Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 277 Space-Based Anti-Missile System

The last and most important killer of the battle between old and new energy has fallen. Energy and energy products are settled in soft sister currency, which means that in the field of new energy, the currency hegemony bound by Dole and oil has come to an end. The joint impact of the end of this order instantly spread to the traditional fossil energy field, superimposed on the impact of the previous swift opening of permissions, the capital with a keen sense of smell in the oil industry chain immediately came to an inference:

After that, the entire energy market was decided by Huaxia.

At this time, Huaxia officials issued a statement, clarifying the strategy of stabilizing the price of fossil energy.

As a result, capital quickly followed up, and the worries about traditional energy prices due to the impact of new energy disappeared. Almost at the moment when the statement was released, capital from all corners of the world poured in frantically, and the short-selling forces in the ugly country were smashed. .

However, the most ironic thing is that in this ups and downs of price rise and fall, no party's interests have been harmed.

Not even an ugly country.

Their short-selling capital has indeed been engulfed, but after adding the early short-selling gains, their losses are actually not large. Compared with the profits that their fossil energy companies can earn, such losses are not worth mentioning.

Even, if they really followed the agreement honestly from the beginning, they would benefit even more.

All this is like a clever farce, and the protagonist of the farce has personally ruined their last and only chance to occupy a place in the future energy market.



Ye Zhou still held his old cadre's tea jar, and said to Chen Hao while spitting out tea foam:

"That's why the imperialists don't die. I knew for a long time that they could never keep their promises, but I really didn't expect them to make small moves in this way."

"What should this be called? To be a bitch and to set up a torii? And to maintain their hypocritical contract spirit?"

"If I really tear my skin, I still think they are a hob, and now it's a bit ridiculous to put a cost of hundreds of billions on myself."

Chen Hao also had a mocking smile on his face. He threw the report aside and replied:

"It can't be considered that they are playing tricks. In fact, they are just pursuing a so-called legal rationality and want to get the maximum benefit without angering us."

"You also know that after giving up some control of swift, they actually have very few cards to play. If they don't want to go to the last step, they can only put pressure on us in the financial market."

"It's a pity that their pressure just hit our guns----I'm thinking about a question. Among the more than 100 countries that have signed the Soft Girl Coin Agreement with us, none of them have reported to the officials of the ugly country. Yes, that disappoints me."

"Disappointed that no further allies were screened?"

Ye Zhou asked amusingly.

"Yeah, rather than let the ugly country lose a lot of money because of the unknown situation, we obviously prefer to screen out a group of less loyal allies through this action."

"But it seems that they have all learned to be smart, and they hold their thighs tightly, so they don't give us this chance at all."

"It seems that I have to create some opportunities for them in the future. If I don't screen out a group of them through betrayal, I always feel that my heart is not so stable."

"....I don't know where you learned this habit. But it's okay, always be vigilant to them, so that we can go on smoothly. Such opportunities will continue to appear, especially After dedicated quantum computing comes out."

Having said that, Ye Zhou paused for a moment, then continued to ask:

"How is the progress on the six noses? All I see are some technical progress. I heard that the eight-light cluster photon generator has been built. When is it expected to start the experiment?"

"It will take some time. Now the stability of each equipment is not enough, and the theoretical preparation is not enough. Xiao Ping has just passed, and he needs to get used to it for a while."

"In addition, we are still conducting further screening of those researchers who have passed, to ensure that those scholars with problems are thoroughly screened and excluded from the core layer of the project."

"This step is not particularly easy to operate. The area of ​​the fortifications below Gonger Peak is still too small, and the isolation of functional areas is not easy to do. It is inevitable that the intersection of various functional areas will occur. At present, we are still looking for ways to optimize it. It will also take about a month.”

After listening to Chen Hao's words, Ye Zhou nodded slightly, thought for a moment and asked:

"Can you find a similar fortification nearby and move some of the non-core laboratories there?"

"No, there is a communication problem. We are now adopting a comprehensive electronic control strategy for this project. If we want to split it into different regions, we must open dedicated line communication, which is too difficult and risky."

"Instead of doing this, we might as well dig the Gonggel Peak fortifications a bit bigger."

"Dig now??"

Ye Zhou looked at Chen Hao with a face full of shock and asked.

"Isn't that digging now? It's no big deal. The engineering experience there is already very rich."

"When we first started building fortifications, we often had to sacrifice several soldiers in a month. Now that construction machinery and construction technology have improved, there have been no accidents for several years."

"When I think about it, the history of our engineering construction in Kunlun Mountain is also a history of blood and tears... If there is a chance in the future, I can tell you about it slowly. Today is such a happy day, so I won't talk about this kind of thing. Heavy subject."

"Well, I also understand, it is indeed...... Forget it, is there any good news?"

Hearing Ye Zhou's question, Chen Hao's expression became cheerful again.

"The recent good news... There are quite a few, which one do you listen to first?"

"...Listen to the biggest first."

"003 is scheduled to launch on July 1."

"This is expected, there is no surprise, is there anything else?"

"Are you sure you don't want to hear the news?"

Ye Zhou was stunned for a moment, then said:

"Then you finish talking, why, 003 changed nuclear power?"

"That's not true... But after the all-electric system was replaced, the problem of nuclear power and not nuclear power is actually not that big - the electromagnetic catapult has already taken place."

"Oh, as expected, that's all?"

"....The carrier-based aircraft formation this time is a folding wing j-20h plus j-16c plus a small amount of j-15."

"As expected, this is it?"

"...The electromagnetic gun and laser anti-missile are on 003, and the test was just completed yesterday."

"That's it?"

"...Xifei's latest early warning aircraft is on board."

"It's finally a little different, but not too much of a surprise. Anything else?"

"Engineer Ye, I found that your horizons are really getting higher and higher recently. Come on, tell me, what exactly counts as a surprise?"

"Probably the sixth generation aircraft came out or something...or 003 took off and turned into an air carrier?"

"...That's it, you won't hear that kind of news today. But seriously, I do have news to tell you about space."

"what news?"

A curious look finally appeared on Ye Zhou's face.

The first reaction in his mind was that the aerospace dual-mode engine had made a major breakthrough, but after thinking about it, this engine belongs to the relatively late batch in the Nantianmen plan. Even if it is carried out synchronously, it is theoretically impossible There will be a breakthrough so soon.

After all, the only similar product they can refer to now is the "Saber" engine that was released, and the design principle of that engine is actually fundamentally different from that of the "Somersault Cloud".

He looked at Chen Hao, who was sitting across from him. The other party deliberately remained silent for a few seconds. When Ye Zhou couldn't help but want to speak, he finally said:

"Actually, it's still related to laser anti-missile missiles."

"The laser anti-missile system we put on 003 is not a ship-based system, but a space-based system."

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