Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 276 A Tomb Without Tombstones

In this huge "trade fair" for the keys, the only major country absent is the ugly country. After all, they have not let go of their pride as the former leader, and plan to use their technological accumulation and market policy advantages to compete with China.

After all, under the status quo that they still hold the world economic power, anti-dumping and technical sanctions are still the route they can take.

However, there is not much time left for them.


Across the sea, the Office of Strategic Analysis.

Today, this small office is full of people, and in front of them are several huge screens, which project the latest trends in international oil prices.

According to the previous announcement from Huaxia, they will raise the international oil price to the predetermined 40 per barrel today.

The analyst standing in front of the screen is explaining the current situation to everyone, but in fact, he really has nothing to explain.

Because according to the advance notice they received, Huaxia only clarified two pieces of information:

First, oil prices will remain in the range of 40 torr per barrel to 45 per barrel.

Second, the strategy used by Huaxia will not bring new negative effects to itself.

As for what they are going to do and how they will do it, they will not reveal at all.

So in the end, the only thing people in this room can do is stare at the numbers on the screen.

"...So, the current situation is like this. The current September futures price in the international market is 0.6 torr per barrel. A day ago, this number was still 13. Net, futures prices almost fell below negative numbers in a day.”

"We believe that the reason why the other side did not allow oil prices to fall below negative numbers is purely out of their own interests."

"They don't want to have too many arbitrageurs, so as not to increase the difficulty of subsequent work."

"However, even at this price, it's still not easy to get oil back into the 40-dollar range."

"We can speculate on many strategies that they may use, including limiting capacity, limiting capacity, financial market operations, etc., but we can't predict the effect of these measures."

"In short, whether we can reach 40 tons per barrel today is a key milestone, which is related to whether our cooperation can be carried out."

"At the same time, if they can't complete the requirements in the agreement within the time limit, we can use this as a basis to make appropriate adjustments in the subsequent implementation process - I think everyone understands what I said. What does adjustment mean?"

Everyone in the conference room nodded, and Johnson silently tapped the keyboard, deducing the strategy they had determined in his mind.

According to the plan, today's transaction in the financial market will determine the implementation of the follow-up agreement. As the analysts said, they will use all necessary strategies to prevent China from reaching the target of 40 barrels of oil, so as to regain its own side. initiative.

Such an operation seems extremely counter-intuitive and runs counter to their ultimate goal, but only by doing so can their interests be preserved to the greatest extent possible.

Thinking of this, he asked:

"Are our capital chips ready?"

"It's all in place. As long as we wait until the opening, we will use the fastest speed to hit the price below negative numbers."

"At the same time, we have also arranged for the release of reserve oil resources - Aozhou and Maple Leaf, and they will assist us to increase the resistance to price increases."

"With this set of strategies, I think in any case, within a week, oil prices will not be able to rise. After all, we still have an advantage in terms of mobilized funds and oil reserves."

Johnson nodded and looked at everyone in the venue, then continued to ask:

"Do you guys have any questions about our strategy? Our operations are about to start, if we haven't reached a complete agreement, it's better to bring it up now, we have... 15 minutes time."

No one answered him.

In fact, his decision faced a lot of resistance when it was submitted to the White House for decision-making. Everyone doubted whether he could succeed in doing so, and doubted that such a move would not be at a critical point in the implementation of the agreement. It will further anger China and make them adopt a more aggressive strategy.

If such concerns become a reality, then the pressure on our own side will be even heavier.

But in the end, Johnson defied all opposition to determine a strategy.

Unlike those high-ranking gentlemen, he has always believed that his position is the front line of this energy battle.

I can smell the gunpowder smoke on this battlefield, I can see the fire of the guns that the gentlemen can't see, and I also know what to do to survive in such a hail of bullets.

They have to gamble. This is their last chance. Once they lose this initiative, they will never have a chance to turn over again.

After a long time, a white-haired man sitting in the corner of the conference room raised his hand, Johnson nodded to him, and the latter said:

"Sorry, I don't have any objection to Johnson's plan. I have an idea. The reason why I speak at this time is that I want to tell you one thing."

"I want to tell you that you must have absolute confidence in our strategy."

"We have been in control of the financial power of the world for hundreds of years, and we may have experienced failures during this long period of time, but we have never really failed."

"The twists and turns in the process will not affect the final result. I believe that as long as we can do it firmly, the scale of victory will definitely fall on our side."

"Looking at it another way, our opponents have always called themselves ancient civilizations with thousands of years of history, but it's only been 20 years since they joined the big game of international trade, and they haven't even touched the rules yet. Qing, how is it possible to defeat us and our alliance?"

"Of course, before relying on some accidental technological breakthroughs, they did gain certain advantages, but I can tell you clearly that our related technologies have also entered the final R&D sprint stage - just give us In two years, we can completely retake what was originally ours."

"So, Johnson, let it go, I trust you—that's what a white house is, too."

Johnson nodded gratefully. He knew how important it was for someone to stand up and encourage him at such a moment.

This operation involves many different sectors and many interest groups, and these short-sighted interest groups cannot see any short-term losses.

Once the loss exceeds their psychological defense, they will immediately withdraw, and the impact of this departure on the whole plan is extremely dire.

No one in the conference room spoke anymore, 15 minutes passed quickly, and the operation officially started.

Everyone stared nervously at the screen. After just two minutes, a vertical line was drawn on the screen, and the price of oil futures in September fell directly below the 0 yuan mark, breaking through to -10 dal.

Subsequently, oil prices continued to fall.

"Start publishing the news of the release of oil reserves -- use the media we control, spread the news as quickly as possible, and we must see the reaction of the news in the futures market immediately."

"Understood, we will announce it now."

