Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 274 Replace The Energy Storage Inverter And Bury The Last Bit Of Soil

Regarding the layout of new energy, especially the photovoltaic industry, it is a big chess game. This game of chess has already dropped chess pieces in key positions. Now, with the killing of high-density batteries, the whole chess game will follow closely. Be active.

In the far northwest, north of Kunlun Mountains, Talatan photovoltaic power station.

This is the world's largest photovoltaic power station, covering an area of ​​more than 600 square kilometers, with more than 10,000 effective solar panels and an annual power generation capacity of 80 million kWh. In addition to meeting the electricity demand in Qinghai Province, excess power is also transmitted across thousands of miles. to northern Jiangsu.

Today, the power station welcomed a group of new guests.

It was a large fleet of dozens of heavy-duty trucks, and the compartments of these trucks were equipped with the energy storage inverters that were to be replaced as a whole this time.

Xu Shengtian, the commander-in-chief and rear escort of the convoy, is a native of Qinghai. From the time this batch of goods entered the territory of Qinghai by train, he has been in charge of the organization and scheduling of the entire transportation convoy. After a day and a night of driving , and finally arrived at this photovoltaic power generation base.

After getting out of the car, the first thing the unshaven Xu Shengtian did was to drive away the sheep under his feet, and then shouted to the shepherd not far away:

"Old Litou! Old Litou! Hurry up and blow your sheep away! We are going to unload the goods, go to the village and call some strong laborers to come and help!"

Old Li Tou on the other end heard his shout, and ran over step by step, hehe smiled and handed the cigarette, and then asked:

"What kind of new equipment is this time? Why are you going to bomb the sheep? I haven't finished eating the grass. The little comrades who can't clean the power station after a while should criticize me again."

In recent years, because the solar panels of the photovoltaic power station have blocked a lot of sunlight, weeds have grown under the solar panels, which has brought serious fire hazards. Therefore, the power station simply invited herdsmen from the surrounding villages to herd sheep, relying on the flock of sheep. Eat up the grass.

But what is frustrating is that the villages near this huge photovoltaic power station are not large, there are not many sheep, and the grass grows faster than the sheep eat, so every time the staff of the power station instructs the The herdsmen must stare at the sheep to finish eating a piece of grass, otherwise, if the grass roots are left, they will grow back in a short time.

Hearing what Old Li Tou said, Xu Shengtian waved his hand and smashed away the sheep that had gathered around him, and then replied:

"New equipment is new equipment, I don't understand, I'm just a shopper. Hurry up and drive the sheep away, the power station is going to be replaced today, you sheep are too much of a hindrance here, and come back when the replacement is finished tomorrow. ."

"Hurry up and call someone. Look at this large car, how long can we unload it by ourselves? The engineering team hasn't come yet. We can do a little bit."

"Come on, I'll go right now, hurry up and do your job."

While talking, Old Litou turned and left, and Xu Shengtian also walked to the back of the car. Together with the staff of the power plant who came to greet him, he planned to complete the inspection and unloading as soon as possible.

After all, he also knew that the time at the power station was very tight now, otherwise he would not have to go out in person to escort such a large batch of goods day and night.


On the other side, in the conference room of the power plant building, several core leaders are discussing the upcoming large-scale inverter replacement.

"...So the current situation is like this. If we follow the normal progress, it will take at least a month for us to complete the inverter replacement of all 10,000 solar panels."

"But now the superior has dispatched a professional delivery team with a total of 200 people. According to the basic working hours, each person can replace about 4 to 5 inverters per day. We can extend the working hours a little bit, and we can do it within a week. After completing all the costumes, this can basically meet the time requirement for us by the superior."

The young man sitting across from him shook his head and denied:

"No, it can't be achieved. It will take a week for the replacement. What about our subsequent debugging? If an abnormality is found in the debugging, a comprehensive overhaul and re-installation will be required, which will take at least three days."

"After these three days, there are power flow tests before grid connection, circuit protection tests, and various emergency off-grid tests, all of which will take at least a week to complete."

"And, the 3+7 days of testing time cannot be saved, which involves the safety of the entire power grid."

"According to this time, we actually need to spend nearly 20 days in total - you have to take into account the unexpected situation and leave enough margin."

"20 days, compared with the 15-day target given to us by our superiors, it is a full 5 days more."

"This five-day delay will have a huge impact on the overall plan, and we cannot afford to risk the song."

After listening to his words, everyone in the conference room nodded in agreement.

"You're right, but the problem is that we don't really have a good solution - I can compress it for you during the installation stage. Considering the full load of work, plus the old and new training, I It can be compressed to a maximum of 4 days.”

"However, this is two days away from our goal. Where will these two days be squeezed out? The dress-up link really can't be squeezed out."

The young man looked at the tired face of the speaker, sighed and said:

"Brother Liu, I know you really can't do anything about it, but the more you can't do it, the more we have to find a way. I want to confirm with you, is the replacement process of the energy storage inverter complicated?"

After pondering for a while, the man called Brother Liu replied:

"It's not complicated, but if you want to recruit a group of completely inexperienced workers, it's completely unnecessary. First, the efficiency improvement will not be much, and secondly, the safety is too poor, in case something goes wrong. What is the problem, but it will slow down our overall progress, I will not agree."

The young man nodded and said calmly:

"I know what you mean, but I'm not thinking of introducing new people. As you said, this plan is too unreliable."

"What I'm thinking is, if the inverter replacement process is not complicated, is it possible for us to disassemble its steps and change the single-person veneer operation method into an assembly line operation?"

"As you know, our operation interface is relatively clean and unified. If a group of 10 people is responsible for an area, and each person only does one step, the speed should be much faster."

Hearing the young man's words, the man was stunned for a moment, and after thinking for a moment, he replied:

"Yes, this plan is very feasible. The delivery teams in our hands are all experienced workers. They are familiar with every process. If we make a list and let them only be responsible for one or two processes, it can indeed form The effect of assembly line work.”

"But the problem is, I don't know how effective this method is actually implemented - this method of operation has not been tested anywhere else, and there is a certain risk."

The young man silently recorded the main points of the meeting on paper, and then replied without looking up:

"There will definitely be risks, so we will take half a day to test. If the effect is good, we will continue to implement it in this way. Of course, if the effect is not good, I will find a way to save time in terms of testing."

"The 10-day test time, if the related projects are jointly tested, I estimate that it can be compressed to 8 days, and then all the unexpected situations are ruled out. Before July 3, we should be able to complete the grid connection."

"Are you sure there's nothing wrong?"

"I'm not sure."

The young man shook his head and continued:

"However, we have to give it a try. At the same time, we must also monitor the progress in real time. Once we find that the progress is slower than expected, we must report it to the top and adjust the strategy in a unified manner to avoid affecting the overall layout because of our problems."

"Now, let's all take their places. Time waits for no one, so let's not waste any more time in meetings."

After all, the young man got up and left first. After pushing the door open, the dazzling sunlight reflected from the solar panel array area, throwing his figure into a dazzling light.

On his side, herdsmen, villagers, students on vacation, teachers of rural primary schools, workers of power stations...they gathered near the heavy trucks in different costumes, and started a tense but orderly unloading. Work.

In the past ten years, it is this group of people who have propped up the sky that is about to collapse in China's photovoltaic industry.

And today, they will wield the invisible shovel in their hands to bury the last bit of soil for the fossil energy industry under Western hegemony!

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