Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 288: The Opponent's Major Victory

In fact, as Man Guangzhi said, to realize the full application of laser weapons, not only Huaxia, but the world still has a lot of ways to go. The realization of the initial laser anti-missile missile is only the first step, and the follow-up high-power, How to realize the miniaturized laser exciter, how to reduce the cost, and how to optimize the construction of the application platform are all difficult problems to solve.

However, the meal has to be eaten in one bite, and the road has to be taken step by step. In this respect, this rabbit has always been very planned.

But then again, Ye Zhou is very curious about how Man Guangzhi will use this laser weapon that he can virtualize at will in the follow-up confrontation between the Red and Blue Army. Maybe he will arrange for the director's department to directly use the laser weapon that does not exist. Destroy all the important targets of the Red Army?

Man Guangzhi didn't answer Ye Zhou's question, he just told him that if there was a chance, he could be invited to participate in an exercise in person.

In the face of such an invitation, Ye Zhou naturally accepted it - of course not because he wanted to see the Central Theater beat the Blue Army to capture Guangzhi alive, but mainly because he wanted to see the application of new equipment.

Absolutely no bad thoughts.

After a few brief chats, Ye Zhou was about to board the plane and leave, but just one second before Liu Yudong and Man Guangzhi planned to put him on the plane, Ye Zhou and Man Guangzhi received a call at the same time.

The information they obtained from the phone was exactly the same.

A certain special force from the ugly country has achieved important results in Africa, annihilating a kbfz training base in Juba, and destroying an entire industrial chain involving drugs, human trafficking, and illegal gun smuggling.

This in itself is a piece of news that everyone likes to see. After all, no matter how incompatible it is with the ugly country, it is always everyone’s common expectation to fight against atrocities against humanity - kbzy in Juba area, that has been hit countless times. The madness of the bandits is simply not enough to see in front of them.

In the early days of the rise of the Internet, a large number of beheading and sadistic videos circulating on the Internet were circulated from that wild corner.

Therefore, for this news, the international community has basically given positive comments, and Huaxia is no exception.

However, in this news, there are indeed some key points that have attracted the official attention. The most important point is that this special force is equipped with a practical mechanical exoskeleton.

Ye Zhou and Man Guangzhi looked at each other, and the two walked down the plane gangway in a tacit understanding, then walked directly to the command room.

"Comrade Ye, you have participated more in the mechanical exoskeleton project. I will repeat to you what you need to do next. Please listen carefully."

"First, try to judge the practicality of the opponent's mechanical exoskeleton, and evaluate the performance difference with the exoskeleton we are currently using."

"Second, judging technical indicators such as the opponent's control method, energy endurance, bone flexibility, etc., provides us with a preliminary judgment."

"Third, sum up the technical indicators that the other party is ahead of us, and put forward improvement suggestions and development plans."

"I know it will be difficult to judge only from the next video, but this is our only source of information. If the other party continues to release public information in the future, we still need your further support."

"I see."

After entering the serious topic, whether it is Man Guangzhi or Ye Zhou, the temperament of the whole person has undergone earth-shaking changes. In the anti-missile test just now, Man Guangzhi still had the expression of an old god who was indifferent, but now, he A worried look was evident on his face.

This is the basic quality of a soldier.

As a top commander who masters the most cutting-edge technology and command strategy, he knows better than anyone the changes a practical mechanical exoskeleton can bring to the battlefield. Unrolling is just one step away.

The research and development of our own mechanical exoskeleton has actually just come out of the laboratory, and even the neural control system has not been formally applied.

This is a huge gap.

This gap may not lead to serious consequences immediately, but to a soldier, there is only one sentence buried deep in their hearts that can never be erased:

If you fall behind, you will be beaten.

The two walked into the command room. Liu Yudong had already left because he had nothing to do with this project. Man Guangzhi logged in to his authorized account and received the video sent by his superior.

This is a video shot from the first perspective, and the equipment should be the recording system of the opposing soldier.

Judging from the picture, the video shooting location should be in a desert in North Africa. There are a total of 6 people in the team and the photographer in the video. Everyone is wearing a mechanical exoskeleton with a sense of technology and armor.

Judging from their equipment, each soldier carries primary and secondary weapons. According to the combat configuration, Ye Zhou can roughly see that this 6-man squad is divided into blasters, snipers, signal soldiers, and two assaulters. The soldier in the perspective is obviously a machine gunner, because he is carrying an m249 squad machine gun.

The video was shot at night and the light was very dim, but everyone in this team was equipped with high-power night vision goggles, and judging from the gestures they communicated with each other, their vision was not affected at all.

The target of this team is obviously a base with flickering lights in the distance. After a simple communication, everyone lined up in a line and started to move forward. After reaching the predetermined concealment point, the signal soldier took out the laser guide and then In the past two minutes, the entire base has been covered by the explosion of fire.

