Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 285 A Brand New Data Node

Under the remote guidance of Ye Zhou, the Gonggeerfeng base finally completed the final deployment, all personnel were in place, and the Six Nose Project officially entered the stable operation stage.

What they have to do next is to reproduce the prototype of the topological quantum computer one-to-one according to the drawings and documents.

This project team brings together the strongest forces in the domestic quantum computing field, including not only Chen Ping in the field of topological quantum computing, but also the superconducting quantum computing giants Pan Jianwei, Zhu Xiaobo, Peng who built the 62-bit "Zu Chongzhi" Chengzhi team, and all these people, they will be closed in the isolated Kunlun Mountains for more than 6 months, in order to use the fastest speed to complete this technology that will completely change the world.

This is another extremely urgent task, but they have no choice because the window period is too short. As long as the research and development time can be shortened by one month or even one day, it also means that we can solve the problem one day in advance. The amount of data that can be obtained in one day can almost be described as immeasurable to describe the sudden increase of pressure on Ye Zhou. He is the only person who has a global understanding of topological quantum computers. Therefore, in almost every step of the experiment, As long as you encounter difficulties in theory or practical operation, you need him to examine and answer them.

The original regular life has been broken again, and the high-intensity work rhythm has been restarted. For that deterministic and extremely bright goal, everyone will do their best to be thousands of kilometers away from Kunlun Mountain and Xichang Space Launch Base. There are still hours left in the window, and the inspection of the mission subsystem has been completed. Yan Wanhong, the cryogenic power commander, closed the test valve for the last time, checked the leakage rate of all the booster fuel pressure check valves, and ruled out all the mines that had been stepped on during the previous launch. Area.

The history of spaceflight in China is an exploration history of crossing the river by feeling the stones. In this process, it is not that we have not made mistakes or experienced heavy losses, but every time, the astronauts have learned more from it. Experience, and then feed back these experiences into the next launch, and such optimizations again and again finally brought the current results.

After all the operations were completed, Yan Wanhong put on a special noise-cancelling microphone and started to circle around the rocket. He wanted to judge whether the rocket was leaking by the sound.

When the Tiantong-1 satellite was launched before, they had encountered the problem of hydrogen vent leakage. In order to solve this problem, the launch team replaced the unreliable parts overnight, but this replacement led to a series of follow-up The butterfly effect of connectors, sockets, and pipelines eventually almost led to missing the launch window.

But this time, my country's largest Long March launch vehicle is in good working condition.

After turning around twice, Yan Wanhong picked up the walkie-talkie and reported to the launch headquarters:

"The rocket is in good condition and confirmed to have reached the launch state."

"Received, all pre-launch site inspections completed, please return to command.

"Understood, return to headquarters."

Yan Wanhong left the launch area, and in the sky not far away, the first weather balloon had been released.

At the headquarters at this time, the analysis of the thermal properties of the atmosphere is being intensively carried out. "Each unit reports the latest data, does the atmosphere meet the requirements of the launch window?"

"The launch window requirements are met, and real-time monitoring is in progress."

"How about the external environmental control system?

"Report, everything is normal, removal is expected to start as a child."

"External Subsystem Test Preparation."

"Received, ready for external subsystem testing, ready for powerplant warm-up, ready for on-board component system calibration."

"Prepare to start removing the first-level channel platform."

"Received, the first-level channel platform removal process is ready, and the operator is in place."

A series of tense and orderly passwords were issued continuously. Hao Li, the commander in charge of the launch, had a calm expression. He looked at the reports of the various systems that were constantly popping up on the commander-in-chief's big screen, and heaved a sigh of relief.

So far, this significant launch is still going well. As long as the final launch preparations are completed, the rocket will send the core components of the space-based laser anti-missile system it carries into space. The payload cabin will be docked with the Tiangong space station, and an experimental cabin will be added outside the "Wentian" experimental cabin, named "Surveying the Sky".

