Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 281 Is The Battleship Coming? ?

On the small island 200 kilometers away from where 055d is located, several fishermen are staring blankly at the line where the sea and the sky meet in the distance.

Just now, they poured the last boat of sand and gravel into the sea, expanding the land under their feet to an area of ​​nearly 5 square meters.

This is a remarkable achievement, since the area of ​​the island has not exceeded two square meters since the Huaxia Coast Guard boats started their routine patrols.

Either the coast guard boat came to rush it, or tomorrow their fishermen passed by and dug a few shovels on the way. Many of the sand they worked so hard to pull over were pulled away by the fishermen of the other side and used as ballast stones in the boat. .

A fisherman took a cigarette from his pocket, took a deep breath, and then asked:

"You said, they wouldn't really hit the cannonballs here, would they?"

The partner on the side shook his head and replied firmly:

"How is that possible! Every time they draw the exercise area is huge, and the periphery is not involved at all."

"Don't worry, the news we received this time seems to be a new type of artillery that they want to test. How far can the range of the artillery be? It's amazing to hit a hundred kilometers."

"We are still 200 kilometers away from them. What are they fighting? It must be a cannon-launched missile! Since it is a missile, what is there to worry about? You have not seen the accuracy of their missiles, let alone two kilometers. Now, even if it is 20 meters, it can't blow up on us."

"Twenty meters is not enough, it will explode."

"I'm just giving an example! You idiot! Well, lift our drones up and fly high and let me see what they're up to."

Hearing his words, the companion on the side hurriedly took out a sealed box from the water, and after opening it three times, five divisions and two, took out a four-axis drone from the inside.

On the fuselage of this drone, the three letters "dji" are written impressively.

"Captain, what are we using the drone to see? We can't see their warships two hundred kilometers away.

"You're really an idiot! Did I show you a warship? That thing looks like a spy, how dare you look at it? What I show you is their target! Just see what they are shooting with!"

The captain's face showed the anger of hating iron and steel, and when facing his gang, he always felt a sense of breathlessness that his IQ was lowered.

For example, when the coast guard boat came to warn them before, he had clearly set his caliber with these people in advance, saying that he was just a fisherman who came to catch a fish and take a rest. Because the boat was broken, he had to wait here.

The sea area where they are located is the high sea, which is not under the jurisdiction of any state power, so the reason why their people are fishing here is very legitimate. , after all, the high seas area, freedom of navigation.

But there was still an idiot who didn't have long eyes in the team who took out the shovel, and was immediately caught by the other party.

That's right, if you want to watch the cannonball, then sit back and watch. It's not just your family who are watching the fun in this sea. Anyway, the real secrets are 200 kilometers away, and you can't see it either.

But do you want to reclaim the sea?

Sorry, don't let it.

This is Huaxia's consistent style, and the captain has long been used to it. Generally speaking, it is good to withdraw, but today is a little different.

He really had to watch this lively event.

Therefore, the situation at that time was extremely anxious. Fortunately, the other side's coast guard ship didn't seem to want to stay in this area for too long, and finally gave up its dissuasion.

This made the captain breathe a sigh of relief, because if the other party is really determined to chase people away, the excitement this time will not be enough, and even if he goes back, he will not have good fruit to eat.

Thinking of this, he scolded the remote control of the drone and began to control the drone to fly to the target two kilometers away.

The picture of the drone was transmitted back to the screen in his hand through DJI's Oce image transmission system. He maneuvered the drone to fly around the target and found that it was just tied up with a few buoys. The floating island, the area does not exceed 10 square meters.

This made him more firm in his guess.

At this distance, to achieve precise strikes against such a small target, he couldn't think of any other way other than artillery missiles.

Therefore, the superior's guess at the beginning was correct. Although Huaxia's drill might sound appalling, in the final analysis it was just some old technology.

Cannon-fired missiles?

They are not the only ones who have it, and their own country is actually not much worse in this regard.

In fact, the 9m119 artillery-launched missile has been used in the military for a long time, except that it is more expensive, slightly less accurate, and slightly shorter in range. In fact, there is no disadvantage.

As long as we develop well for a few more years, one day, we will be able to compete with Huaxia at sea.

He estimated when the exercise would start, gently pushed the joystick to raise the drone up, then turned the camera down again, and began to wait quietly for the impending explosion.

