Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 272 The Power Reserve Force Is About To Turn Positive!

(Reminder from the front row, the next chapter, Chapter 273, is controversial, and I don’t want to skip the intellectual chapters directly, which generally does not affect reading)

Shencheng, the power monitoring room of China Southern Power Grid.

All the core members of the power grid monitoring team gathered in front of the big screen, frowning at the data displayed on the screen.

A man in a suit sorted out the materials at hand, and after confirming that the data was accurate, he said:

"According to our latest monitoring results, as of June 18, the power load of Guangdong power grid reached 148 million kilowatts, up 3.3% month-on-month, hitting a record high and climbing all the way up. So far, our subordinate Guangdong, Gui, Dian The electricity load in the five provinces of Guizhou, Guizhou and Qiongyuan has all refreshed the historical record.”

"According to this trend, the demand for electricity will soon exceed the carrying limit of our power grid, especially now that the weather is about to turn hot, and the electricity consumption will further rise. There are power cuts.”

Hearing his words, the short-headed man sitting in the middle of the conference room nodded slightly, and then asked:

"Why is there such a serious power shortage this year? Why didn't we foresee this year's peak power consumption when planning for the whole year? Is there a problem of insufficient preparation?"

The man in the suit sighed helplessly, then pressed the remote control in his hand, and the large screen switched to the presentation document he had prepared in advance.

"It's true that we didn't anticipate the peak electricity consumption that we are facing right now, but it's not our fault."

"In fact, the peak in electricity usage from the end of April to the present was sudden - and caused by an unexpected event that we absolutely could not have foreseen."

"That is, the sulfur-silicon battery developed under the leadership of the General Technical Office."

"This battery can be said to have changed the electricity consumption pattern of our entire province almost as soon as it appeared. Not only did the factory carry out large-scale and high-intensity production for this battery, but after the related products came out, the demand for civilian electricity was also increasing. rise."

"At present, BYD's charging piles are already running at overload, and new charging piles are still being launched. This situation will intensify after the long-range new energy vehicles of several major manufacturers are launched. At that time, we will face the shortage of electricity supply and demand. The balance will be more serious."

"Although this effect has not yet fully manifested, we must prepare for it early."

The inch-headed man continued to ask questions while recording the words of the man in the suit on a piece of paper with a pen:

"Apart from this? Is there anything else we haven't considered?"

"I have also learned about the silicon-sulfur battery project. I personally think that the impact of this battery is far more than that."

"According to the public information we have obtained, the current application of this battery in the military field may far exceed the civilian field, so the increase in electricity demand it brings is far more than we can predict."

"So, before we receive an official official notification, we must prepare in advance - at least according to the 20% load margin."

Hearing his words, everyone fell silent.

For a stable operation of the power grid system, increasing the load by 20% is far from simple as it seems on the surface. The various grid-connected and peak-shaving operations it needs to design are almost impossible for any country to complete. operation.

After a long time, the man in the suit said hesitantly:

"It can't be... It's now far from the peak power consumption we judged - no, it's not even a peak, just a critical value where the demand for electricity exceeds our carrying capacity - now far from this We're less than two months away from the threshold, and whatever we do, it's too late."

"We do have a fourth-generation reactor under construction, but it is still far from being connected to the grid. In a short period of time, it is impossible to quench the thirst of the near and far."

"In addition, even if we mobilize the national power grid and transfer electricity from other provinces and cities, there is no way to make up for this gap."

"More importantly, in the future, not only will we face a shortage of electricity, but this situation will gradually spread to the whole country. At that time, I am afraid that the whole country will face the same situation."

"The electricity gap of 20% of the load nationwide is a terrible thing."

"So, I personally think that this is not a problem that we can solve. We should report it to the higher-level unit immediately, explain the situation in a timely manner, and make overall arrangements."

"Is there no other way?"

the one-inch man asked.

"Not really anymore. We'll continue to do everything we can, but at the same time, we have to be clear about one basic principle: the situation we're facing right now is absolutely impossible to solve on our own."

"Of course we can cut off the power, but under the current layout, this is definitely not our best option."

