Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 292 Research Institute Of Undercurrents

"The air raid begins? What do you mean?"

Ye Zhou glanced around vigilantly, then lowered his voice and asked.

"4 o''s the window...hide...then run out with the data!"

Hearing the other party say the word "data", it seemed that a certain keyword was touched, and an incomparably clear memory suddenly flooded into Ye Zhou's mind, and the originally chaotic sea of ​​strings returned to order in an instant.

Yes, he and the woman opposite are both lung cancer patients, but the other party did not come here to treat lung cancer, but because she happened to have lung cancer and came here.

Unlike herself, she has her own purpose.

I didn't have any intersection with her at first, because my life here was extremely monotonous, just regular physical examination, regular exercise, and a certain dose of targeted drug treatment every day.

Maybe I had seen her a few times in the consultation room and remembered this fair, tall Europa man, but only remembered it.

Ye Zhou is a dying man, all he cares about is his own lung cancer.

Everything changed on the night of the third month.

At that time, his condition had greatly improved, the shadow of his lungs had shrunk to the size of an egg, and his physical condition continued to improve. According to the treatment center, in two months, he could basically complete the initial treatment goals. , transferred to the remote observation stage.

However, just when he thought everything was about to end, fate made him bump into this woman.

She seemed to have stolen something, and then put the thing on herself.

Since that day, I've been insane.

Maybe it can't be called crazy, it can only be said that there is a problem with the mental state.

The information from the outside world seems to be isolated, and my own memory cannot be extracted due to the confusion of the conscious system.

Since then, I have spent every day in a state of walking dead, eating, resting, washing, taking medicine, and receiving psychological treatment according to instinct.

And this woman's state began to become more and more strange day by day——She, who had entered the recovery period like herself, suddenly turned sharply.

Losing weight, insanity, muscle atrophy, and even blindness in one eye.

What she has experienced is obviously no less than what Ye Zhou has experienced.

She still has the freedom of movement----this is what scares Ye Zhou the most.

A person who clearly has some kind of secret, but still has freedom, is itself a harbinger of death.

Including her and myself.

Ye Zhou breathed a long sigh of relief, now he knew what he was going to do.

No matter what this woman hides on him, it is highly likely that it will not be an entity, but some kind of information.

Then, as long as you can run out and find the woman's superior, the other party must have a way to read this kind of information.

That's the goal of this plot simulation.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou grabbed the woman's hand and asked:

"What is an air strike? How do you know there will be an air strike?"

However, the woman opposite did not answer, she just mechanically repeated the words she had already said to Ye Zhou.

"Escape.... 4 o'clock... Air strike...."

Ye Zhou frowned. He buried his head deep in his knees. From the perspective of others, it seemed that it was just two lunatics having an incomprehensible exchange.

But Ye Zhou knew that this exchange might completely change the fate of everyone in this so-called "healing center".

While Ye Zhou was still trying to pry more information out of the woman's mouth, a soft sound of music suddenly sounded in the entire dome hall, and then, people who were walking in the hall rushed to Ye Zhou's previous Go to the ward.

Seeing this scene, Ye Zhou hesitated for a moment, and finally let go of the woman's hand, regained his sullen expression, and followed the direction of the man to the ward.

Along the way, he heard people around him talking in various languages, most of which he could not understand, but from the fragmented few sentences in Mao and English, he still caught some information.

".…..Very poor……"

"….The treatment was successful, but there is a genetic defect…."

"...The doctor is still working hard..."

"...maybe using targeted gene editing techniques..."


"...It's more important to live..."

Ye Zhou was secretly amused, so his mental state that he had been persecuted and abused had been washed away into his own genetic defect in less than two months?

However, it is meaningless to pursue such details. It is now ten o'clock in the morning, and there are still six hours left before the "air raid" that the woman said. Within these six hours, I must find a way to find a way to go to the outside world. way out.

Otherwise, once the air strikes begin, the situation will develop in an uncontrollable direction.

He quietly observed the environment around him, locked the main passage on the side of the dome hall, designed the route, and continued to follow the flow of people to the interior of the ward.

Along the way, he has not seen armed guards, only scattered security personnel, standing in all directions with a relaxed attitude to monitor the movements of all the experimenters.

According to the positions of all the security personnel, Ye Zhou walked out of the crowd, bypassed the sight of the nearest guards, and then accelerated his pace and walked towards the main passage.

By the time the first security personnel spotted him, he was already at the gate of the main passage.

To his surprise, the door was not firmly locked. Although the main door was not opened, the small door on the side was hidden.

Ye Zhou opened the small door, then glanced back subconsciously.

The security guards who had spotted him didn't yell at him as he expected, but just walked over slowly while shouting his name.

This is all seamless, and they did not show any hostility to themselves--if they were really ordinary people without any memory, when they saw this kind of scene, they probably wouldn't be even more aware of the legitimacy of this "treatment center". Sexual suspicion.

But the more this happened, the heavier the anxiety in Ye Zhou's heart.

To be able to achieve this level shows that this base has formed a complete and mature operating system. It is probably more difficult than he imagined to break through the blockades and reach the outside world.

He ignored the security personnel who came over, but pushed open the small door and walked into the main passage.

The lights in the main passage are brilliant, and the walls are affixed with LED lights with a sense of technology. After walking a distance, the lights behind them are automatically turned off under the control of the sensor switch, and then turned on by the guards chasing behind them.

Ye Zhou and the guard, one in front and the other behind, each kept walking forward in the light that illuminated their own, across the long darkness.

"Ye, where are you going? Listen to me, come back quickly, there is no way ahead!"

"Ye, do you want to go home? You can go home, but not this way!"

"Ye, come on, today's treatment will start soon."

Ye Zhou ignored him and continued to observe the surrounding environment while walking. The security personnel behind him finally speeded up, and the distance between the two became shorter and shorter.

Finally, the two pieces of light joined together.

"Ye, don't go any further, go back. If you need, we can contact your family, and I promise you can go home immediately."

Ye Zhou turned his head and looked at the security guard with dull eyes, but his heart rate had already increased to the limit at this time.

After the Sea of ​​Strings was restored to order, he finally had complete control over his body.

The security staff wanted to reach out to support Ye Zhou's shoulder, but at this moment, Ye Zhou suddenly raised his prepared right hand.

This time, he didn't hesitate.

A small piece of sharp twig ripped from a plant in the hall went straight down the security guard's throat.

The other party looked at him with an expression of disbelief, but he didn't respond. Instead, he quickly brought down the security guard and took off the staff's exclusive pass from him.

Under the armpit of the security guard, he got a scorpion submachine pistol.

Enough to explain the problem.

What kind of medical center needs to be protected by such a weapon?

Ye Zhou put the extra magazine in his pocket and continued to walk towards the outside of the main passage, but the moment he turned around, all the lights around him suddenly went out!

After a few seconds, Ye Zhou felt his heart jump suddenly, and then he lost consciousness.

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