As time passed by, fine beads of sweat had oozing out of the captain's forehead. He scolded a few times angrily, and several team members who were dazed around rushed over to hold an umbrella for him.

There was no movement at the distant target, and even for a moment, the captain wondered if they had given up on the target.

Are you really afraid of getting hurt?

Speaking of which, the accuracy of their artillery-launched missiles is not very good. It is 200 kilometers away. Even the error within two kilometers cannot be controlled, and the gap with their own side does not seem to be that big.

One by one is wrong, even worse than their own.

After all, the error of our own artillery-launched missiles within a range of 4,000 meters is less than 5 meters.

Thinking of this, he felt a little pride in his heart.

The Huaxia Navy is nothing more than that.

However, before this thought had turned around in his mind, he saw a strange scene on the screen.

The floating island target below the drone shattered without warning.

As if being penetrated by something.

Then, huge water splashes rose on the sea, and those water splashes even splashed on the drone footage hundreds of meters high.

The captain stared at the screen in a stunned manner. He hurriedly turned the camera, but after he circled 360 degrees, he found that there was no missile trajectory in the nearby sky!

what's the situation?

Is this a pre-buried mine?

Just like what the unit you were in did, directly bombing the target as a success of the exercise?

Not right!

What about the explosion of fire? ?

It's not a missile or a pre-buried mine, so what is the situation?

A thought that frightened him suddenly flashed through his mind.

No, it's really a cannon, right?

A gun with a range of 200 kilometers? ?

His face gradually became serious.

If there is such a weapon, then the launch platform they use is definitely not an ordinary destroyer.

There is absolutely no destroyer in the world that can carry a cannon with a range of 200 kilometers.

Unless it's a battleship!

Huaxia has started to engage in battleships again?

Could it be that the world's navy is changing so fast? Something that was decades ago is now starting to come back to the front lines?

He immediately began to retract the drone, intending to report his news to his superiors in the shortest time after evacuation, however, some things flew faster than the drone.

It's a cannonball.

Those artillery shells are like their own tracking function, trailing the flight path of the drone all the way, and blasting water in the forward direction impartially.

The control of the drone has begun to fail, and his heart is getting colder.

Such precision, such speed of fire...

Definitely more than one gun.

Definitely a battleship!

He can't care about drones anymore. In the face of such a major discovery, a small drone is really nothing.

The captain suddenly threw the remote control in his hand, sprinted onto the fishing boat, roared and greeted everyone to get on the boat, and hurriedly started the engine.

At this moment, the stretch of water is getting closer and closer, and the nearest cannonball is no more than 500 meters away from them!

They are here for this island!

The captain looked in horror at the phantom-like water spray that was still approaching. He couldn't understand what was happening in front of him, he couldn't understand where these shells came from, and he couldn't understand why there was no trace of smoke in the sky.

But he knew that if he was really targeted by the other party, his small fishing boat would definitely not be able to hold a shot!

After an interval of more than ten seconds, a water flower bloomed at a distance of less than 300 meters. This time, he finally barely saw the direction of the water splash.

That angle is definitely a cannonball.

"Go! Go!"

The captain pushed the accelerator violently, and the small fishing boat emitted a puff of black smoke and began to slowly sail away from the island.

There was still a bit of luck in his heart, maybe the other party was just a demonstration? Or simply missed?

Maybe not for yourself?

However, in the next second, his illusion was completely shattered.

With the loud sound of a cannonball hitting the rock, the island they had been operating for more than ten years fell to the sky without warning.

The rocks fell apart, huge columns of water mixed with silt rose up, and waves up to two meters rolled in.

"Be careful!!"

He can't take care of the other team members at this time, because he knows that under such waves, his fishing boat will be overturned immediately!

Diving, diving is the safest.

He rushed out of the cabin, stepped out of the boat's side at the last second of the wave's arrival, and then plunged into the water.

After a while, he resurfaced.

As he expected, the small fishing boat has been overturned by the waves, and the other team members are also ups and downs in the water like him.

Fortunately, not one is missing.

The captain looked in the direction of the original island, where no rocks could be seen - probably all of them had been blown up and sunk.

This made him feel deep despair.

What makes him even more desperate is that this is not the only island that has disappeared.

In front of him, those islands that were not under the jurisdiction or belonged to anyone, disappeared without a trace after one after another. The fruits of their decades of hard work were destroyed!

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