Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 279 What Is The Electromagnetic Gun?

On June 29, the waters near Yongxia Island.

Ye Zhou came to the island again, but this time he didn't come to see H-20, but to watch 055d-

The first fire test of a Type 3 destroyer.

As he expected, Chen Hao told him before that "the ship's integrated power system should be refitted on 055d.

The subtext of adding an energy storage module" is to officially realize the electromagnetic gun on the ship, and now, a month and a half has passed, and this 055d without a hull number has obviously completed the goal.

At this moment, Ye Zhou stood quietly on the deck of the 002 aircraft carrier, waiting for the 055d not far away for the final pre-launch preparations.

Standing beside him is the chief engineer of this transformation, or in other words, the chief engineer of the entire Huaxia ship's all-electric system, Ma Weiming.

Officially under his leadership, the 003 aircraft carrier, which is about to be launched, solved the problem of electromagnetic ejection. In the case that everyone thought it was impossible, it successfully used conventional power generators to support the electromagnetic ejection system with high power consumption.

In addition, he is also the chief designer of the entire Huaxia Navy's integrated power system. Every Huaxia ship that breaks the waves on the sea has his hard work.

In front of such a person, even Ye Zhou would not have the confidence to claim credit.

The seagull landed on the side of No. 002, and was then disturbed by the passing ground staff, adding a bit of life to the steel giant island.

Ye Zhou's eyes followed the seagulls away, then he looked back, looked at Ma Weiming and said:

"Mr. Ma, have several key technical problems of our electromagnetic guns been solved this time? Why do I feel like it's been installed silently? I haven't heard of any breakthroughs before."

Ma Weiming on the side heard Ye Zhou's words and asked with a gentle smile:

"I guess what you're asking is about capacitance and ion ablation?"

Ye Zhou nodded.

In fact, unlike what some people think, the so-called electromagnetic gun is not an energy weapon, but a kinetic energy weapon. Kinetic killing effect.

According to the latest public results, the latest electromagnetic railgun can accelerate the projectile up to 4300 meters per second, which is close to 5 times the muzzle velocity of the traditional naval gun. Deal devastating blows to enemy units.

However, in order to achieve such an effect, there are still two extremely difficult difficulties to overcome.

The first is the problem of super-power capacitors. In simple terms, the greater the potential difference, the greater the current released in a short period of time, and the greater the current, the greater the power of the electromagnetic gun.

This has nothing to do with battery energy storage. For example, the battery power of a mobile phone can fully support more than 50 times,

The power of electromagnetic artillery shells reaching the ak-47 standard is launched, but how to release these electricity at one time is the key to the problem.

In addition to the problem of capacitors, the railgun also faces a more serious and more damaging problem, that is, the skin effect.

In one sentence, the skin effect is the process of electromagnetically generating heat. Such heat is enough to cause serious ablation to the shell and electromagnetic rails, and even directly plasmaize the tail of the shell when it is fired.

And such electromagnetic ablation is unavoidable during the launch of the electromagnetic gun. If you want to overcome this difficulty, you must make a breakthrough in materials science, and use materials that are extremely resistant to high temperature ablation and have sufficient strength to manufacture the guide rail. and cannonballs.

But where did such shells come from? According to Ye Zhou's understanding, at present, even in the world, there is no material that can withstand such high temperature ablation, otherwise, the Chou Kingdom will not suspend the promising electromagnetic gun project.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou looked at Ma Weiming and waited expectantly for the answer.

After a pause, Ma Weiming said:

"Actually, the solution of these two problems is related to you, which is why I deliberately want to apply for the superiors today,

You are invited to witness the reason for this achievement. "

"It's about me?"

Ye Zhou was stunned for a moment, his expression a little confused.

He did provide a series of scientific and technological achievements, including batteries and high heat-resistant materials, but these scientific and technological achievements have relatively large limitations, and it should be less related to electromagnetic guns.

Seeing Ye Zhou's expression, Ma Weiming smiled slightly, then continued to explain:

"It seems that you don't know how big a wave the things you took out caused, but it's normal. I heard that you always finish a project and start the next project without stopping, and you don't have time to look back. Okay, you explore the road ahead, and we pave the road behind, so that the road will get wider and wider."

"Let's go back to the problem of electromagnetic guns. In fact, you also know that the two biggest difficulties of current electromagnetic rail guns are capacitors and ablation. Let's talk about capacitors first."

