Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 282 I Will Give You An Umbrella Too

Ye Zhou on the aircraft carrier naturally couldn't see the scene where the shells hit the target in the distance. However, the huge fire and smoke produced by the ion ablation of the electromagnetic gun on the 055 still shocked him.

Under the reflection of such majestic and wanton fire, the entire 055d 10,000-ton body looks a little thin.

What surprised him the most was the rate of fire. According to the information he had seen before, the maximum rate of fire of the electromagnetic cannon in the Chou country was only 3-5 rounds per minute, but now the gun in front of him had a very high rate of fire. more than 10 rounds.

And judging from the real-time live pictures sent back by the front-end Wuzhen-3, the accuracy of this gun is also frighteningly high.

At a distance of 200 kilometers, the diameter of the impact point area is less than five meters—and these errors are likely to be caused by wind speed and humidity. In the electromagnetic gun itself, it has almost achieved the ultimate.

If such an error is calculated in a smaller unit, it is probably equivalent to the error of each shot within one kilometer being no more than the size of a coin. Even the most advanced sniper rifle in the world cannot do it. such precision.

Of course, it is common sense in the military field that guns are more accurate than guns, but it is unique in the world to be able to do this.

After the last island out of the water was sunk, the electromagnetic gun drill finally came to an end. Ye Zhou and Ma Weiming finally stepped on the deck of 055d through the helicopter.

All the high-level commanders of the ship, including the manipulators of the electromagnetic guns, have lined up on the deck to greet them. After seeing the two getting off the helicopter, everyone gave a military salute.

The two raised their hands in return, and then, Ma Weiming stepped forward and patted the gunner Zhang Shiquan on the shoulder and said:

"It's okay, boy, you're playing well!"

Zhang Shiquan smiled a little embarrassedly and replied:

"Reporting to the leader, it's not accurate enough! In the future, we will continue to hone our skills, train while fighting, and dare to fight. We're not officially reviewing today, so relax! "

"Yes! Leader!"

Zhang Shiquan's figure was still straight, Ma Weiming smiled helplessly, and beckoned Ye Zhou to go over.

"Come on, let me introduce to you, this is an important contributor to the successful launch of our electromagnetic gun, and it can even be said that it seems to be the most important contributor. Because of the principle of confidentiality, I cannot disclose his name to you. This face is also I hope you will forget about it."

"However, I want each of you to shake his hand and remember how this moment feels."

"In the future, every time you conquer a sea area, you must remember that it is this hand that supports you behind your back."

Ye Zhou looked serious. He walked up to the officers and soldiers in the queue, starting with the last one standing at the lowest rank, shaking hands and saluting.

No one spoke, the sea breeze slowly blew away the last smoke of gunpowder on the deck, and at this moment, the world was clear.

According to the arrangement of the drill, a series of weapon maintenance and repair and emergency troubleshooting drills will be carried out after the completion of the electromagnetic gun test firing drill in 055d, but Ye Zhou did not participate anymore, but followed Ma Weiming to Yongxia Island to visit the just-launched He originally thought that this system would have a reduced version on the 055d, but Ma Weiming told him that with the current size of the 055d, after accommodating conventional naval guns and electromagnetic secondary guns, there was no space to place the laser anti-missile system. If you want the laser anti-missile to get on the ship, you must wait for the next model 055 to adjust the hull structure and layout, remove some redundant anti-missile modules, and make room for the laser anti-missile.

Accompanied by the captain of the aircraft carrier No. 02, the two watched the fortress under construction. This fortress was far beyond Ye Zhou's imagination in terms of size and defense.

"So, the fortress we just saw is actually an integrated offensive and defensive fortress, which includes both ultra-high-power electromagnetic gun systems, laser anti-missile and conventional anti-missile systems."

"According to its design concept, it will exist as an iconic firepower unit. The deployment of anti-aircraft firepower is equivalent to 20 055d ships, radiating the sea area within a radius of 600 kilometers, and responding to all war situations in the sea area."

"In order to achieve this goal, the defense of this fortress is designed to be extremely thick and can withstand the impact of penetrating projectiles with a depth of at least 12 meters."

"If there was a war one day, the fort would be a prime target for the enemy—to be honest, it's a tortoise shell that attracts fire."

"It can be played and defended, but it is difficult to destroy, but it cannot be ignored."

After listening to Captain 002's introduction, Ye Zhou nodded.

He can fully understand this strategy, which is the product of the combination of the phobia of insufficient firepower of rabbits and the talent of scoundrels. They do not want to pursue flashy visual effects, but only consider how to use the least amount of money to achieve the maximum firepower delivery capability.

Based on this principle, the bastion system becomes the best choice.

Dozens of distributed fortresses along the coast, each fortress has several electromagnetic guns, several laser anti-missile systems, one or two hundred fortress anti-aircraft missiles with a range of 100 kilometers, and then get a few close-up anti-aircraft guns, and repair them a few meters thick. The reinforced concrete is lined with ordinary steel plates half a meter thick. One such fortress is estimated to be as hard as a hundred F35s.

The key is that the cost of a single project of this kind of fortress is estimated to be several hundred million. If the enemy wants to lay down this fortress, it is conservatively estimated that it will cost hundreds of battle axes.

These hundreds of Tomahawks could have shot down an airfield, killed twenty or thirty J-2s, and cost tens of billions of dollars in China, but now, all these missiles must be poured into this reinforced concrete with almost no money. On the fortress built, it can be regarded as a low cost-effectiveness ratio.

More importantly, this fortress system is different from the so-called Maginot Line of Defense. Due to the accelerating speed of technological iteration, the firepower delivery range of one fortress can be completely connected to another, ensuring that it is within its coverage. Don't even think of a fly flying over so easily. So, this is not the Maginot Line, but the Great Wall at Sea.

The Great Wall at sea in the new era.

Well, compared with shield ships and aircraft carriers, it costs almost nothing, and rounding up is about equal to the Great Wall at sea given away for nothing.

This is the change brought about by technological progress.

Ye Zhou sighed with emotion, while Ma Weiming noticed his expression and asked amusingly:

"What, do you think we are too rascal?"

"That's not it."

Ye Zhou quickly shook his head.

"They can engage in anti-missile encirclement strategies, can't we build sea forts? I just sigh, although I think the fort system is very cheap, but this is based on our decades of continuous operation of these islands. of.

"If the land reclamation is unsuccessful, the maritime fortress system is simply nonsense."

"So, national defense is really not a small group of people's business... From cement, to steel, to infrastructure technology, to the Sky Whale, people from all walks of life are involved unknowingly, even with this permanent Like Xia Dao, the owner who sells sweet water there is actually making a contribution."

Ma Weiming nodded and replied:

"Yes. Our nation is like this. When there are not so many slogans, most people are doing their own things in a down-to-earth manner, but as long as they do their own things well, naturally, we are more The great pursuit has come true.

During the conversation, several people had left the area where the fort was being built and came to the road beside the beach. They walked along the road, and the topic extended from the fort, chatting casually about some less important interesting things.

The sun was blazing, and the general affairs staff brought a parasol. Captain 002 opened the umbrella and held it above Ma Weiming's head in person.

Seeing this scene, Ye Zhou smiled.

He recalled that during a visit that year, the navy had already held an umbrella for him, and such a scene happened again today.

Maybe that's what's called respect.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou took the umbrella handed over by the general clerk, and when he was about to open it, he found a shadow covering his head.

He raised his head in surprise and met Ma Weiming's gentle gaze. "Today, I'll give you an umbrella too."

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