Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 280: The Rogue Monkey

On the 005d-3 ship not far away, the final preparations for the electromagnetic gun are in progress.

"The electromagnetic secondary gun is ready, the charging has ended, the target has been locked, and you can fire at any time!"

"The data link fire control radar is tracking well!"

"The barrel temperature is normal, ready to cool down!

"The shells are loaded!"

"Ask the captain to launch!"

"Yes! Ask for launch!"

The main gun technician Zhang Shiquan checked the working status of the electromagnetic rail gun again. He looked nervous and his muscles tightened slightly.

This is not the first time he has tested the electromagnetic gun, not even the first time on this warship, but it is indeed the first time that he and his comrades have carried out the whole process operation according to the standard of actual combat, and they will be practicing The subjects are also complex and diverse.

In addition to the high-speed moving target ships at close range at sea, there are several fixed targets with a distance of 200 kilometers but a diameter of no more than 10 meters.

In fact, Zhang Shiquan has no worries about hitting the target ship. What he is really worried about is that the maximum range of traditional naval guns for targets 200 kilometers away is only about 120 kilometers. The most common shooting distance in actual drills is 30 to 50 km, within this distance, the optical direct sighting system and the ship-borne fire control radar can work together to continuously correct the shooting elements according to the position of the water column at the bombing point, and the accuracy of rapid correction and compensation is also strong in the case of a missed shot. guarantee.

At more than 50 kilometers, the optical direct sighting system has completely failed, and the target cannot be found visually, which makes the gunner lose an eye and greatly increases the difficulty.

Now, their firing range is 200 kilometers.

The fire control radar has completely failed, because the radar wave propagating in a straight line cannot pass through the earth's arc surface, and the target located on the "anti-slope of the sea slope" can be detected through the sea water.

To achieve the targeting and tracking of the target, we can only rely on the airborne early warning aircraft to share the data of the fire control radar or rely on the data of the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft that comes with the 055d.

Although both can provide fire control data, the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft is limited by factors such as small size, low flight altitude, and poor airborne data system accuracy. The accuracy of the fire control data it can provide is much lower than Large-scale early warning aircraft in the air must rely on the experience and professional judgment of the gunner if they want to rely on such data to effectively strike the target with artillery.

And this time, because of Rabbit's consistent exercise style of "considering the worst combat conditions", the data link of the early warning aircraft has been cut off. All he can rely on is the data provided by the released Wuzhen-3. This is a brand-new, cross-sectional The combat attempt of the system is extremely difficult to operate.

Fortunately, Zhang Shiquan still has confidence in himself.

He is a man who has shot missiles with naval guns.

The current tension is nothing but an instinctive reaction to a challenge, which makes him, even under high pressure,

It can also maintain the most stable working state.

After finally examining the data, Zhang Shiquan issued an order to prepare to fire. His order was quickly conveyed to the ship's command system. In the command room at the moment, several senior officers were making the final discussion on the exercise plan.

"Captain, the artillery is ready, do you want to start the test firing immediately?"

The captain frowned. He looked at the latest investigation report from Kai, and asked in a serious tone:

"Have the unrelated people who booked the target location been expelled? Why can someone still be seen moving from the aerial photography?,

"Report, it's vietnam fishermen, we've broadcasted the eviction countless times, and they just don't listen.

"What are they doing there? This is not fishing equipment at all. Who even brought a Kai shovel to block the net?"

"They're reclamation."

Hearing this unexpected answer, the captain let out a deep breath.

In fact, these vietnam fishermen have been reclaiming the sea to build islands in this sea area for not a day or two. After Bai saw the great results of China's reclamation, their brains like monkeys seemed to suddenly become enlightened, and they also began to learn Kai Island reclamation.

Their idea is very simple, you can do it in China, why can't we?

Isn't that just reclamation? Pull a boat of stones from the shore, arrange for a few migrant workers to lay the foundation, block the nets, and pour the stones into it, right?

Although this idea is simple, it is not without room for operation. But the problem is that they do not have advanced equipment such as the Sky Whale, and they do not have sufficient capital and human input.

3. The will to never give up if nothing is impossible. At the end of the year, three days of fishing and two days of drying nets come to dig a few shovels. An island with an area of ​​less than 20 square meters has been filled for ten years.

For this situation, it is neither easy to manage, nor can it be ignored.

It can't be ignored because this sea area is a routine cruising area. If they actually build a tin house to station, it will be more difficult to drive them away in the future, which will not only affect the safety of shipping, but also have the risk of leaking secrets. Because of the sensitivity of the location of that island.

Therefore, the most common thing they do is to let their brother troops drive a Keton-class coast guard boat to spray water. Under the water column of several meters thick, the islands that the monkeys have just built often fall apart.

But it should not be said that those monkeys can't do anything, and they are the first to be fooled.

Once they were washed away, they came back after a few days of rest. In the end, they didn't even pursue the firmness of the island. They just pulled a boat of mud and sand and fell down. Anyway, as long as mud sticks out of the water, it will be disgusting to you. And today, they are apparently doing the same thing.

"Did you tell them that this place has been designated as a military restricted zone? They don't even dare to listen to this now?"

The captain's tone was a bit confusing. In his experience, these monkeys are rogues, but they still cherish their lives. Once they heard that a certain sea area was going to exercise, they slipped faster than the fish in the sea, for fear of missiles that did not have long eyes. It fell to me but this time, the warning time has passed for several hours, and they still haven't left?

The intelligence officer on the side was equally helpless. He glanced at his watch and replied:

"Captain, their position is just a little outside the exercise area. It is not appropriate to temporarily expand the exercise area now, which will affect the navigation of other ships."

"We had sent the coast guard ship to clear the scene 4 hours ago, but we don't know if they gave a death order or something, but Lai Kai didn't leave, and the water rushed twice. How long does it take to be back.

"It's not good for our ship to stay there for too long. It has already been withdrawn. Captain, do you think we should give up that target first and change it to something else?"

"Their position in our target is only less than 2 kilometers. If they really miss it, it will be difficult to clean up later.

The captain was silent for a moment, then continued to ask:

"Have you communicated with those fishermen? What did they say?

"After we communicated, they said they believed that our technology was just a hob, so they wouldn't listen to them. They knew we should draw a bigger area."

Hearing this, the captain shook his head.

"This is not a big problem. Even if we draw a 400-kilometer exercise radius, they will still find ways to disgust us. This is touching porcelain.

"They're sure we don't dare to hit them with a cannon, so that's why we play this game."

"Threatening the lives of ordinary people is really... Forget it, give the order and start the exercise."

"200 kilometers, an error of 2 kilometers, if we can't control this error rate, then I don't think our ship needs to go to the battlefield."

"Tell Zhang Shiquan and let him aim for the fight!"

"In addition, Wu Detective is keeping an eye on the movement on that island. I want to see if the monkeys are afraid of death."

"As soon as you find out that they are gone, notify me immediately." "Fuck, aren't you playing rascals with us? I will too!"

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