"Actually, we solved the capacitor problem in 2016--my electromagnetic catapult system was formed at that time. To be honest, the electromagnetic gun is actually just a by-product of the electromagnetic catapult."

"However, the problem of capacitors has been solved. To get the electromagnetic guns on the ship, we still face another problem, which is the charging of capacitors."

"You also know that on an aircraft carrier, it is not difficult for us to charge the electromagnetic orbit, because the aircraft carrier itself is large in size and the power of the generator is also large, and it can withstand high power consumption units such as electromagnetic orbits. "

"But the destroyer can't, let's not talk about whether the size is enough, at least when we first designed it, we didn't consider this kind of high-energy-consuming weapon."

"If we want high-energy-consuming weapons to be put on the ship, we must solve the problem of current stability - this involves the transformation of the comprehensive power system of the whole ship."

"At that time, our direction was to use more powerful generators and more energy storage batteries. However, this plan must require changes to the layout of the whole ship, and even squeeze the space of other combat modules."

"We changed a lot of drafts, but in the end, we didn't reach a finalized design plan. Instead, we could only delay the launch plan until the next-generation destroyer was launched."

"However, your sulfur-silicon battery gives us new options."

"We can directly add an energy storage module on the basis of the existing power generation to store the redundant power in the combat readiness cruise to cope with the peak power consumption of the high power consumption units."

"This is the transformation of the integrated power system we mentioned before. The 055d-3 ship you see now is the result of our transformation."

After listening to Ma Weiming's explanation, Ye Zhou nodded deeply.

He lacked understanding of the ship's power system itself, so he didn't know that such a small battery could actually change the equipment service plan of the entire navy.

He wanted to ask questions, but Ma Weiming had already continued:

"In addition to the innovation of the integrated power system brought about by the battery, another major breakthrough is the ceramic-fluorite compound made by the previous three-foot research. The properties of this compound are very peculiar, and we have optimized it based on its molecular composition.

, developed a new generation of negative thermal expansion materials. "

"Of course, I'm not an expert in materials, so I can't explain the specific situation to you. In short, the final result is that this material can not only withstand high temperature ablation, but also shrink at high temperature, thereby enhancing structural strength and improving The stability of the rails.”

"When did this result appear?"

Ye Zhou asked curiously.

"Probably more than 3 months ago - didn't you receive the notification? I remember that the project team was still evaluating the awards internally at that time, and a large amount of bonus was issued."

"Well, I should have received it, but I really didn't pay attention."

Ye Zhou smiled a little embarrassedly, and Ma Weiming sighed with emotion when he saw his expression.

"I haven't seen someone like you in years."

"Actually, to be honest, I invited you to come to see the electromagnetic gun today, and the reasons I told my superiors were all excuses. The real reason is that I haven't seen you, so I want to see you."

"I live in Rongcheng right now, if you have time, you can go there and find me at any time. I can find you. Ma Weiming nodded lightly and replied:

"I will definitely visit your place again if I have the opportunity in the future, but I am satisfied to see this side today."

"Don't say that, in fact, your contribution to our navy."

"No, I'm not talking about contribution."

Ma Weiming interrupted Ye Zhou's words.

"Of course, in terms of contribution, you are also much older than me. I have the highest confidentiality authority, so I am very aware of the strategic significance of the project you are working on under the Kunlun Mountains."

"But that's not what I care about."

"That is"

"I just want to see if you can continue down this road."

"This is not a good way to go. Even if you are a genius, even if you can continuously come up with technologies that change the whole world, you will always face pressure from all directions."

"Economic, policy, public opinion... Some pressures are not directly on you, but you will still feel exhausted."

"Before I saw you, I was worried that you would not be able to go on, but now I don't have to worry."

"You're much purer than I expected."

Saying that, Ma Weiming raised his head.

"Okay, I'm not good at saying these things, anyway, later, your big toy will start to test.

"The electromagnetic gun, although some people say that it is useless, but in my opinion, it is a weapon that will completely change the pattern of naval warfare."

"Its potential is too great. Maybe one day, combined with a more advanced fire control radar, its performance will exceed the current missiles, and it may not be the case that the era of cannons and giant ships will return?"

Ye Zhou nodded deeply and did not speak.

He didn't know what was the difference between the "big gun ships" described by Ma Weiming and the big gun ships in history, but when that era came, the ocean that the Huaxia Navy sailed should be, Xinghai, right?

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