This experimental cabin will carry the command of the entire space-based anti-missile system in the future, echo the core warhead launched by Jiuquan, and together form a complete space-based anti-missile system.

Seeing his expression, Hu Xuewen, the power system commander at the side, asked curiously:

"Master, are you nervous?

Hao Li smiled and replied:

"Nervousness is definitely nervous. In fact, it's not just this time. I get nervous every time the Rockets go to the sky. However, after you have achieved this position, you must learn to control your emotions."

"You can be nervous, but you must not affect your judgment because of your nervousness. I will test you here by the way. It is 5 hours before the launch. What is the preparation process we are entering now? Hu Xuewen glanced at the commander-in-chief screen. replied:

"What I'm doing now is the calibration of the inertial navigation fault-tolerant unit. Why did this step start so quickly? I remember that the calibration was only performed after 3 hours."

"Very well, you've learned to ask yourself questions, and that's what I was going to test you on. The answer is, because it's a calibration."

"We are going to carry out the docking of the experimental cabin this time, and both the fidelity and the docking accuracy are higher than before. Therefore, from now on, we will carry out a total of three calibrations, which is the first time."

"After the calibration is completed, the calibration of the auxiliary positioning system and the test of the auxiliary power system will follow. After all the steps are completed without any problems, we can finally evaluate the launch" or "no launch".

"Most of this decision is made automatically by the system, but even if there is no problem with the system evaluation, Commander 01 is the final decision-making person, with a heavy responsibility and a lot of pressure."

"This pressure is borne by me now, and in a few years, it will be borne by you, so from now on, you must practice."

"Not only the technique, but also the psychology."

After listening to Hao Li's words, Hu Xuewen nodded solemnly.

"Okay, let's not gossip, the cabin passage platform will start to be removed immediately. You used to keep an eye on the progress. That's your old job. As soon as you find any problems, report it to me immediately."


The launch countdown is 3 hours, the secondary calibration of the inertial navigation is over, and the navigation test begins.

The countdown is 2 hours and 30 minutes, and the C-band signal transmitter is activated.

After a countdown of 1 hour and 45 minutes, the safety inspection of the launch pad was completed and the aircraft stabilization system was retracted.

The countdown is 40 minutes, the flight termination system is activated for 4 minutes, the solid rocket ignition engine is started, the power of the aviation cooling fan is terminated, and the airborne data recording system begins to operate.

With a countdown of 20 seconds, the solid rocket motor vector control gimbal test is completed.

After a countdown of 15 seconds, the mobile launch platform valve opens, and the water flow begins to flush the entire platform.

Hao Li took a deep breath, picked up the microphone, and said, "The countdown to launch begins."

"10, 9, 8, 7..."

"3, 2, 1. Fire! Take off!"

In the distance, the engine of the Long March launch vehicle burst into flames, a majestic flame spewed out from the tail of the engine, and the rocket began to lift off at a slow and steady speed!

"Xichang, the procedure turns."

"Xichang, optical tracking is normal."

"Qingshan, the telemetry signal is normal, the radar tracking is normal" Dongfeng, optics, usb, the radar tracking is normal, the telemetry signal is normal. "

Everyone was nervously watching the flight status of the rocket. The passwords were continuously sent out, and the video signal was sent back to the latest picture outside the rocket. The booster was separated, the fairing was thrown away, and the secondary host was shut down...

Everything is going according to plan.

20 minutes after the launch, the load cell entered the predetermined orbit, the separation of the ship and the arrow was completed, the solar panel was deployed, and the space station astronauts sent back a tracking signal, and the preparations for the docking were about to begin.

Four hours after launch, the load cell approached the space station and entered a deceleration process.

Hours after the launch, the rendezvous and docking were completed, the astronauts entered the "sky survey" experimental module, and the space-based laser anti-missile command system was officially started.

At this moment, a brand-new data node lights up on the big data link screen of all ships in the maritime fleet. And the location of this node is at an altitude of 400 kilometers!

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