Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 286 Lasers Are Not Just Lasers, But Also Global Data Link Systems

Inner Mongolia, Zhurihe training base.

This is the third day of the launch of the space-based laser anti-missile system. The laser generator has been charged, the data link system is running well, and the conditions for the first test are fully met.

Ye Zhou was invited to this place again, he wanted to refuse, but Chen Hao bluntly threw out the formal order.

"This is an order from the superior. According to your work log, you have not rested for more than a day. If you don't want to rest yourself, then we will help you rest."

In desperation, Ye Zhou could only fly to Inner Mongolia, where he waited quietly for the test to start on this land of yellow sand.

Standing next to him is Liu Yudong, the chief designer of the laser anti-missile project. Unlike Ma Weiming, who Ye Zhou met before, this man has also made great contributions and has a high level, but he does not see that kind of older generation at all. The air of a scientist—even the hair is lush.

After seeing Ye Zhou, the first thing he did was not to shake hands or to greet each other, but grabbed the computer in Ye Zhou's hand and handed it over to the staff next to him, and then said:

"You little comrade, come over and watch our presentation, don't rush to work all day long, no matter how urgent the project is, it's not about you alone, and it's not that you can solve the problem in just a few hours. of."

"We have been saying since ancient times, you should relax and relax! You are a taut bow now, and if it goes on like this, it might break one day."

"You can't do it like this. You are only in your 20s. You still have more time to contribute in the future. Killing chickens and getting eggs is a must."

Ye Zhou smiled helplessly at Liu Yudong and replied:

"Mr. Liu, it's not that I have to be busy at this time. The main thing is that I'm not waiting for you. I'll deal with the work when I have nothing to do."

"Oh, I didn't expect you to come so quickly. Just now, you were adjusting the data link in the main control room... Come on, let's not talk about it, let's go directly to the scene to see."

"go to the scene?"

Ye Zhou asked in confusion, he didn't understand what the other party meant.

For him, the scene of the laser anti-missile missile is the sky. Is it possible to fly up to see it?

Liu Yudong seemed to see his doubts, so he explained:

"Let's go to the headquarters, just take this opportunity to show you our latest data link system - this is our treasure at the bottom of the box."

While talking, Liu Yudong pulled Ye Zhou towards the command center. It was a permanent fortification buried deep in the ground. As soon as he entered the gate, Ye Zhou was immediately shocked by what he saw in front of him.

Contrary to what he thought, this command post was not a temporary command post with a phone, a radio, and a few screens in the traditional sense, but a huge spherical space with a height of more than ten meters.

The inner wall of this spherical space is covered with screens, each screen represents a unit, and the combination of the positions of these units is exactly the global military layout of China.

Of course, the core point of this layout is still in China, but just from the design concept of the headquarters, it is actually enough to see the ambition of this rabbit.

"How's it going, isn't it?"

Liu Yudong said proudly.

In fact, he is not only the chief designer of this laser anti-missile project, but also played an important role in the construction of military informatization. In this latest command system, he has concentrated his efforts for more than ten years.

"It's awesome, but I don't really understand it"

Ye Zhou answered honestly.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, I can introduce it to you."

Having said that, Liu Yudong pulled Ye Zhou to sit down in the nearest seat, and then operated on the console. After concealing some information that was not suitable for Ye Zhou to understand, he turned back and said to him:

"Xiaoye, it's not that I don't let you see it, in fact, you can understand 99% of the information here with your authority, but the information management and control of our army is still carried out according to the principle of minimization, so unless you apply for it, otherwise I still won't show you anything unnecessary."

"Understood, I understand."

Ye Zhou nodded.

Liu Yudong smiled gently, and then began to point to the surrounding big screen to give Ye Zhou popular science.

"Let's still talk about laser anti-missile missiles."

"Actually, the most important functional module of the laser anti-missile system is not the laser, but the radar. Think about it, you need to track a hypersonic missile, and then continuously irradiate it with a laser from tens of thousands of kilometers above the sky, and The error in the irradiation range cannot be greater than 2% of the diameter of the laser itself, and such tracking accuracy is far from what we can achieve with the small laser generator we throw in space."

"The generator itself is just a weapon, or in other words, it is just a gun equipped with a remote control system, and the remote control system is in the sky survey experimental module of the Tiangong space station."

"Where did the data from the remote control system come from? The data link. It's what you're seeing now."

"We put all radar, satellite, high-altitude balloons, magnetic field detection and other monitoring systems all over the world into one network, and in this network, all the information of these devices can be calibrated and transmitted to each other. "

"In this way, we have a corpus of data from which we can extract the parts we need in real time."

"For example, when we find that there is a missile invading the airspace, the nearest ground radar will first issue an early warning, then the early warning aircraft radar will follow up, and the shipborne fire control radar will be turned on to track. This information is transmitted to the central government along this large network through the data link system. After the computer and the central computer solve it, the real-time strike coordinates are transmitted to the laser generator in the air to achieve laser strike."

"The process sounds complicated, but in reality, it happens very fast. Like now."

Saying that, he clicked on the operation interface, selected an area, selected a ground-based radar, and then selected one of the targets identified by the ground-based radar, and said to Ye Zhou:

"Look, this is the J-21 we just took off at Rongcheng Airport with the Longbo lens attached, and its position, altitude, and speed information have now been integrated into the central computer in real time.

"I just need to quickly enter the action code in the action bar - or use the marquee selection behind it, and I can perform the action on it."

"Now, I want to choose the space-based anti-missile system tracking."

