Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 289 The Fourth Competition

"Individual fire control radar? How to achieve it?

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Man Guangzhi asked about the information exchange between the exoskeleton and the weapon, an intelligent sensor, and the analysis of the impact point of the artificial intelligence.

There are a lot of technologies involved, the exoskeleton is just the tip of the iceberg, and what we have invested in it is more than what we have at hand.

"The ugly country is indeed a strong opponent."

"If it's not strong, we won't be suppressed by them for so many years."

Man Guangzhi shook his head slightly, there was still worry on his face, but no trace of depression could be seen.

For him, the challenges come one after the other, in the past few decades, and I am afraid they will be in the coming decades.

Even if we surpass the ugly country, for Huaxia, there will always be higher peaks to climb, because our goal is not to surpass them, but to surpass ourselves.

Man Guangzhi fed back the two people's analysis of the video to his superiors, then logged out of the account, closed his eyes and pondered for a while, and said:

The intention of Jue Chou Kingdom to release this video this time is not as simple as showing the results. Comrade Ye, you are also a veteran comrade with rich fighting experience. Although you are young, I know that

You were a leader in the fields of chips, aerospace, and energy before.

"So, I would like to ask your opinion, from a non-military field person's point of view, what do you think they are doing this for?"

Ye Zhou pondered for a moment and replied:

"I feel like this is a demonstration.

"Why Bede?"

Man Guangzhi asked.

To clarify the intention of the other party, we should first understand the historical stage we are in now. "

The past two decades have been a period of rapid economic and technological development in our country, and has gradually gained international influence close to that of our opponents. The most intuitive and concrete manifestation of this influence is the new energy battle some time ago.

"In that battle, we completely ended the other party's energy hegemony, devoured a lot of interests that originally belonged to them, and caused a traumatic fight to their capital group." We summed up this situation into one sentence In other words, we have begun to take chips that belonged to us from the opponent's table. "


However, it is impossible to accept this kind of change - the more horses we have in our hands, the fewer yards they have. There is a sudden technological sudden change in the dangerous non-vegetable one day, and it is possible for both parties to enter a smooth development period after expanding the original bargaining chip.

"This kind of technological breakthrough is unlikely to happen in the short term. Even if we can throw controllable nuclear fusion now, it is impossible to immediately change the pattern of insufficient productivity. Therefore, we will definitely experience a long-term process of chip competition. This process There will definitely be conflict.

"There is a very famous judgment in the international field, that is, in peacetime, all countries tend to hide their strength, but the more severe the situation, the faster the exposure of the cards.

"This is also the reason why we have shifted from "war suddenly" to "war terror" in the past two years. "

It has happened more than once in history. The most typical cases include the Anglo-French-Jose-Prussian competition in the 16th-18th centuries, the US-Soviet (Russia) Germany-Britain-French competition in the 19th and 20th centuries, and the second-in-the-middle and late 20th century.

"The first two competitions ended in war, and the last competition, because of the existence of significant deterrence, was finally settled peacefully."

"Now, what we are about to enter is the fourth competition after the industrial age. Both sides have noticed this trend, and both have begun to show their cards to each other."

"However, the other party's determination is greater than ours."

"Our purpose is to scare off the other side, and they want to make us give up our advantages and surrender, so this also leads to a result: their display of new technologies will be more thorough and deterrent.

"That's why I say it's a demonstration."

"If it's a Texas Hold'em game, now that the fourth river card has been dealt in this game, it's about to enter the final confrontation, so at this time, they will use various methods to hint and even expose one's own trump card.'

"Their purpose is to make us fold before the final battle."

Man Guangzhi nodded and replied:

"This is also my judgment. However, I still have a question, that is, how can the opponent be sure that their hole cards are higher than ours?"

"Don't be sure, because their cards are bigger than ours."

"Decades of technology accumulation is no joke. The other party has been leading the world for more than 30 years in many fields, especially the military industry. If it weren't for the sedan sedan project, our aviation discovery still couldn't touch the other party's technical level in the 1970s. ."

"What we can do is work hard, try to catch up, and use the good cards we already have to create the illusion that we are full of good cards."

"Use this illusion to hold them back, so as to buy ourselves time, and then slowly revise those bad cards and turn bad cards into good ones!"

"Understood, I will report your opinion to the superior."

Man Guangzhi nodded solemnly. As the commander-in-chief of the Blue Army, the depth and breadth of the strategic information he was exposed to definitely did not belong to Ye Zhou, so he almost immediately completed the understanding and absorption of the situation judgment that Ye Zhou said.

So, is the era of terror balance coming again?

The same table, the same game, but this time with a different player.

So, will the results change?

For him, the answer was yes—it was a belief etched in his bones that had nothing to do with anything else. After a pause, Man Guangzhi continued:

According to your theory, we should have some bigger moves in the near future - I'm only talking about military moves. "

"As far as I know, the international military competition is about to open this month, and it will likely become a platform for our opponents to show their strength."

"We must not lose to them there - not only to give confidence to our own people, but more importantly, to give confidence to the wavering 'allies' around the world."

"I should be right about this, right?"

"That's right, but the specific form, I guess the superiors need to discuss it further, that's your professionals' business, and I won't express non-professional opinions."

Hearing this, a smile finally appeared on Man Guangzhi's face, and he said to Ye Zhou in a slightly teasing tone:

"Comrade Ye, to be honest, before I met you, I always regarded you as a purely technical person, but after talking with you so much today, I realized that I underestimated you.

"It's not just about technology, combat experience, etc., but your understanding of the overall situation is far beyond my imagination. How did you do it? You are only 24 years old this year, right?"

Ye Zhou shook his head slightly and didn't answer.

But he actually already had the understanding of the answer in his heart, and his "decision maker" talent naturally played a certain role, but more importantly, he did indeed see that kind of future.

After saying goodbye to Man Guangzhi, Ye Zhou boarded the plane for the return flight. On the plane, Ye Zhou looked at the Zhu Rihe base that was gradually leaving, and sighed deeply.

He originally thought that under the technological breakthroughs one by one, Huaxia would soon enter a period of strategic counter-offensive, and could use technology to crush the opponent to achieve the purpose of counterbalancing and overtaking, but he did not expect that,

The mountain is still a mountain high, and the opponent's technical background and accumulation are indeed not so easy to break.

Now what they see is just a mechanical outer bone, but what about the other opposites?

There is really no way to make up for the gaps in the sixth-generation aircraft, aircraft carriers, high-energy weapons, and even biology, materials science, and chemistry in the civilian field.

Fortunately, it's only been two years now.

There is still time, however, technical preparations also need to be done as soon as possible.

As he said before, the hand has entered the final round, the opponent's hand is full of good cards, and we only have a limited number of cards in our hand.

It is not impossible to win this game, but it will take a long and painful struggle.

However, now I have a faster and more efficient solution.

That is, directly change the card. The next simulation needs to be put on the agenda as soon as possible.

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