Johnson looked at the falling oil price with a deep sigh of relief.

Judging from the current situation, their strategy has been executed smoothly. Under the manipulation of many capitals, although the downward trend of international oil prices has slowed down, it is still hovering in the range of -15 to -10.

This means that market confidence has been severely suppressed, superimposed on the existing concerns about the traditional fossil energy market, the futures market's expectations for oil have almost dropped to freezing point.

This is an extremely risky operation. Although we have prepared a series of backhands for the subsequent increase in oil prices, if we use too much force now, everything will become out of control.

But, as your opponents have always been doing, you can only survive if you die, isn't it?

This is a game of chess for survival.

Two hours later, the news that Aozhou and Maple Leaf countries simultaneously announced the release of oil reserves spread to the world, and oil prices surged to the lowest level of -29 dollars with lightning speed, which is the internationally recognized cost baseline for crude oil reserves.

This also means that if a barrel of oil has to be transferred from the seller to the buyer, not only can he not charge any fees, but he has to pay 29 per cent to pay the storage cost for the buyer.

This is the absolute zero point of oil prices, and it is impossible for this price to break down again.

Because if it falls below -29 dal, then sellers would rather have the crude rot in their hands or even dump it back into the well.

"Comprehensive data, let's take a look at what the cost we are paying now."

"The current total cost is about 137.1 billion tons of music, which is much less than we expected. It's strange that Huaxia doesn't seem to have responded much."

"We did have some resistance, but those resistances disappeared very quickly after hitting us... Maybe, they didn't intend to win or lose with us today."

"But today is the most critical day. If they don't do it today, when will they wait?"

Johnson's brows furrowed.

There was an ominous premonition in his heart.

I don't know where this hunch comes from, maybe, from the shadows of my previous failures?

He shook his head vigorously, trying to dispel the pessimistic thoughts in his heart.

On the screen, the oil price remained at the absolute zero point of -29 dalles, and Johnson stared nervously at the number, for fear that it would change.

But fortunately, half an hour later, this point is still motionless.

Probably, they really gave up on this crucial first day?

This idea revolved in Johnson's mind, but the next second, his pupils suddenly shrank.

The point has changed.

The straight line on the line chart suddenly broke without warning.

Then, the light point flashed, and the point representing the latest price suddenly appeared above the horizontal axis.

The price represented by that point is 69 torr.

"What does it mean?"

Johnson's voice trembled, revealing a deep fear.

This fear of his is not because of the hundreds of billions of dollars that he is about to lose -- in fact, this money is not big for the funds he can mobilize. What he fears is that if the system There really isn't a glitch, and if the price at this moment is real, it means...

Huaxia has more control over the entire energy market than they can imagine!

-29 Dole is not as simple as -29 Dole, it is the point of absolute zero.

It is extremely difficult to make this point change, even if they themselves have to spend a lot of money and refined strategies, let alone pull the price to a positive number.

But the actual situation now is that this point seems to have been directly modified by someone, jumping to an incredible height.

They didn't even monitor any cash flow into the futures market.

Just like a miracle.

"Is the data real? Is the system sure there is no error?"

"...I'm afraid not."

The analyst's expression was equally apprehensive.

Johnson stood up and walked over to the screen as if he wanted to see what was going on. He stretched out his finger and rubbed his index finger on the latest price point in disbelief, as if to wipe it off. Same.

Everyone in the conference room followed his movements, but at this moment, no one thought he was funny.

Because their thoughts are the same as Johnson's at the moment.

"Call the exchange immediately. I want them to confirm the accuracy of the data. Also, everyone immediately collects information and finds out what happened!"

"I don't believe anything like this is going to happen in this market!"

"It's absolutely impossible! Unless they modify the financial data!"

"Start the system self-check immediately to see if there are any suspicious Trojan horses. Also, our personnel also need to conduct a comprehensive review to find out whether it was done by internal personnel!"

One after another, commands were issued, like a dying fish doing its last struggle.

Johnson sat back in his seat, feeling a huge deviation in his perception of the world.

Financial markets should not be like this.

----Unless, they use means that are detached from this market and have more aggressive and crushing advantages.

There seemed to be a thunderclap in his heart.

"Send the information from Huaxia immediately. I want to know if they have done anything that we don't know about, and have they issued any policies that we don't know about!"

By this time, Johnson calmed down.

His thoughts were extremely clear, and he had even roughly guessed the answer in his mind.

Yes, it doesn't have to be insiders modifying the data, or some system error, for financial data to fluctuate so dramatically.

A long time ago, when they established the Bretton Woods system, such a thing actually happened.

The establishment of this system represents the change of hands of world currency hegemony.

Does what happened today have something to do with it?

Just two minutes later, he had an answer.

A day ago, at the "exhibition" where Chouguo was absent, Huaxia reached energy and energy product purchase agreements with more than 100 countries. The most critical item in the agreement was:

It is allowed to use soft sister currency and digital soft sister currency to settle energy raw materials and ancillary products.

This story was posted 30 minutes ago.

At the same time, there was a speech from the relevant departments of Huaxia.

In the next few years, Huaxia will be committed to realizing a steady leap from fossil energy to new energy, helping many friendly countries in the world to overcome difficulties, and will do everything in its power to help countries stabilize oil and traditional fossil energy prices in the short term, and ensure the order of new energy. Building on a stable, peaceful and solid foundation...  

Johnson froze in place, he raised his head to look at the ceiling, but his vision became dark uncontrollably.

In the exclamations of the people around him, he saw a strange hallucination.

He saw that above his head, a group of yellow-skinned people with bright red five-pointed stars on their hats were waving shovels and splashing loess on their heads one by one.

He is already in the grave.

And this tomb doesn't even have a tombstone.

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