Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 294 Sui People Can't Make Mistakes

Before the call between Ye Zhou and Chen Hao ended, he made a new request.

Send him all the drawings of the underground fortifications that can be obtained in Xiong Er, including those whose actual control is not in Xiong Er.

Ye Zhou believes that with the strength of the rabbit, this kind of information should be preserved. Even if there are no detailed drawings that can be used directly, it is faster than Ye Zhou to find out some fragmentary information by himself. .

Chen Hao didn't ask any questions about Ye Zhou's request. He just told him that this kind of information is hard to find, so don't have too much hope. Ye Zhou also expected this. After briefly explaining the main information needed He hung up the phone.

He desperately needs to rest now, and the subconscious chaos at the beginning of the plot simulation caused him far more energy consumption than he imagined.

After returning to the room, Ye Zhou insisted on finally replying to an email from the Six Noses Project Team, and then fell on the bed and fell asleep.


On the other side, in a small red house, several invited industrial strategy analysts and scientific researchers are gathering in this small room, discussing the content on the screen.

"I personally think that among the three directions mentioned in this material, the most mature development is laser technology. We have accumulated technology, but what is lacking most now is the breakthrough of theoretical technology, and once this breakthrough is completed, the entire The industry chain can quickly keep up with the implementation of applications, which is the most cost-effective from the perspective of end-to-end utility.”

"Laser has a wide range of applications, especially in the field of nuclear fusion. What we lack most is high-energy pulsed laser technology. If this theoretical technology can become reality, we will take a big step toward controllable nuclear fusion. "

"In addition, the laser anti-missile system we are currently working on is also highly dependent on high-energy laser weapons, so in general, this technology can have a relatively smooth transition from short-term to long-term applications, and it is also the least likely to fall into a technical trap. technology."

The speaker was a grey-haired old man. He was thin and had difficulty speaking, but he kept his speech as steady as possible and articulates clearly.

After he finished speaking, everyone in the room nodded in unison, and one of the bespectacled scholars raised his hand and said:

"I agree with Mr. Xu's opinion. Although I am engaged in genetic engineering, objectively speaking, if the results are only the results of gene sequencing, the effect on our clinical medical application is still limited in the short term."

"From theory to practice, from data to clinical, I estimate that it will take at least three years, and we will consume a lot of resources in these three years - these resources cannot be reported in time."

"This is a very simple logic. It is expected that technology is not like other technologies. You have technology in your hands and you can cure patients, but the process of treatment is still a process of consuming resources. After the treatment is over, the patient cannot immediately become productive. ."

"It's a relatively...inhumane statement, but it's true."

The man in the tunic suit sitting in the middle nodded slightly, then asked:

"However, at present, we have a rigid need for genetic technology, don't we?"

As soon as his words came out, the whole room fell silent in an instant.

Everyone knows what he is talking about, but no one can give a definite opinion in this regard.

After a long time, the white-haired old man spoke first:

"We do have a need for genetic technology, especially in response to potential genetic weapons attacks, and the urgency is stronger."

"But as Xiao Liu said, the process of genetic technology from theory to technical application is relatively long, and the resources invested are also relatively large, and if you want to build the so-called genetic defense line, the difficulty is even more unimaginable."

"I predict that in five years, we won't be able to do what you want to do."

"So, instead of pursuing a fundamental solution to the problem at this time, it's better to look ahead and try to counteract it through other means, and at the same time, keep looking for the right time to start this project at the most critical time. ."

The old man's words are very clear. Now the enemy's genetic offensive is almost an open secret. This is like a dam that is constantly drilling holes. We can choose to clean up the squirrels, patch loopholes, and also. You can choose to replace the dam directly with iron.

But compared to the former two, the latter is more difficult and time-consuming. If it is activated, it will free up your hands to do other things. Therefore, when the situation has not reached the critical point, his advice is not to rush. Instead of replacing the dam, optimize the hole-filling strategy and extend the working hours of the old dam as long as possible.

This is the most economical and safest strategy.

After listening to his explanation, the man in the tunic nodded slightly, and then he continued to ask:

"What about rebuilding perception technology? No one discusses this one? In your judgment, is it such a low priority?"

