Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 278 The Big One Is Coming

"Space-based anti-missile?? For ballistic missiles?"

Ye Zhou looked at Chen Hao dumbfounded, the latter nodded and replied:

"At present, Jiuquan is ready to lift off. The system configuration will be completed in about a month. The first test will be carried out at that time. Do you want to see it?"

"...To be reasonable, I shouldn't see it---- shouldn't it be shot down outside the atmosphere?"

"The basic principle is indeed like this, but generally speaking, this kind of demonstration experiment will be a little tricky, just like when you see Operation Red Sea, the close-range artillery waits for the missile to fly a few hundred meters before firing, and J-10 years have been putting medium-range bombs without rockets, what I want is the visual effect... Let's take a look at it when the time comes, and if there is any interesting content, I will call you."

"What else is there to do? Play planes?"

"...I really can't take what you said. Anyway, according to the information I received, the army will probably use this system too---- maybe in the future, the cooking class will not need to make a fire for cooking. Now, direct laser cooking."

"Can it still be fried to a candy color?"

"....It should be okay to do barbecue."

Ye Zhou nodded thoughtfully, and then his face became serious.

"If it is estimated according to the energy density of silicon-sulfur batteries, the number of batteries that can be carried by a launch vehicle is estimated to be able to maintain less than ten times of laser generation. The speed of charging by solar energy is very slow, and the overall efficiency is not high. It's not too high -- it's even tasteless."

"However, I don't think rabbits can do such an inefficient thing."

"To improve the endurance of the anti-missile system, it is necessary to increase the capacity of the battery pack; to increase the capacity of the battery pack, it is necessary to increase the number of batteries; to increase the number of batteries, a large number of rockets must be launched- And there must be a strong space platform to carry it.”

"So, based on the above, I guess Xichang and Jiuquan will be very busy in the next few years. Will the Tiangong plan make new moves?"

"...It's really nothing to hide from you people who are engaged in scientific research. The Tiangong Project is preparing to be upgraded, and it is still in the discussion stage, but there will be results soon."

"The specific implementation time still has to wait for your topological quantum computer to pass the verification, because this plan will largely end our opponent's ballistic missile threat and formally extend the economic and technological advantages to the military field."

"So, we still have to ensure that we have an absolutely overwhelming advantage first, and after eliminating all unstable factors, we will do high-profile things."

After speaking, Chen Hao drank the rest of the tea in the cup in one gulp, then shook his head and said:

"You should also change your tea. It smells musty. Where did you buy it? I'll ask the general affairs office to bring you some good ones, or else you'll let the leaders drink this when they come?"

"...I didn't buy it. I dug it out from the kitchen cupboard. I'll make do with it. Anyway, as long as there is something to talk about, even boiled water is fragrant."

"Don't be a fool. It is said that Qingmeizhujiu is the drink of Xiajiming wine. Don't worry, I promise not to make any extravagance and waste for you, but the basic standards still need to be met."

Ye Zhou nodded and took a sip of the tea, feeling the bitter taste slowly opening on the tip of his tongue.

In fact, he didn't drink the musty smell that Chen Hao said, probably because his sense of taste was relatively slow.

However, as he said, that's not the point.

The green plum is not the key point, nor is the jiming wine the key point, the key point is the ambition to watch the world in a cup.

When will we be able to drink such a meal on the wine table in the world?

The answer to this question seems to be very close to me.

Ye Zhou put down the teacup and thought to himself:

If there is such a day, that glass of wine must not just flow down the throat of myself or a few other people.

I have a jug of wine to comfort the wind and dust.

Pour all the rivers and seas, and give drinks to the people of the world.


June 26, Zhanjiang.

A middle-aged man whose hair has almost fallen out, but his skin is still tight and ruddy, is carrying a plastic bag and wearing slippers, humming a little song all the way to the direction of the port.

This man's name is Luo Kun, and he is a senior fisherman.

From the very first contact with fishing, his equipment has been upgraded all the way, from the simplest three-meter hand pole to fish for crucian carp, to the 9-meter long pole to pull the giant silver carp and bighead. Come faster.

More than a year ago, the house in his hometown was demolished in exchange for millions of subsidies. As soon as he got the subsidies, he rushed to the local ship trading market and bought a small yacht at a cost of one hundred and twenty. More than 10,000 yuan, since then embarked on the road of sea fishing.

Because of this, his wife almost divorced him, but after seeing it, the man didn't look for a kid after he became rich, and he didn't mess around outside. It smelled fishy, ​​so let it go.

Men, you have to have some hobbies, and fishing is already considered to be an extremely high-quality type among many hobbies. Anyway, according to Luo Kun, every time he goes out to sea, the fish he catches can basically cover his oil after selling. Money can be earned occasionally.

In this case, simply stop blocking it. When you have time, the family of three will go out to the sea to see the scenery, which is also a pleasant enjoyment.

For example, this Saturday, they plan to set off from the Jinshawan Hongzui Pier, pass the Shili Military Port, and go to the outer sea to play and fish.

Luo Kun's wife and daughter were already waiting at the port, and he himself slowly went to the seafood market to buy a bag of small fish, which he was going to use as bait.

When he got to the pier, his wife had already arranged a series of things to go to sea. He got on the boat and started the engine. After reporting to the port and coastal defense, the small yacht crossed a long white waterline on the sea, heading for the distance. Drove into wide waters.

At this time, the sun was shining, the sea and sky were blue, and the gentle sea breeze caressed the face, which made people feel relaxed and happy. The daughter who had just graduated from high school was sitting next to the driver's seat, as always, listening to Luo Kun's explanation of how to operate the yacht with curiosity, and her eyes swept across the surrounding waters from time to time. .