At this point in the video, Ye Zhou still hadn't seen the changes brought about by the individual soldier's exoskeleton to their combat style, and then, everything that happened next gave him a thorough insight into the elite level of this special team.

After the first round of bombing, the team did not use a concentrated team to fight as Ye Zhou speculated, but quickly dispersed. Except for the snipers occupying the commanding heights, all team members were responsible for one direction. Every 30 seconds, after completing a round Immediately after the firepower is output, it maneuvers to the next point.

Judging from the machine gunners from the main shooting perspective, they each made at least one hundred maneuvers during the short half-hour exchange of fire.

Although the distance of each maneuver is not long, considering the weight of the equipment they carry and the difficulty of maneuvering on desert terrain, such an intensity of maneuver has completely surpassed the limit of any kind of creature on earth.

Even if you pull a Mongolian horse that can carry the most weight and have the strongest endurance, you should be exhausted after such a high-intensity maneuver. However, judging from the shaking of the video, the machine gunner does not even have a breathing rate. How does it change.

This is a brand-new tactic. They used high-intensity maneuvers to make up for the problem of dead ends of firepower. With only 6 people, they created the momentum of encirclement and annihilation.

And their battle damage ratio, even without considering the early bombing and air support during the battle, has reached an astonishing 0:40 or more.

What's worse is that the m249 machine gunner changed his secondary weapons twice throughout the process, and his server was not an assault rifle or a bazooka, but a heavy grenade gun that was supposed to be used for defense!

The grenade had a total of three magazine changes and fired 18 rounds, while the m249 had six drum changes and fired more than 1,200 rounds.

From this point of view, this single-soldier exoskeleton is at least not inferior to the individual-soldier exoskeleton currently being tested by Huaxia in terms of load-bearing.

The video ends with the scene of the six team members regrouping for defense and waiting for helicopter support, and the base in front of them is already a sea of ​​fire.

Ye Zhou took a deep breath and looked at Man Guangzhi, who was also dignified.

"First of all, there is no problem with the endurance and flexibility of this single-soldier exoskeleton. I don't see how it is controlled, but at least in operation, the soldier's movements are not sluggish."

"Secondly, the strength of this exoskeleton is obviously increased. You can see that they have no problem flipping through the low wall of nearly two meters with this level of load."

"Thirdly, the mounting method of this exoskeleton is very sophisticated, and most of the equipment is concentrated on the back and side, which is similar to our design plan."

"But I didn't see the role of the armor. If I were to judge, I would prefer that the armor is used to protect the internal structure of the exoskeleton, rather than low-grade bullets."

Man Guangzhi nodded, rewinded the video for ten minutes, then pointed to the screen and said:

"I saw something else."

"Comrade Ye, look at this part, this machine gunner has been aiming at a strong fortification in the base. He used the machine gun to continuously fire at the window of the fortification, and then suddenly stopped shooting and turned to other targets."

"After more than ten seconds, the fortification was destroyed by aerial fire."

As he continued, Man Guangzhi continued to drag the video.

"And here, after a quick maneuver, the machine gunner reached a new battle position, the muzzle was aimed, but he didn't strike immediately, but made some movements on the helmet with his left hand, and after a few seconds, The enemies in front of him were also all covered by fire."

"So, based on this situation, we can preliminarily judge that all the personnel of this squad are connected to the personal data link system, and their helmets should be similar to the fire control helmets of Apache helicopters, which can indicate the strike position in real time. , select the target to strike, so as to mobilize the support fire to destroy the target."

"It's terrifying. This was the goal we wanted to achieve, but now the other party has achieved it ahead of schedule."

Ye Zhou nodded slightly, then stretched out his hand to slide the video progress bar.

The moment Man Guangzhi dragged the video just now, he noticed something different.

The video rewinds to a few seconds ago, when the machine gunner reached the battle position and got down to adjust his shooting posture, Ye Zhou noticed that there was an obvious sense of frustration in the picture.

Then, the right arm of the mechanical exoskeleton suddenly locked the grip of the m249.

After a round of firepower, the machine gunners began to shoot, and the impact range of the shot was only the size of a basketball.

At this time, the fighting distance is a full 600 meters, and the impact point range of continuous shooting is no more than 30 cm, which is definitely not something that can be done by manpower.

In his mind, he suddenly recalled the scene he had seen.

In the simulator, he was also in a desert and experienced this kind of equipment first-hand.

"They have individual fire-control radars, and the fire-control helmets control not just the air support firepower, but the weapons in their hands."

Ye Zhou said in a low voice.

"Their weapon system and exoskeleton system are one."

"The human body is just a vehicle. In fact, it is no longer a human being who controls the weapon, but a machine!"

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