"This will greatly limit the development of surrounding industries brought about by silicon-sulfur batteries, and according to our existing information, the strategic goal of this battery is absolutely unshakable, if the strategic layout is slowed down because of our problems , the superior will never let us go easily."


The inch-headed man nodded and continued:

"So, now the situation we are facing and the strategies we need to carry out are basically clear. Xiao Liu, you break down the relevant tasks and distribute them to each responsible person."

"The company immediately launched an emergency response plan, and in the next two months, all our work will be carried out around this goal."

"We must not let the power outages happen in Guangdong Province and Shenzhen City. This is the bottom line, and no matter what the cost, we can't break the bottom line!"


Everyone in the monitoring room answered in unison, and then immediately threw themselves into intense work.

Everyone knows that what they are about to face is probably the biggest challenge they have ever faced. This challenge is even more difficult than the shortage of electricity caused by the ice and snow disaster, because at that time, they at least knew how to do it. They can at least be sure that as long as they invest human and material resources at any cost, and as long as they are not afraid of hardships and difficulties, they will always be able to overcome difficulties.

But now?

They are facing an area completely foreign to the whole world, and no country has ever faced such a situation.

Therefore, they can't find any cases for reference, and everything can only rely on themselves.

Then just try your best.


Two hours later, Chen Hao received the news that the electricity load was about to reach its limit, but neither he nor Ye Zhou felt anxious about it.

In the living room, Ye Zhou handed Chen Hao a cup of Tieguanyin brewed in a large tea pot. After the two sat down, he said:

"The work of your general technical office still needs to continue to expand. Judging from the current situation, the information gap between lower-level units and higher-level units is too great."

"We've been discussing the rise in electricity demand from silicon-sulfur batteries for two months now, but the grid below is still in the dark about our plans."

"This is not a good phenomenon. Look at the report they sent. They have formulated a wide range of strategies, and they also involve the cooperation of multiple provincial and municipal power grids. The plan has a big impact."

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Chen Hao nodded.

"This is really a big problem. I remember we had this problem in the chip project before, and this is the second time it has appeared."

"I will raise this issue at the next meeting, and then relevant experts will discuss it, and adjust our information communication and departmental collaboration mechanism to adapt to the needs of subsequent rapid technological iterations."

"Now we're moving faster and faster, and the acceleration actually happens within a year."

"Although one year is a long time for you and me, for the entire country, there are many people and departments involved, and there is a certain lag, which is understandable."

"So, I still hope you can understand this."

Ye Zhou took a sip of the tea in the cup, and then replied:

"Rest assured, I can understand, but I still hope that this way of working can be adjusted as soon as possible-even if it adopts the most extreme form of promotion, all personnel must be brought into full-speed operation."

"Now that the chariot to the future has started, we need to do our best not to leave anyone behind."

"Understood, I will report it to my superiors."

Having said that, Chen Hao paused for a moment, and then continued:

"This question is over, do you have any suggestions for technical matters?"

Ye Zhou pondered for a moment, then shook his head and replied:

"This is not my specialty, just follow your plan. My only requirement is that there must be no problems with this large-scale grid connection, especially the key equipment - energy storage inverter It is not a new product, and now it is difficult to solve the difficulty of high-density batteries, if there is a problem with this, I really can’t understand.”

"No, we are confident in this one. As long as the high-density battery is resolved and the energy storage inverter is online, the entire grid can immediately enter into collaborative management."

Chen Hao replied firmly.

Then, the two of them looked at the lights outside the window together.

It is the most advanced power grid system in the world that carries this light, and now, this power grid system is facing huge challenges.

However, this did not make them uneasy.

Because in addition to the current network of this power grid, there is also a huge reserve force.

The cumulative installed capacity is 305.987gw, the annual new installed capacity is more than 15%, and it accounts for more than 10% of the total installed capacity of the domestic power grid.

The emergence of high-density battery-configured energy storage inverters has swept away the last difficulty in photovoltaic grid connection, and the line power flow problems, system protection problems, power quality and operation scheduling problems have all been solved. After this, China's power industry will be completely Entering a period of unparalleled over-speed development.

For this moment, they have been planning for more than 30 years, and what has happened in these 30 years is a bloody bayonet fight that is a hundred times more bloody than the night march!

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