"Compared to other theoretical research, this technology is not low priority, but compared to the other two technologies we are comparing now, it is really not that important."

"This is a technology with unlimited potential, but also extremely limited in the short term. Before the first two technologies are applied, I do not recommend investing too many resources in this technology-maintaining a certain degree of stability. It works fine."

The white-haired old man said firmly.


The man in the tunic closed the book in his hand, took a sip of the tea beside him, then let out a long sigh of relief, and said in a relaxed tone:

"Technical topics are almost discussed, let's talk about it."

"I urgently called you here today, the purpose is to read this material, but I not only want to hear your opinions on the arguments of this material, but also want to hear your opinions on the material itself."

Hearing the man's words, several people in the room were stunned.

"What is an opinion on the material itself?"

"From the point of view of the arguments and logic in the writing of this material, give me a relatively objective evaluation of the person who wrote this material - frankly speaking, this evaluation will affect our future appointment of this person. "

After the man finished speaking, the conference room fell into a brief silence.

No one spoke rashly, because the key information of "affecting the appointment" is too important.

They all knew in their hearts that the person who could submit this material to this man would definitely not be a minor role, and even this person might have already achieved certain results in his position and was about to face an important assessment.

And at this time, what he decides in one sentence is likely to be a person's future for the second half of his life.

Seeing everyone's expressions, the man smiled and didn't speak to urge.

What he needs is the most objective evaluation from the uninformed, and this evaluation will tell him how far Ye Zhou, or Sui Ren, has grown.

Two minutes later, a relatively young scholar finally raised his hand.

After the man nodded, he said:

"I personally think that the material has actually reached a fairly high level -- of course, I'm not saying it's perfect, it's flawed in every way, like the arguments are not complete enough, and it's not a good idea for the domestic industry. I didn't know enough and even made some small mistakes."

"However, on the whole, the authors of this material have reached the top level in China in terms of overall vision and strategic considerations."

"Speaking modestly, I have been engaged in strategic industry analysis for nearly 20 years. If I were asked to write this report, I would definitely be able to write better than him, but my outline, or my draft, Certainly not as good as him."

The man nodded without showing an obvious attitude, and then he turned his eyes to the white-haired old man again.

After noticing his gaze, the old man pondered for a moment and said:

"Logically speaking, I should not make any evaluation of the person who is about to be appointed or dismissed on this occasion, because my status is here, and it is impossible for you to treat every word I say objectively. ."

"But since you want me to say it, I'll be blunt."

"From my point of view, on the whole, the material is not particularly well written, but, in one respect, he did a particularly good job."

"What I said is particularly good, I mean, all of us sitting here can't do better than him."

"That's how carefully he's thinking about things."

"Let's take a simple example from the material."

"It is mentioned in this material that if the technology application in the laser field is to be prioritized, it is necessary to consider that some unscrupulous businesses use the gimmicks of laser technology replacement to engage in marginal industries to make money, occupy and consume the issued funds, thus affecting the core research and development. ."

"Here, he gave an example, the laser beauty industry."

"Frankly, this is something I didn't consider, but we did suffer."

"When nanotechnology first appeared, the industry chaos we faced was a typical case - including all kinds of ridiculous scientific research directions after the emergence of the quantum concept, which is also true."

"So, based on this point, I think that the author of this material does have problems in various aspects, but from the point of meticulousness alone, it is enough for him to take greater responsibility."

After listening to the old man's words, the man nodded slightly.

In fact, before asking this question, he didn't preset the answer he wanted, but now, he did get the answer.

That's right, as a leader who is about to embark on the road of strategic scientific research, what Sui people need is not only strategic vision and technical accumulation, but more importantly, the meticulousness that the old man said.

He can do things slowly, look at problems from a low height, and understand the situation from a wide range. These are all things that can be made up for through official resources.

However, he must not make mistakes.

Because his mistakes, especially technical ones, are almost impossible for anyone to notice.

Thinking of this, the man heaved a sigh of relief, and then waved for everyone to leave.

Then, sitting alone in the office, he signed a document about the Sui Man.

From this day on, the word "Suiren" officially became part of the strategy.

His importance has been elevated to the same position as an important domestic water conservancy project.

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