Simulation: Great Power Technology

The 290Th Chapter Must Not Fall Into The Technical Trap

For the simulator, he has completed 99% of the learning of topological quantum computing in the early stage, and the remaining information is some less critical details. He finally freed up his hands and continued the subsequent simulation.

According to the current simulation progress in the three major directions, he can now choose to simulate the same three plots.

The first is that the plot simulation reward of the general direction of the mystery of life has been specified as the result of genome sequencing, and it is the result of genome sequencing for the entire race. Ye Zhou has collected relevant information before, and understands the significance of this reward.

The so-called genome sequencing refers to the sequencing of the entire human genome. The so-called complete refers to the complete detection and arrangement of the complete genome sequence in human cells from the first DNA to the last DNA, so this technology can identify almost any type of mutation on the genome.

As long as the specific information of genome mutations is mastered, it means that human beings will be able to further grasp the mysteries of their own birth, old age, disease and death, so that human beings can fundamentally understand the causes of diseases, so as to treat diseases correctly and as soon as possible. prevent disease.

The most typical application cases of this achievement are gene diagnosis and gene therapy, and if it is further developed, it may even lead to major changes in gene editing technology without considering ethical factors.

As for things like genetic weapons, it's just a by-product of it.

Some time ago, the t21 international scientific research team had completed the first whole genome sequencing, but the gene samples it measured actually only came from an unspecified western race.

Although it also has a significant impact on international medicine, if it is used in Huaxia, it will have relative limitations. Therefore, if the gene sequencing data of the whole race can be obtained in the simulation, it is actually important for the development of clinical medicine in Huaxia. have a great effect.

As early as 2016, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the National Health and Family Planning Commission of the People's Republic of China established the Huaxia Precision Medicine Strategic Expert Committee, and then proposed the Huaxia Precision Medicine Plan, which has risen to the national strategic dimension. If the whole gene sequencing result is obtained, this plan will be greatly accelerated. Thinking of this, Ye Zhou silently raised the priority of the plot simulation of gene sequencing by one level.

In the direction of the sun, after completing the simulation of the lithium-sulfur battery direction, the next simulation plot that Ye Zhou saw did not continue to stay in the field of new energy, but turned directly to the field of laser technology.

High-energy pulsed laser technology.

Ye Zhou scratched his head and frowned slightly.

As we all know, lasers can not only be used for military weapons, but also have many applications in the civilian field. Among them, the most typical and widely used are drilling, etching, and welding in the industry, and high-power lasers are also of great significance for nuclear fusion technology.

To achieve controllable nuclear fusion, humans are currently facing two main problems.

The first is, how to heat the raw material for nuclear fusion to a high enough temperature, and the second is, after the raw material reaches a predetermined temperature, what are we going to use to pack it.

Just like boiling water with a coal stove, you first need to ignite the briquettes at a high enough temperature, and then make sure that the coal stove is not burned through by the briquettes.

Neither of these two difficulties is easy to solve, but at least there are directions.

For example, in the ignition part, all countries currently use the same method, which is to use lasers to heat fusion materials.

But the problem is that, with the current level of technology, the power of a single laser is too low to make the fuel reach a temperature that can be burned, so the common practice is to use multiple lasers simultaneously to concentrate the energy in different directions, so that the heated object All the exploration toward the center of the ball,

And the research of the former ugly country in this field is advancing rapidly, its "national ignition device"

The inspection focused 192 lasers on the same point, while my country's "Shenguang 3" project is currently experimenting with focusing 32 lasers.

But it is not the best solution because the more the number of lasers, the more difficult it is to control. If it is only in the laboratory stage, it is fine. If it enters the application field later, the high technical threshold will prevent the application from being effectively promoted.

Therefore, it is inevitable to solve the problem of laser power, and the high-energy pulsed laser technology mentioned in the introduction to the simulation plot is a feasible direction.

The simulation plot this time is probably a pre-technology of nuclear fusion technology, just like in the simulation of Dragon Heart, high heat-resistant material technology is also the pre-technology of large-scale aviation.

If it can be completed, it will not only have great significance for the laser anti-missile system that is still in the layout, but also lay the foundation for the development of controllable nuclear fusion technology in the future.

For Ye Zhou, this technology is a higher priority than the results of gene sequencing.

He shook his head and continued to click on the second simulation plot of the Omnic Nation. After a brief look, he directly exited the introduction.

The technology provided by the next episode of Omnic Nation has been well understood before, and he has actually anticipated this technology.

Reconstruction perception technology.

That is to say, the sound, light, and tactile signals received by the sensor in the outside world are transmitted to the brain through the calculation of the central processing unit, thereby constructing the brain's visual, auditory, and tactile nerves. This technology is useful for disabled people. It's extremely useful, but its technical potential doesn't stop there.

Being able to parse out perceptual signals, we can further parse more complex logic and emotional signals. As long as we keep walking along this path, there will even be a day when human beings really don’t need to rely on the five senses to transmit information, but can be input through electrical signals. Therefore, like laser technology, it is also a technology that lays the foundation for a more ambitious technical goal.

After reading the brief introductions of all the simulated plots, Ye Zhou exited the simulator directly.

He found paper and pen and began to list the advantages and disadvantages of the three technical directions in front of him, implementation difficulty, capital and resource occupation, talent situation and other information, and planned to prioritize the three goals.

This is what a strategic scholar should do.

For Ye Zhou himself, it is not too difficult to acquire technology in the simulator. Since he obtained the simulator, he has completed several plot simulations in different fields. Because of the time ratio of 10:1, the actual The time he spent in the simulator added up to no more than a month in real time.

However, after these technologies are extracted into reality, how to control the rhythm of technology application is the key to the problem.


Canine ear technology provides the natural part, it does not mean that the start-up solution is completed, and then the test, the simulation and the big simulation are completed.

After the technology was put into place, a launcher was launched, and he said that although compared with starting from scratch, the resources consumed in this process are already very small, but if too many projects are launched at the same time, it will be harmful to the country. Resource consumption is still huge.

However, not all of this huge resource consumption can be beneficial in a short period of time, which leads to a very serious consequence.

That is, the technological innovation trap.

Excessive pursuit of technological innovation, and if the innovation results cannot adapt to the current productivity situation, new technologies will not only fail to improve productivity, but will lead to productivity regression due to massive consumption of resources.

This will actually cause a major blow to the economic development of the entire country.

The decline of hairy bears is actually closely related to this factor.

Zhou worked hard on the paper, and after the plane landed, he had already written thirteen pages.

He checked what he had written from beginning to end, and then handed it directly to the assistant beside him.

Help me type out the content above and send it to the General Technical Office. ’

In addition, I informed the General Technical Office that I will convene a discussion on the content of the document within three days, and please Chen Hao to organize all personnel to prepare in advance. "

Hearing the assistant's answer, Ye Zhou nodded slightly, then got up and walked down the gangway. The same road, Mao Xiong has already traveled once, this time, we must not travel a second time.

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