Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 284 The Era Of Electromagnetic Guns Kicks Off

After visiting the Yongxia Island Fortress, Ye Zhou took a special plane back to Rongcheng. While the plane was still in the air, he had already seen the news of the electromagnetic gun being launched on the TV, which made him more convinced of what Ma Weiming said before. The "electromagnetic gun is nothing but a by-product" argument.

It is possible to carry out experiments in this area in such a grand manner, and then report it generously. Depending on the situation, it is probably a backward product.

However, even the power of such backward equipment is enough to bring about revolutionary changes in Ye Zhou's opinion. If the 055 can adjust the hull structure in the future, it can accommodate a more powerful and longer range electromagnetic gun, and then match it with a laser. If the anti-missile system is concerned, how good is it?

Not to mention whether the era of cannons and giant ships can come back, but at least, there should be a series of major changes in the future of maritime warfare.

However, the arrival of this day still requires a sufficient amount of time.

The top priority now is to get a dedicated quantum computer as soon as possible, so as to win that precious window period for the development of new technologies in China. Calculate the relevant open problem.

On the Internet, the news about the electromagnetic gun has rushed to the top of the hot search list, and countless netizens gathered on the forum to discuss the latest test results.

"Damn it, did the rabbit take medicine recently? New equipment one after another, first the H-20, then the exoskeleton, and now the electromagnetic gun, and the 003 will be released soon... What are we doing? The Chang'e-2 spacecraft also picked up alien technology on the back of the moon

"What kind of alien technology? Haven't you discovered it yet? The latest new equipment is related to previous technological breakthroughs. The H-20 corresponds to aeroengine, and the electromagnetic gun and exoskeleton correspond to batteries.

003,003 seems to have something to do with everything.

"But in short, that's what happened. It's the development of military equipment forced by the development of applied technology. I irresponsibly predict that the next equipment to be released should be the laser anti-missile system.

"Really or not? Laser anti-missile missiles are too sci-fi, right?"

"There's nothing sci-fi. These are all mature technologies. They can mainly solve the problems of capacitors and batteries, and laser anti-missile can be practical. Now that the electromagnetic guns have come out, these two problems have obviously been solved. Do you think Think, will laser weapons go far?

"Is this going directly into a new era?"

"Any new era is all outdated technology. If we really want a new era, we have to see when the two-way foil can be made..."

"Secondary foil is impossible, but I think the light particles are coming soon... Wait, I have a question. Didn't the Chou country have been working on electromagnetic guns before? How are they doing now?"

"Their research has been stopped long ago, and it's not that they have no money to make trouble. They owe so much debt. Now that the energy hegemony has been lost again, and the electromagnetic guns are paid, it is not bad to understand their own aircraft carrier fleet.

"Then they can't have no reaction at all, can they? A naval gun with a limit range of 300 kilometers is terrifying to think about."

"You know they don't respond, maybe they are sitting together for a meeting now..."

As discussed by netizens, at this moment, on the other side of the sea, in the white house of the ugly country, a discussion meeting on the newly released electromagnetic gun is going on... So, the situation is very clear, Huaxia is in the Test-fired the latest railgun system this morning, and the results were astonishing. "

"According to the data, the range of their electromagnetic gun is about 300 kilometers, the muzzle velocity is 4,000 meters, and the limit rate of fire should be 15 rounds per minute."

"This data performance has far exceeded our expectations, and even exceeded our latest results a year or two ago. At that time, the maximum muzzle velocity we could achieve was only 2,700 meters per second.

"According to this data, it is speculated that this electromagnetic gun has fully met the needs of practical combat. In the future, it will gradually replace short-range anti-ship missiles, or parallel them, changing the pattern of naval warfare to a large extent.

"If Huaxia fully refits all ships, their firepower projection capability will make a huge leap. Although a battleship is not practical, if a shield sword does not need to make any compromises on its own anti-missile capabilities. In this case, you can still have the firepower of a battleship, then the problem is very serious."

"What's more serious is that since the other party has taken this step, it means that they must have arranged the next change of naval power. They probably want to bring the naval battle back to the era of cannon and giant ships in some way.

Hearing his words, the man in the suit sitting at the very center of the conference table frowned, and then said:

"Vison, although I am not an expert in the military field, I also have basic military common sense. I want to ask you, what do you mean by bringing naval warfare back to the era of cannons and giant ships?"

"The two sides don't use missiles, but only rely on artillery shells to bombard each other within the line of sight? How is this possible? This is not a film about the Pacific Rim!"

Wesson shook his head helplessly and replied:

"I know it sounds ridiculous, but it's a pity that this could be one of the future directions."

"It stands to reason that maritime offensive and defensive equipment is developing simultaneously. The shield ship is getting stronger and stronger, the anti-missile system is getting stronger and stronger, so the missiles are getting stronger and stronger."

"A very simple example, in order to break through the opponent's air defense network, we have hypersonic missiles and low-altitude breakthrough missiles, and there are more advanced waverider hypersonic missiles in Huaxia. These missiles are very advanced, but the problem is Yes, they are all developed symmetrically with the air defense force."

"No one can guarantee 100% breakthrough, and no one can guarantee 100% interception. It depends on saturation strike and effective attack probability."

"However, the emergence of a technology that will completely change the balance of offense and defense, that is, laser anti-missile defense."

"Gentlemen, you also know that the laser anti-missile system is one of our main directions now. In the latest experiment, the interception rate of our laser anti-missile system has been close to 99%. What does this mean? This means that in the future , it is very likely that the missile will not achieve any results at all.

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