Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 293 This Sentence Is Very Familiar

When he opened his eyes again, Ye Zhou had already returned to the void, and he frowned as he looked at the settlement subtitle displayed in front of him.

[The first stage of the mystery of life simulation ends]

【Score for this simulation: d】

【Clue Discovery: Bombing】

[Clue Discovery: Security]

[Simulation reward (clue reward): 20 energy points]

【End not reached】

Seeing two clues to find information, Ye Zhou initially confirmed his judgment, that is, this so-called medical research center is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface.

After all, it is impossible for a normal medical research center to be equipped with the security of carrying a scorpion submachine pistol, and it is impossible to attract the so-called "bombing".

So now, there are two problems before Ye Zhou.

First, how to escape from the institute.

Second, what is the purpose of this institute?

The former question is his ultimate goal, and the latter question is a side goal, but if it can be completed, it may be able to reduce the difficulty of the ultimate goal to a certain extent.

Judging from the clues collected so far, Ye Zhou has actually guessed the approximate location of the research institute and the general direction of its research content, but further confirmation is needed in terms of details.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou entered the simulation playback interface. From the moment he walked out of the door at the very beginning, he saw the moment when he fell inexplicably after the last lights went out.

However, there was not much valid information he obtained. The only clue was that the reason for his final death came from within his body.

I was not attacked by anyone, and there was no external force involved in the whole process. I just fell straight down when my body froze so suddenly.

Such a rapid and deadly process cannot be a neurotoxin, but more like under the action of some unknowable force, all the maintenance systems of the entire body directly stop working.

Is there such a technology in this world?

Ye Zhou tried to search for relevant knowledge in his mind, but found nothing.

After a short rest, he entered the simulation again.

This time, instead of rushing to escape, he planned to wait until the so-called psychological consultation was completed, but what he didn't expect was that the originally planned air raid started around 2:00 in the afternoon.

Although he was underground, he could still feel the vibration of the heavy bomb when it landed and exploded, and the research institute also entered a state of full alert. Those security guards who used to serve as service personnel changed their usual gentle gentleman appearances and directly took up their guns and turned into incarnations. Dictators, as long as there is a little resistance, they will shoot directly.

All the people who questioned the current situation are all dead---- Ye Zhou has no doubt that the death of these people will definitely be remembered in the end of the bomber who doesn't know where the force is.

On the second day of the bombing, Ye Zhou tried to escape through chaos. This time he did not encounter any obstacles, but he still died a few hundred meters after walking out of the main passage.

The result was very bad, but at least it made him confirm one thing, that is, he definitely has some kind of timing or positioning device on his body. As long as he is out of the range of activities for a period of time, he will attack himself from the inside of his body and take his life. .

It's almost a no-brainer.

Want to escape, but have a time bomb strapped to your body?

Is it really safe to wait for the bombers to completely penetrate this underground fortress?

This is also a possible direction.

In the next simulation, you can give it a try.

Ye Zhou, who returned to the void, checked his mental state, and after confirming that he was no longer suitable for the simulation, he directly chose to quit the simulator.

When he opened his eyes, the real time had come to nine o'clock in the evening. The special fatigue after the simulation made him a little dizzy, but the news he received on the phone made him have to cheer up.

"The superior has decided to dispatch the entire project to configure the participating teams to participate in the upcoming international military competition."

It was Chen Hao who sent the message, Ye Zhou hesitated for a moment, and after looking at the time, he still dialed the phone.

Chen Hao picked up the phone after only two rings. He didn't wait for Ye Zhou to speak, but asked directly:

"See the message I sent you?"

Ye Zhou nodded subconsciously and said:

"I see, why did you make the decision so quickly? Was it a full-scale showdown? Or was it just a response to their release of the exoskeleton combat video?"

For himself, although he has made the judgment that the confrontation between the two countries has entered a new stage before this, and it is also clear that in the subsequent competition, he needs to actively expose some of his trump cards in exchange for time, so as to achieve the effect of bombing Hu, but in his own He still felt a little too quick to make a decision only a few hours after his comments.

He cannot accept that his opinion is not taken seriously, but at the same time he is worried that his opinion is regarded as the truth.

Decisions made by any individual are one-sided and one-way, and cannot be completely correct in any event or in any scenario, and an incomplete or wrong strategy may cause the country to fail. into the abyss.

Therefore, Ye Zhou immediately became vigilant the moment he noticed this sign.

Chen Hao on the other end of the phone seemed to hear Ye Zhou's concern. After a short pause for a few seconds, he answered:

"It's just a response, you can rest assured that our basic principles will not be broken. However, what you said today is indeed consistent with some of the views of the decision-making level. After considering many factors, they made this decision. "

"The basis for making this decision is absolutely rational. Our basic argument is that under the current situation, keeping a low profile and limited exposure can no longer achieve any paralyzing effect on the opponent. What we need is a relatively radical and relatively bold strategy to try. Try deterrence."

"The strength of this deterrence is slightly lower than that of nuclear weapons, but at the same time it is slightly higher than conventional warfare, so showing your strength is the first thing to do."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou was stunned for a moment.

He is too familiar with this argument. It can be said that this formal judgment led to the birth of the Golden Crow strategic bomber.

And now, the time for this sentence to appear seems to be decades earlier.

Does that mean that the Golden Crow will appear decades earlier?

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and said:

"If you want to achieve this goal, it is not enough to show it on the public platform. What we need is a decisive equipment, such as the Golden Crow."

"We know that too."

Chen Hao on the other end of the phone sighed helplessly, and then continued:

"The research and development of Jinwu has been placed on the highest priority of the entire Nantianmen project, but we are still facing many technical difficulties, especially in the aspect of industry-wide collaboration. We want to organize a prototype that can complete the Jinwu in a short period of time. It's not easy to build a machine-made corps - the upgrading of the industrial base is not something that can be done in a day or two."

"So, in this blank period, we also need to have other deterrent means as a supplement."

"Your quantum computer counts as one, but according to the current progress, it will take at least half a year for it to completely get out of the laboratory. We can't guarantee that the ugly country will not go crazy during this half year."

"When I say crazy, I don't mean action against us, but another proxy war."

"You also know that, according to our current global layout, if the other party is really determined to fight a proxy war in that broken place in Africa, the losses it will bring are absolutely unbearable for us."

"And now the other party has shown signs, so we must completely cut off this sign before it becomes a reality."

After listening to Chen Hao's words, Ye Zhou was silent for a moment, and then asked:

"Apart from this military competition, what other plans do you have?"

"There are some new equipment that needs to be exposed----I don't know what it is at the moment, because the information has not been conveyed to me. If you want to know, you can ask directly. Your authority is sufficient."

"No, I'll just wait."

Ye Zhou's voice was calm.

The deterrence they faced this time was actually far greater than before the last h-20 happened, but at this moment, Ye Zhou no longer had a trace of panic in his heart.

After thinking for a moment, he asked about an equally important matter.

"Have you received the materials I submitted?"

"Received, 13 pages, discussions are underway, and the meeting is expected to be held within two to three days. At present, most experts tend to engage in lasers first, followed by gene sequencing, and the reconstruction perception technology of bci is the last. "

"It's the same judgment as mine."

"Yes, but the final result is still to be discussed. You should be prepared. In the future, your burden will be heavier."

"it is good."

Ye Zhou answered briefly.

After a pause, he added:

"Don't worry, I'm always ready."



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