route will be opened, which is expected to fly to Moskou. At the same time, the corresponding modification of Qilian has also been put on the agenda at Dawn. , the preliminary decision will be made of large, medium and small thrust engines, and the maximum thrust is expected to reach about 140 tons."

"Finally, the matrix virtual simulation system has been handed over to the relevant departments for dismantling, artificial intelligence training has been started, and data sets have been imported. It is expected that the final training will be completed within 3 to 5 years."

After listening to Chen Hao's words, Ye Zhou nodded secretly. These developments were within his expectations. Although he said there were not too many surprises, he was not disappointed.

"I understand, I will always follow up the Nantianmen project, so if there are any new changes, you should notify me immediately - especially the negative changes, you must not hide it from me, is that clear?"

"Clear, don't worry about that. If there are no other problems, I'll move on to the battery project."

"At present, there are several main conclusions about the battery project. First, new energy vehicles should be fully rolled out, and investment in the field of new energy power generation will continue to increase, such as photovoltaics, wind power, nuclear energy - the most important thing is nuclear energy, We will build more than 5 large-scale fourth-generation reactors within 5 years, and in the future planning, nuclear energy will bear more than 20% of the load of the grid."

"Second point, the budget for the mechanical exoskeleton project you mentioned has already been decided, and it will be issued by the Army. It will go in the direction of nerve control. In the first stage, we plan to release civilian equipment first, focusing on the rehabilitation of the disabled. The essential goal is to put this part into practice. The low-productivity groups are integrated into normal production, thereby bringing about a 3% to 5% increase in productivity to the whole society in the short term."

"Of course, emotionally speaking, it's also a responsibility to the people."

"The third point is that 055d will carry out the improvement of the ship's all-electric system. An energy storage module will be added to the original integrated power system. The modification code is 055d-3. It is estimated that the equipment will be installed within 6 months."

"If the modification experiment of 055d is successful, the entire naval ship will be transformed simultaneously, and all of them will be equipped with an integrated power system with energy storage."

"Fourth point, the launch time of No. 003 was delayed. It was originally planned to be launched in May this year. It is expected to be postponed to the end of June and the beginning of July. The reason is the same as that of 055d. The comprehensive power system needs to be transformed."

The two-month extension is the only bad news among all the news Chen Hao said, but it seems to be within an acceptable range.

At most, it is not a big deal to be scolded by netizens who are eager to see through.

"What about the rest? You haven't finished, have you?"

Ye Zhou asked.

Judging from Chen Hao's tone, the content of this meeting should be more than that. The most important thing should be left by him at the end.

"Also, wait a while, I'll turn the page for the material..."

A few seconds later, Chen Hao on the other end of the phone coughed, and then continued:

"The sixth point of the battery project, after the successful experiment of the integrated power system, the active ships will go online with the electromagnetic gun system. Based on the existing technology, the electromagnetic gun will probably be launched before the end of this year."

"The seventh point is the laser anti-missile system. At present, the energy storage of the battery is still insufficient and needs to be further optimized. It is expected that the ship will be launched in the middle of next year."

"The eighth point, the high-power microwave and ultrasonic weapons are on the ship, the time, next month."

After talking about the eighth point, Chen Hao stopped and waited for Ye Zhou's question.

But Ye Zhou didn't speak at this time, and he was still deducing the feasibility of the last few technologies in his mind.

Electromagnetic guns, lasers, high-power microwaves... No matter which of these typical energy weapons are pulled out, they are not science-fiction weapons. In fact, there are not many technical difficulties in solving the problem of energy storage.

Thinking of this, he asked:

"Anything else? Go on."

"...I thought you would at least pretend to be surprised. Also, but not in the battery field, it's a sixth-generation machine."

"The sixth-generation aircraft project officially landed today, and all the original designs have been updated."

"The current basic direction is that the whole-body wing hypersonic design is designed at Mach 7 per hour, using your high-temperature resistant materials and thermal insulation coatings, plus increased thrust."

"According to the design roadmap, the first test flight is estimated to be within three years, and the installation time is within five years."

"There's really no more now, it's all over."

After listening to Chen Hao's last sentence, Ye Zhou let out a deep breath.

As he expected, it is impossible for these thrifty rabbits to let go of any technological breakthroughs. After major innovations in aviation and batteries, they immediately launched a large number of derivative projects, planning to Squeeze the full potential of new technologies.

This necessarily means that financial and talent pressures will rise sharply in a short period of time, but the rabbits in the power of energy do not seem to be worried about this problem.

For some time to come, especially after the Six Noses Project has come to fruition, the rabbit will have a period of almost uncontrolled freedom of development.

In this development period, countless emerging application technologies will appear like a blowout.

Now Chen Hao told himself only a very limited part of it, and in addition to this, in the civilian field, there will be more commercial organizations to follow up to fill those corners that the official can't take care of.

Ye Zhou quietly looked at the sky outside the window, a strong premonition suddenly developed in his heart.

The beginning of a new era is about to begin.

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