"There will be a second confirmation screen here, because the computer has already recognized that this is our own aircraft. In order to avoid misjudgment, manual confirmation is required."

As Liu Yudong's finger tapped down, the screen immediately switched on the screen in front of the two of them.

This is a space perspective shot of the top of the J-20 in flight.

"This is the optical imaging picture taken by our telemetry satellite. The telemetry satellite plus the Beidou system forms the fire control system of the space-based laser weapon."

Ye Zhou nodded in shock. This shock did not come from the laser weapon itself, but from the extremely complex and sophisticated monitoring and tracking system behind the weapon.


From a road-based radar station, to telemetry satellites, to laser weapons, there is almost no delay in the transmission of this series of data, and the operation of the entire system is so simple that even he can understand it at a glance.

Ye Zhou has no doubts that even if he is now assigned to this headquarters to conduct overall mobilization of various troops across the country, he will not have any difficulties or obstacles.

Because this whole set of command system has been designed with extremely precise and comprehensive human-computer interaction, even like the interface of a large-scale rts game!

To achieve this level, the accumulation of technology behind it is probably like an iceberg.

The space-based laser anti-missile system is purely the tip of the iceberg.

"So, according to the working logic of this system, in the future, even if we are an ordinary soldier, as long as we are equipped with a corresponding positioning system, we can call for support in the air or even in space at any time?"

Ye Zhou asked.

"Yes, this has always been the goal we have been pursuing. However, to achieve this goal completely to the dimension of individual soldiers, we still have to rely on mechanical exoskeleton technology, because the volume and weight of a precision positioning system are not small, although Barely able to carry it, but after carrying it, other combat equipment must be reduced."

"However, when your mechanical exoskeleton comes out, this problem will be solved."

Ye Zhou shook his head involuntarily. During the time he was in contact with the Huaxia army, he was shocked by their lack of firepower phobia almost every time, and this time, what Liu Yudong said once again broke through his perception. Know.

Individual soldiers call for space weapon support?

It's really a bit too exaggerated.

But having said that, if a complete laser strike system can be built in the future, not just a solitary laser satellite like now, it seems that the individual laser strike is not so incomprehensible?

Especially when encountering high-value targets, let alone lasers, it is not too much to throw a courier in the past.

In fact, this is not a phobia of insufficient firepower, but it should be a new meaning of decentralization.

Let an ordinary soldier have the right to dispatch and use key weapons to achieve the highest strike efficiency on the battlefield.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou suddenly woke up.

Rabbits are still rabbits, and in the use of light infantry, they will always be an era higher than the world's highest level.

In the future, with the continuous improvement of soldiers' cultural level and military literacy, the individual soldiers' judgment of the battlefield situation will also continue to improve, so that those who can really see the smoke of gunpowder and hear the sound of cannons apply for the transfer of key equipment. is an optimal choice because it can eliminate the information difference between the front and the rear to the greatest extent.

The global data link system solves the core problem of command confusion in this plan.

Anyone can apply instantly, however, the command remains in the leadership core.

Soldiers, equipment, and command are a trinity, and this basic unit is integrated with a larger-scale command phalanx.

This is Xinshida's three-three system.

Ye Zhou nodded lightly, retracted his thoughts, and asked:

"Then how do we carry out laser strikes now? Start directly? How many anti-missile strikes can a satellite sustain?"

"If it is a supersonic missile at altitude, it can sustain 10-15 strikes. If it is a conventional missile or cruise missile, it can reach about 40 strikes, but this is also affected by various conditions, such as the atmosphere, clouds and the like. "

"But the advantage of coherent synthesis is here. Our laser beam is very thin and has a high degree of aggregation, so the output energy is also high, and the penetration of the missile casing can be achieved in a very short time."

"However, to truly achieve comprehensive defense against missiles, it is still air-ground integration coordination, and road-based and ship-based laser anti-missile systems are also essential."

"The current space-based system is a test of the water. When the distributed defense system takes shape, we will dare to speak louder."

While talking, Liu Yudong clicked quickly on the screen, Ye Zhou watched him select the J-20 that was still in flight step by step, and then pressed the operation button.

I saw a flash of fire at the belly of the J-20 on the screen, and then, a medium-range projectile unloaded.

The tracking screen then turned to the missile that was flying forward.

"This is our PL-15 air-to-air missile, which claims to be one of the most advanced medium-range missiles in the world, with a flight speed of Mach 6 and a range of 145 kilometers."

"Now the laser anti-missile system has completed tracking and will start immediately."

Saying that, Liu Yudong pressed the start button, but the screen did not change.

A few seconds later, the missile that was still in flight exploded without warning. According to the time, the missile flew out less than 60 kilometers.

Before getting close to the target, it exploded directly.

Liu Yudong looked at Ye Zhou's surprised expression proudly, and said as if showing off:

"How is it, is it great?"


Ye Zhou nodded solemnly.

"Actually, it is fake. Because it is our own aircraft, we have completed the tracking in advance and identified the radar characteristics of the missile in advance, and this launch occurred in a high-altitude area with a thin atmosphere. The launch is immediately followed and destroyed, but if the battlefield is really facing the enemy, it is not so easy to do.”

"However, this is a useful attempt after all. With the continuous advancement of technology, maybe one day, we can really make it impossible for a missile to fly in?"

"If that day happens, our sixth-generation machine will be truly invincible in the world." "Okay, the system operation is finished. Next, let's really go to the scene to have a look and experience it with our own eyes. The power of laser weapons!"

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