Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 283 A Gun, Playing The Effect Of A Battleship

While Ye Zhou was visiting the newest fort on Yongxia Island, several vietnam fishermen also returned to their country. Captain Ruan Xiong rushed to the barracks as soon as he landed, intending to report the news to the top leadership. However, his actions were not smooth.

Due to the special nature of the operation, he did not carry any documents to prove his identity. When he arrived at the gate of the barracks, he was stopped by the sentinel on the grounds that he was not allowed to enter without the documents.

What are you kidding me, my documents are in the barracks, you won't let me in, how can I provide documents?

This is obviously a normal operation process. In the case of no documents, as long as the password can be matched and the identity can be confirmed, one can enter the military camp, but today's sentry has only one sentence: no documents, no.

Ruan Xiong cursed in exasperation, he knew exactly what the so-called sentry was thinking.

Don't you just want money?

He passed by the door every day, and even remembered the sentinel's face, how could he not remember himself?

Three days before going to sea, the two sat together and smoked.

Now, this trick of turning your face and not recognizing someone is a bit too ugly, right?

But in this case, he really had no choice.

Since the military has been engaged in business, the military has become the country's largest chaebol, controlling dozens of monopoly companies and thousands of companies, forming a huge interest group.

Their annual business income is as high as tens of billions, and most of these profits go to the pockets of upper-level senior officers.

The upper-level officers are busy making money, and the lower-level soldiers can only be jealous. They also want to make money, but there is no channel, so what should we do?

So, I had to start with myself.

In particular, junior officers like Ruan Xiong have a certain amount of extra income, but they do not have much real power, so they cannot pose an effective threat to the soldiers of the adjacent ranks, so they become the focus of exploitation. This situation is intensifying and even developing now. Even a sentinel can talk about the rules, disregard the actual situation and the urgency of the intelligence, and forcefully charge their own protection fees.

Ruan Xiong couldn't do anything about it. He couldn't really ignore the sentinel's obstruction and break in. So he could only go to the street to find his acquaintance to borrow 200 yuan and stuff it to the sentinel. put him in.

Ruan Xiong took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, returned to his barracks, got his documents and changed his clothes, and immediately reported to his superiors.

In his hand, he also had the video record taken by the drone at that time, and he also brought it with him at this time, intending to directly use the video to prove his judgment.

When he came to the superior's office, there were already several officers sitting there. Ruan Xiong glanced hesitantly and asked:

"Colonel, I have important information to report, you see... If it's inconvenient, I'll come back later?"

The man sitting opposite waved his hand and replied boldly:

"Let's say it directly, everyone here is my own people, there is nothing to hide!"

Ruan Xiong looked around and saw unfamiliar faces. He was hesitant in his heart, but the Colonel's eyes had begun to become severe, so he had no choice but to say:

"Colonel, this time we went to the high seas for a routine patrol, and we happened to encounter an exercise by Huaxia. According to our previous judgment, the content of their exercise was to experiment with a new type of artillery."

"However, from the evidence I have so far, this is far from simple as a new type of artillery."

"Not the new artillery? What is that? Missile?"

Ruan Xiong took out the memory card he had prepared and put it on the table, and then replied, "I think it is very likely that they are experimenting with a new type of battleship."

"Battleship?? Do you know what you're talking about yourself?"

The Colonel's face had a mixed look of surprise and sarcasm, and he glanced at the others in the office, who had exactly the same expressions on their faces.

These people are professional officers and have the most basic understanding of modern warfare, especially modern naval warfare. Therefore, they all know that with the rapid development of modern missiles, battleships have long become an antique submerged in the trend of history.

Because the battleship itself is a product of the era of large ships and giant artillery, what it has to deal with is mainly the battle within the line of sight, but the development of modern weapons has already broken through the line of sight. And then giving you a missile hundreds of thousands of kilometers away is the most efficient way to play.

No matter how thick the armor of a battleship is, it is impossible to resist the bombing of a large-yield missile. What's more, its firepower projection capability is far behind this era. Others are playing anti-ship missiles with a range of thousands of kilometers. Still playing dozens of kilometers of cannons?

How is this possible?

Unless it is a missile battleship, this kind of thing is more tasteless. Instead of concentrating all the missiles on one ship to increase the risk of explosion, it is better to disassemble them and make several small ships with high stealth performance and high speed.

Seeing the expressions of everyone in the conference room, Ruan Xiong sighed.

He had already guessed that these people wouldn't believe what he said—if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed it himself.

Thinking of this, he directly connected the memory card with the computer in the conference room. After a few minutes, the picture captured by the drone was presented to everyone.

The water bloomed one after another, the cannonballs that came from nowhere without a trace shattered the islands and reefs, and the huge waves swelled up. ... Seeing this scene, the people who were still mocking just now fell silent.

They all realized the problem that Ruan Xiong realized before.

Such firepower delivery features can only be cannons and cannons, which can only be installed on battleships.

The Colonel's face showed a puzzled look, and he couldn't understand what he had guessed.

Why engage in battleships?

Such a large non-stealth sea target, is it really not afraid of being hit?

Or, they already have absolutely advanced anti-missile equipment and are confident that they can intercept every missile?

This shouldn't be born... If there is such equipment, what kind of battleship is there to directly declare that he is the overlord of the ocean!

"You play the video again."

The colonel said.

Ruan Xiong obediently reversed the video, so again and again, several people in the conference room watched the video for just a few minutes no less than five times, but in the end no one could make a decision.

After reading it for the last time, the colonel was silent for a long time before he said:

"Judging from the current situation, the opponent's new equipment must be a battleship... I don't know why such equipment appears in this era, but from its firepower density, range, and power, it should be born. A battleship as good as the USS Iowa.

"We must immediately report this information to our superiors, mobilize all our forces, and find out the other party's intention to build a new type of battleship."

"Huaxia people can't make mistakes. If they are engaged in battleships, then it is best for us to have them too."

"The most important thing is that we have to figure out their combat configuration. It is impossible for a battleship to have no escort formations and no air defense system. We have to find a way to figure out what their direction is."

"Only when we figure out the direction can we cross the river by feeling the stones!"

"Ruan Xiong, you did a good job this time, and I will reward you!

Hearing the Colonel's words, Ruan Xiong excitedly gave a military salute and replied loudly:

"Yes! Colonel! I promise to keep trying!"

"Okay, you first...

The colonel planned to let Ruan Xiong back down, but the door of the conference room was pushed open.

The person who entered the door was an intelligence officer with a stack of documents in his hand. As soon as he entered the door, he said in a hurried tone:

"The latest news, Huaxia's electromagnetic gun system is on the ship! Just completed the test today! All our islands in the high seas were blown up and sunk by them!

Hearing this, Ruan Xiong opened his mouth in shock,

The island was blown up and sunk... Could the electromagnetic guns not see the shells fired by the battleships?

He looked back at the colonel, and he had the same doubts written in his eyes.

After a while, the colonel asked, "Is the information about the electromagnetic gun you said true?"

"Absolutely true! It was released by the other party's official media itself. Look, the news is here!"

The colonel took the document and checked it carefully. After a few minutes, his expression changed from bewilderment to surprise, and then became solemn again.

He raised his head to look at the intelligence officer and asked in a cold tone:

"You said, how many electromagnetic guns did they test this time?"

"There's only one door, a warship, the Type 055d."

The colonel was stunned for a while, then turned to Ruan Xiong. "So, these Chinese people used a warship and a gun to create the effect of a battleship???"

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