"...So, sailing at sea is different from driving on land. You must be predictable, because you don't look at the wide area of ​​the sea, but everyone has only a few routes, if you don't pay attention. , it's easy to bump into others."

"Small boats like ours are fine. If it's a heavy fishing boat, it's very difficult to change direction or brake. If it happens, people won't have time to hide from you - what are you doing? What are you looking at?"

Luo Kun noticed that his daughter was a little absent-minded, so he stopped talking and looked in her direction curiously.

At this glance, he immediately knew what attracted his daughter's attention.

In the Shili Military Port not far away, it has been filled with all kinds of different warships.

"I'm looking at warships. Dad, why are there so many warships entering the port today? Look, there's another one there. It's a big ship!"

Luo Kun looked far into the distance, and in the dazzling sunlight, he could vaguely distinguish that it was a large-scale landing ship of Type 075 entering the port.

"That is the 075 Da Deng, one of the largest landing ships in our country, with a displacement of 40,000 tons and 7 helicopter take-off and landing points. It is said that it can transport more than 2,000 heavily armed soldiers at one time. Looking at me with this kind of eyes, this is public information, your father is not half a million."

"Isn't there a patriotic education activity organized by Zhanjiang Port last year? At that time, I asked you to sign up, but you didn't go. There are not many opportunities to visit. It is said that you can still go to 055d to visit."

"Then I'm not busy with the college entrance examination... Don't worry, there will definitely be more this year. When the time comes, our family of three will go----what's that? It looks like the biggest one, without a cannon."

"That is Weishan Lake, a comprehensive supply ship, and the little one next to it is a minesweeper. These are the conventional ships in the fleet."

The daughter nodded, pointed to the inside of the port, and described while squinting her eyes:

"And that one with a cannon on the bow, is that a destroyer? Is it a 055d? I remember seeing it parked there every time I pass by, should it be important?"

Luo Kun looked in the direction of his daughter's finger, and then answered with some humor:

"That's 051c.... It's not there because it's important, it's because it's decommissioned. Niu Niu, you can't see the really important warships here, they're all parked in the inner harbor, can you The ones that are displayed outside for us to see are basically the models that have been put into public service.”

"But it looks quite majestic!"

"Isn't that majestic? Why is there a displacement of 7,000 tons, but backwardness means backwardness, and elimination means elimination. Now that 055d has dumped dumplings, who wants such an old-fashioned thing as 051c... Wait a minute. , why don't I feel right?"

While speaking, Luo Kun frowned.

Since he bought the yacht, he has been out to sea almost every week, and he has passed by Shili Military Port quite a few times, but this is the first time he has seen a scene where various ships gather in the port like today.

Generally speaking, Shili Military Port is empty for at least 360 of the 365 days of the year, because all ships will go out for training and combat readiness, and will only take turns returning to the port when supplies are occasionally needed. Basically, it will not flock to the port like today.

Judging from the number, the ships returning to port this time are at least half of the entire fleet.

Is it necessary to collectively repair and maintain? Or... a dress change? ?

He is a fisherman. He likes to watch international news when he has nothing to do, and pays a lot of attention to international and domestic hotspots, but he really hasn't seen any big news recently.

Since there is no big news, why does Shili Military Port have such a big move?

He vaguely remembered that the first two times he saw these warships return to the port to supply supplies, once when they were about to welcome No. 002 into service, and once when the escort fleet was rotated.

But now, less than 3 months have passed since the last escort formation went to sea...

Is the big one really coming?

Luo Kun hurriedly increased the accelerator, approached the warning area of ​​Shili Military Port a little, then stopped outside the warning area, and began to watch warships entering the port with anticipation.

There are many small boats parked in the sea like him, and they are full of cheering tourists. They are all dedicated to the sea to see the warships by boat.

As more and more warships continued to sail from the distant sea, everyone's emotions became higher and higher, but Luo Kun's expression remained calm.

There was even a slight sense of superiority in his heart: you old hats, aren't you just a few warships? I'm tired of watching it, and I don't have anything new. Can't I wait until 003 drives in?

The daughter on the side was still chatting and asking questions. Luo Kun patiently gave her the common sense of warships, but he felt a little boring when he talked.

When was the 055d launched?

Seems like it was 5 years ago.

In the past five years, why hasn't the Navy made any new moves?

I look forward to 003 every year, but 003 is just so many things, and for me, the surprise is not so big.

Can you come up with some tricks?

I heard that the laser weapons in the ugly country have been on the ship. When will our 055d have these equipment?

As the last warship entered the port, Luo Kun shook his head in disappointment, restarted the engine, and planned to continue his fishing activities.

Although I don't know what this large-scale return to port is for, it is certain that it is definitely not because of some new equipment.

If that's the case, then there's nothing to look at.

He turned the bow of the boat and drove in the direction of the distant sea. The daughter on the side was still looking in the direction of the military port, and Luo Kun didn't care about her.

Girl, you don't know anything about military equipment, and you will be interested in seeing something new if you haven't seen it before...  

However, as soon as this thought turned around, he heard his daughter shouting and holding his hand, and the other cruise ships around him also heard huge cheers.

Luo Kun hurriedly turned his head and saw a strange warship slowly sailing out of the Shili Military Port in the distance.

It was a battleship without a port number, and it seemed to be a Type 055 in terms of style. However, unlike other battleships, the deck of this battleship was densely covered with a layer of waterproof material that Luo Kun was extremely familiar with.

Three-color tarp!

Luo Kun took a "hiss" breath, and he suddenly guessed what these warships were going back to port for.

Yes, the big one is coming.

However, for the navy of this country, the real big move is far more than just No. 003!

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