Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 291: The Wall Of Gene

After returning to his residence, Ye Zhou re-entered the simulator, clicked on the simulation interface, selected the plot of the first stage of the mystery of life, and started the simulation directly.

In his plan, technology application is in order, but technology acquisition can be carried out synchronously. All technologies must be obtained first, and then the order of implementation in reality is determined according to priority.

So, which simulation to start first, the impact is actually not that big.

In the darkness, subtitles gradually emerged.

[Plot simulation of the first stage of the mystery of life----The Wall of Gene]

The darkness faded, Ye Zhou opened his eyes and found himself in a simple but neat bedroom.

Looking around, this room is probably less than 30 square meters. A bed, a desk, and a TV with a game console are all its facilities.

What is this place?

Ye Zhou sat quietly on the bed, waiting for the memory flow to come in.

However, the memories he merged this time were pitiful compared to the previous ones.

All he knew was that he was a volunteer in a medical experiment, and his current location was a laboratory affiliated to an institution called the Kharkiv Center for Veterinary and Human Diseases, and he was conducting a volunteer targeted drug related to lung cancer experiment.

Other than that, there is no more useful information, and even the memory stream has simply terminated.

Ye Zhou sat on the edge of the bed in confusion, his corner of the eye swept across the mirror in the open bathroom, so he immediately got up and walked over.

What appeared in front of him was the face of a standard yellow race. Judging from the structure of the bones, it seemed to be a common race in the Central Plains of China.

However, Ye Zhou didn't know anything about his identity, his place of origin and even his nationality.

too weird.

Ye Zhou pondered for a moment, and directly used his thinking programming talent to enter the sea of ​​strings in his subconscious, but what he saw surprised him.

It can no longer be called "strings" at all.

Those subconscious strings seem to have been twisted by some kind of violent means, twisting and twisting each other like a mess, and the entire subconscious world is fragmented. Even just looking at it seems to bring infinite chaos.

Ye Zhou stretched out his non-existent palm to straighten out those strings, but it didn't help at all.

The amount of work is too great - it's either some kind of very serious mental trauma, or drugs or other mental means that can cause so much damage to the subconscious mind.

In short, before this person was impersonated by himself, he was definitely a lunatic.

A lunatic in the laboratory of a disease research center?

Ye Zhou faintly smelled something ominous.

He walked to the door and twisted the doorknob quietly, and the door he thought would be firmly locked opened in response.

After being stunned for a moment, he put on a dull expression and walked out of the room barefooted.

The corridor was silent. Ye Zhou saw that there were many rooms just like him on both sides of the corridor. Some of the doors of these rooms were half-closed, while others were firmly locked, but it was the owner of the room who locked the door according to the situation, not someone else.

Someone was watching TV in the room with the door wide open, and the music of Disney cartoons came from the TV; someone seemed to be taking a shower, and a little moisture seeped out of the gap in the door; there was another room inside There were some indescribable voices that sounded like a live broadcast.

Ye Zhou was a little dazed, it all seemed so normal.

The atmosphere is relaxed, everyone is doing their own thing, and there are no guards with guns like you see in the movies, the only person who looks like a staff member is sitting behind the reception desk at the end of the corridor, brushing leisurely with his legs crossed cell phone.

Is it really a normal medical experiment?

Ye Zhou walked forward slowly, the staff member stood up, looked at him and asked:

"Ye, did you get up early today?"

Ye Zhou didn't answer, and looked at the badge on the other side's chest, which had the logo of the Kharkov Company and the name of the owner of the badge.

Pyderoff, sounds like a hairy bear's name.

Seeing Ye Zhou's dazed expression, Piedrov shook his head and sighed, and continued:

"Today's psychological consultation is scheduled for 3 pm. It is still early for you. I suggest you go back to your room and sleep for a while."

"Ye, you're under too much stress, don't worry, a drug trial is no big deal, your symptoms have eased a lot, aren't they?"

"Trust us, you'll be cured in no time - just lung cancer, and it won't be long before you can be with your family."

Reunited with family?

Do you have any family?

From the man's words, Ye Zhou can roughly infer that the reason why he entered this so-called drug test base is to treat his own lung cancer. Obviously, this kind of treatment using targeted drugs has achieved certain results, because from the Judging from his own perception of the body, the condition of this body is obviously not too bad.

But Ye Zhou still didn't answer, he just nodded lightly, turned around and walked out of the corridor.

He had already seen the exit of the gate, however, after opening the gate, what greeted him was not the bright sun and sky, but a wide dome hall.

There are various garden plants planted in this hall. Under the light of the overhead chandelier and the meticulous maintenance of the staff, each plant is growing very well. Many people are walking on the path among the plants, some whispering, some Laughing out loud, the scene was as harmonious as Ye Zhou felt in the hallway.

After walking around the dome hall, Ye Zhou basically confirmed the location of the medical laboratory.

This is underground.

Moreover, the main building of this laboratory should be renovated with some fortifications left over from the war, because he can see the red paint slogans unique to that era on some walls that have not been completely painted.

Those slogans were in Mao bear language.

Ye Zhou silently spliced ​​these scattered pieces of information in his mind, but the more he tried, the more he felt that something was wrong.

Slogans in Maoxiong language, underground fortifications, medical laboratories, English-speaking staff...  

I'm afraid this is not a big site.

The answer is almost ready.

Then, the experiments that I have conducted are probably not just as simple as the so-called targeted drugs for lung cancer, otherwise my subconscious strings will not be messed up to that level.

But the final problem is still unsolved - what do you want to do?

Destroy this lab? Steal data? Get rid of key laboratory personnel? Or.... stick around until the final experiment is done?

Ye Zhou frowned, he carefully found a corner and squatted down, covering his face with lush leaves to avoid his expression being photographed by surveillance cameras that might be everywhere.

I should be a patient with a bad mental state now, so I must have the appearance of a patient.

The staff member told me just now that there will be a psychological consultation at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, so as long as I persist until that time and participate in the psychological consultation, at least I can take the opportunity to obtain more information...

However, this idea had just turned around in his mind, and a distorted face suddenly appeared in the bushes behind him!

That human face was hideous, and the muscles seemed to be twitching uncontrollably, Ye Zhou's spirit suddenly tense, but in the end, he still maintained his expressionless state.

After repeated simulations, his mental quality was no longer comparable to that of the Leng Touqing who got on the plane for the first time.

The owner of that face got out of the bushes, then stretched out his hand and grabbed Ye Zhou's arm tightly, seemingly using all his strength to control his muscles, and squeezed out a few dull words from his throat.

And these few Chinese words made Ye Zhou like a formidable enemy.

"Don't... see the doctor!"


"4 pm!"

"The air raid begins!"

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